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Everything posted by VonVilkee

  1. Can't believe I didn't post this here yet. Silly me! I like the idea of the caps the most as some one who has to store their painting stuff away allot. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/554355176/games-and-gears-ichiban-studios-pro-line-brush?ref=banner
  2. I just want to have an unbound army of all my dreads! Going against a battleforged list would be rough but allot of the army wiping firepower of unbound lists might have a hard time moving 12 ish dreads with nine ish pods!
  3. Okay maybe just walkers get to deny... :) I can dream right!
  4. I teach allot of kids or limited funds people that like to Team up... This prevents me from having to explain that we will play but their army isn't legal by the rules. I can now just say perfect you are an unbound army and move on. I've skipped that convo before and it can lead to problems when they keep buying stuff before I get a chance to clue them in.
  5. Nope this weekend is posted at 1850. I'm thinking future events with the new rules... Although based on the turn out I'd like it if you had both a 1500 and 1850. If you even show... With the new edition and stuff I'm not very hopeful.
  6. I was thinking 1250 for just those reasons TW
  7. I'm hoping vehicles can go back to contesting!
  8. I'm thinking unbound will be kinda nice teaching people, they can just slap down whatever they happen to own and then I can either use battleforged (showing how important missions can be), or use whatever I want and just push soldiers around.
  9. This will prolly be the last sixth ed event... I'll be cutting points down as a result the impending next big rule book... Thoughts on what you guys would like to start with? 1250, 1500 or gasp 1000?
  10. If vehicles can contest again all of a sudden battle forged really matters! Kinda all depends... Oh man hadn't considered all dreads again... Brayarth ashmantle 9 pods and as many dreads as I can field! I was mostly thinking 4 greater daemons plus heralds for units in a demon army!
  11. Looks like battle forged all troops pick up objective secured... My drop pod list gets a huge power up from that...
  12. Also even tho it is just up in Vancouver we can't cross the border and pick it up in person. I asked as I'm in deep on this one. Never really liked the GW greater daemons so now I'll have a set to use.
  13. Oh I know it... So excited I backed the kickstarter, and will have lots of them :)
  14. I dunno he commented over on the face book but I can't comment as the webmasters over there easily nor can I even really see it. I'm realy hating that "tool" right now...
  15. A Justin Timothy asked for help learning the ropes of Warhammer fantasy over on the Facebook. Somebody want to go help him out? Btw I hate that Facebook thing I can't figure out how to manage it from my phone and I don't sit down at computers on my time off... Either way I'm not qualified to help out with fantasy.
  16. But now I'm even happier that I'm kickstarting creature caster! Yay more daemon uses. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jeremyglen/creature-caster-first-wave
  17. I'll show up with my night goblins and ring for you. Not really interested in playing but I know how handy it can be to have an odd man out. I'll also call time and such judging is beyond me as I don't care to follow the game closely enough.
  18. I can bring a table setup! Terrain tables and a snazzy frontline/table war gaming mat. Calendar looks clear, will need to use my truck for space to bring all the terrain and such!
  19. But no through Seattle traffic!
  20. This has been around a long time... Haven't brought it up because of the shame :(
  21. Possibly most, but most of those that play more regularly are marginally optimistic. Me I'm straight up optimistic!
  22. For OFCC this is good advice, forge the narrative and be less efficient. If the guard were more catachan jungle fightery less heavy tanks and no artillery, I would have loved the White scars guy. But he has lascannons, heavy tanks, and artillery so I just see a guy making that blob stupid efficient, bunch up the enemy with an assault hit and run out, hit with templates, rinse repeat...
  23. Do you really need hit and run? With so few Marines I'd like to see salamander tactics. They actually care about the citizenry and master crafting is kinda cool without making that blob of yours too perfect.
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