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Everything posted by VonVilkee

  1. I use the word list like all the time but my phone seems to prefer to put in lust... I must lust after my lists...
  2. Yeah Zimm I've heard of lists being rejected however we hamsters have yet to have a single list rejected! I take pride in that :)
  3. Straight up rerolls at half range is baller! Lose access to shield eternal tho. I've been running it with my drop pod marines and it has brought my killyness more in line with other forces.
  4. Two years ago doesn't really count that was the weird year for comp, it wasn't a how good is it, it was how common is it. Made for really difficult matching.How did last year go? As that is the current learning curve in my opinion it went well so they are expanding allowances. Personally I'm a fan of giving someone enough rope to hang themselves and seeing who gets to come back the year after! I still get more better games at this event than I do at any other.
  5. While you outline your list I've seen that it is often the other lists on your team that get you put in the upper brackets. I've ensured that not only I bring a list like what I want to play against but my whole team does. If three of you have guns and one has a knife, guess what the knife guy just did? Yep he brought a knife to a gun fight. I don't mean to dismiss your concerns just looking at the coin in all the ways possible. Also Lord I assume you were the captain, so I didn't mention how if you are the local savant no matter The list you brought your captain will prolly give you the hardest match up of the round pairing.
  6. Submit and trust is my plan. The Ordo Senate and others involved have earned that from me :)
  7. I sadly am out of town leaving Thursday night :(
  8. Those are my thoughts after hosting few of these at lower points jumping back up to 1850 felt clunky...
  9. Hey guys, Looking through the mercs list I saw Mr biglesworth is looking for a team. Josh N would be a solid addition, I had him on my team in '12. I PM'd him to let him know I was tossing his name here. I'd highly recommend him to fill out a team.
  10. On that note be prepared for a challenge from my team sir! I hear you have the Kirkman brothers and I haven't been able to play them myself in years! That and I'm sick of challenging those east Washington degenerates :P
  11. Tenure lets you get away with that right?!
  12. Thanks for the review. Would you be more or less likely to return at 1500 points? I'm contemplating dropping back down after the game length changes this time around...
  13. Beer? You gotta step up to objective shots sir!
  14. Almost missed this would be tomorrow the 22nd. Heads up with a bump.
  15. Great times were had. Little stressful for the TO but not to bad. The island guys had a blast and plan to be back, couple of great guys they are for one of them it was his first taste of a full day of gaming. The other I've played at TSHFT before, is it sad when your army is more recognizable than you are :). All in all a great day and keeps me happy I'm doing this.
  16. Apparently all it means is that DMB is awesome :P
  17. Dunno but I can't pm Peter c as he has too many pms right now to find out or even confirm them coming. Shrugs whatevs
  18. Who knows how much or how little garbage the San Juan island guys will bring... If they even show.
  19. Double penetraitors have been reformed yet again... 40k I'll captain Duncan KP the real one! Mike Greggory George Blackmore Alternate:Loren Tinsley
  20. That is why I mentioned it. Personally I'd love to play it but in OFCC it would frustrate me as a captain. Best match up on my team might complain, this guy doesn't have enough anti tank to make it a game, this guy has to easy to deploy melta... I've already thrown this guy under the awkward list bus etc.
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