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Everything posted by VonVilkee

  1. For those of you that check this all the time, I put in a brawl mission from 2013 Fubar. It features deep striking chosen mysterious objective result objectives (one per player and replaced first blood bonus point, spite the foe control their placed objective).
  2. For those of you that check this all the time, I put in a brawl mission from 2013 Fubar. It features deep striking chosen mysterious objective result objectives (one per player and replaced first blood bonus point, spite the foe control their placed objective).
  3. Listen and watch what the front line gaming guys are doing, their goal is this. Right now they have confirmed 4 events into a circuit and have been putting the legwork for more... The frontline guys are at the nascent stage so if you have any interest i'd build on and support what they are doing.
  4. Truth Jim just cuz Khorne finds Magic cowardly and below him personally does not mean he doesn't value his brothers guile and abilities! Now the price that little popinjay is totally worthless!
  5. Me! I expect Andy will be there as well, I think Sarah is tagging along...
  6. I think I just realized this system's key. It comps efficient, dependable, and flyers. It is a pretty decent indicator of the combination of those three things in a list. While I've decided that 10 as a goal its unrealistic I'm thinking that for a better entry level no more than 16 credits (4/20 after conversion per file) would be much better. Those of you crunching numbers on lists, how do you feel about a much stricter adherence to that? All the way up through 2k? Does it work at 1500 and 1850 then break down or what?
  7. Well Duncan that is a pretty brutal list and while it struggles at 1250 due to scoring etc. When you bump up to 1500-2000 you add in the game winning components without adding much more comp...
  8. That it's a little early I posted the schedule in the tourney section post... I'd love to have you even if four just one round.
  9. White devil has it right for you. Just make sure the Prince isn't a psyker and have at it!
  10. I'm thinking it is more of an issue in how Shae plays. Table you or go home. This is fine as long as people realize it. This is more about figuring out where things sit, our more experienced players visit the site more regularly so will be able to play up better. I'm going to collect copies of all the lists and run them through the comp personally so that I get more than just the number. Then decide to move forward. 1500 pts is awkward I think and 10 credits might be a little shy of the mark but gotta start somewhere it is easier to ratchet up then tear it down...
  11. Ace of base I saw the sign... Only one my iPod is broken... And only syncs that one song. It was okay for like a day. I now no longer use Apple products.
  12. And you are the newbie who proves the rule sir! You learn very quick and well from experience!
  13. My vision is to eventually elevate the garage gamer or the new gamer to competitive level. Problem with this is dropping them in the deep end usually doesn't go well, just ends up tough :(. Thanks a million for your candor and involvement!
  14. Gareth to enhance things for you bring two lists. Just incase some competitive hard stuff shows, I don't want you to feel slighted... (keeps trying to walk a right rope)
  15. Dread knight bits would be the way to go for your described fingered hands... Not positive but pretty sure the knight weapons ate the right side which would be perfect as most dread stuff is the left side for ccws
  16. Noted mostly I tossed out a number to aim for just to see what waves would happen. There are no hard caps just a goal and you are totally right this chimp system while a good first step is only that and the second step is a trip. It is also kinda confusing as it flips the number instead of leaving the credits added up. I only ever plan to include the numbers as an annotation at the end like we had this many armies at these scores show up last month... Data data data... Thank you for your candor and willingness!
  17. They are pretty mean right now... Big thing to remember is that this is about trying to take the nukes outta the game you still have some play room there and I'm not being strict on it I think overall this is gonna be helpful. If everybody is around the same point The exact Math doesn't matter... Haven't done the Math myself on the nids but that would leave room for one more fmc if no other points were hit, or a few less severe options which is about right, not perfect but about right :)
  18. It is the t3 that gets them maybe the gun's protection gets them t4 instead...
  19. Some of his tips are gross but way super effective so be sure to bring an open mind...
  20. Super heavies lost all immunities to psychic powers so yes puppet master is better.
  21. It isn't that i'm implementing comp so much as using this to better explain how things end up running around here. Tournement lists are really too mean for these parts this is showing me that the system is useful as most lists that are regularly run fall into the 10 ish zone if anything this will actually give you that tournement type challenge as you won't be just steam rolling the other lists that usually show up! Victory system! Shae would be delighted to go hard or go home but he plays nids so that is a limiting factor off the get go but either way I look forward to your feedback and if you feel the goals of the event could change go for it, I welcome different perspectives and what we can do to grow the player base around here and just get the tables used regularly at the store. Most of the guys around here make it to one maybe two big things and they are more narrative or event based. They are structured but more event than tourney. The main one is the Ofcc which struggles with comp the other one is/was a tourney da Mommas boyz brawl but it was just a handful of us instead of the double digits that have made the trip to portlandia (yes Portland area) for the ofcc.
  22. You say the word tournement anywhere near a 40ker from my experience and you should be covering your jugular. I found that changing the term to event I was able to change the perspective a bit, not noticible to most warhamsters but it has made it easier to describe to others. Would you agree white? Event instead of tourney just seems to carry a different swagger that gets people to drop their guard a bit and play more for fun than winning. Also I really appreciate the debate!
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