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Everything posted by VonVilkee

  1. Awesome thanks for the heads up guys I'll prolly take them all so I can field up to 20 possessed! With them as troops I feel like I can get away with being kinda dumb... Also bio mancy on them is kinda cool makes the unit even wackier and a possessed sorcerer with it was surprisingly awesome!
  2. I'm the husband of a 7th grade teacher, I therefore am cursedwatching all these type of movies. This time I really enjoyed it but that isn't always the case... I'm looking at you twilight! I want my hours back
  3. It is 2" for supporting attacks which are the same as regular attacks in all ways except being in BtB (base to base). Don I would love to play a teaching game with you and your son. Pick a Saturday or Sunday and I can come over to your place for the day, alternatively third Saturday of a month we can play while the other guys do the event. On the army builder note it might be the older version of the nids, pretty sure they had to upgrade like that... Doesn't matter to much. Monsterous creatures are much different now, and carnifex are slightly more fragile. Thing to do is brood them up and spread the wounds around by placement, closest model takes the wounds till dead... No further commentary at this time.
  4. Hey guys I'll be in the market for possessed bits. Not the wings or anything good just lots of possessed pieces, the crimson slaughter can take them as troops and I have really been digging a larger squad of them than I have right now...
  5. Blood angels only get them as dedicated transports, all versions. Duncan's reply is in response to the proposed move to heavy support. Storm ravens are heavy for him...
  6. I think, I can swing by. I'm heading to Spokane Wednesday for a bit might have to drop it off later...
  7. I dibs brownies every time I can, quicker you pull the trigger the better :)
  8. I'd sign on and bring scratch made brownies!
  9. I have codex Armageddon, which was where they emerged...I also think I have the codex, have to double check, totally yours for a bit as long as I do have them.
  10. Went to see divergent with the wife and her friend... This movie deserves a 10/10 from me, great action, intriguing character growth, mysterious dystopian future, and finally strong female lead. Based on the first book in a series aimed at middle schoolers it really has positive messages through out delivered in a gritty school of hard knocks way. Extremely well done. I can't wait for the rest of the series! Set in a future where you are put in a clan based on how you think, you either think inside that box and are controllable, or you think outside the box and are divergent. Divergence is dangerous and not good for society. With a name like divergent you can guess where this is going... The kids have to pick their house/clan/whatever at a middling teen age, if they leave the house of their parents there is no going back so their is strong emotional ties to the decision.
  11. Look at the symbol those are medical supplies, so awesome! Humans needs lots of stuff when hurt to stay in the fight.
  12. Game is so awesome! Totally screwed it up trying to learn but so awesome
  13. Fast vehicle out of reserves to send some boys at a lightly held objective is super handy... I've used 'ard boyz in a truck that way in my ork army and been very happy...
  14. Oh I know Bob! My parents house is just off of Sprague and evergreen. Pines is a well known street from my childhood... I was actually tempted to see what I could do about the tourney they are running in May...
  15. I'm going to miss this week again. I really want to give myth a try but need to be focused before trying to either demo or play with others. Next week I'm gone on vacation back to Spokane so enjoy the table top Games day for me gentlemen!
  16. I'm not backing it but I totally want it at retail from my local store! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1700755582/mercs-recon I might change my mind for the myth stuff...I just got the myth game and I'm really impressed with the polish reading through, can't wait to actually play it...
  17. This game is looking really cool but the rules are kinda dense. Both Sarah and I are excited and working through the rules... So excited!
  18. That is true, and last year I called the couch in your basement! That still possible? Or do I have to find accommodations?
  19. I've been very impressed, the quality of the sentinels was part of the reason I went ahead and got the crimson slaughter one.
  20. I have the crimson slaughter one, this is a very new one. If you still need it let me know and it is yours. You have far too much karma built up so I'll just give it to you.
  21. 505 grand is the address, of the building the c street thing is the backside and where we can park
  22. Gorgon's chain is awesome for friendlies, murder on anything with a time frame. Just be aware that you have to roll your saves one at a time and apply any changes immediately which could impact your remaining saves cool mechanic but time consuming.
  23. There is a copy of this game on the shelf at Dark Tower... At least there was
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