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Everything posted by Burk

  1. Non-stop - 7/10 great movie for the type. good suspense/nailbiter movie. twist ending wasn't my favorite, but was still good.
  2. I have a Norse Bloodbowl team that I would lease you the name: Just imagine the side of your Baneblade proudly displaying: FARGAN ICEHOLES
  3. Fighting with Valhallan and wolves....so go with a cold theme. Chill wind Righteous Blizzard Cold Heart Frigidaire ( , kidding) Frigid Frost Giant something cold, chilly, unforgiving, dreadful....Dreadful certainty.
  4. I suggest english is your second language. I am in.
  5. The guy stole for himself. probably someone who games at the store. That hoodie is pretty distinct. I agree with Ando, I would have been judicious with those pics as the dude probably would have come in with the hoodie again.
  6. LOL. I might be the only one who gets this
  7. good. thanks, I thought you could... lots of holes to run towards that are not easily covered
  8. ok, I get it. But then you have several blind spots that you could be shot from and have no shots back. I cant remember if the FAQ said you had to be completely in the deployment zone or not....if you have to be (which I am thinking you dont) then you cant do that set up.
  9. Burk


    its odd they cannot easily ally with chaos SM's. from a fluff standpoint the Mechanicum was split, so many titan/knight legions went to the bad side.
  10. you still have to move up an equivalent of 2 forward each turn after you start the "stop" fest as the 2nd one in line jumps the first, etc as if you take a red maneuver when you have a stress, you OP gets to choose your maneuver. Evil_Bryan came up with an idea that we doved the "wagon train" 4 Lambda's with APL. just start circling them in the center of the board and they one behind covers the back of the one in front, etc. could be fun to try, and it is alot of HP to get through......
  11. you can get boost on the Lambda. It is a modification. Engine upgrade. 4 points. I have seen EH in action and I think it is better on small ships that can really utilize it. It is hard enough to land a barrel roll normally at range 1, but the big ship....not seeing it.
  12. i dont disagree he is good, My issue is that talk that him with the card combo you list is too powerful. I dont see that is being a good addition. I dont think you could add anything to him that would stop a determined player from killing him in 2-3 rounds of concentration. I find the best adds for him is swarm tactics and maybe the MF upgrade, so a solid 49 points. But even that is getting into the "is it worth that many points" for me.
  13. I guess we just disagree. It is no better at killing ships than any other out there (sans ties and a-wings). I dont disagree it is a good ship, but I dont see how adding a stress inducing action and a 1 use item makes it better (and to get the evade, you need to add another point, so now you are at 53.....thats alot of points.. I just played one and it was ignored completely unless there was nothing else to shoot at. Falcons are good, but the more points you add to it, the diminishing returns IMHO. We will have to settle this on the field.
  14. sadly I say Monuments men also. I at best give it a 4/10. Not even close to the history.
  15. Han moves last so block him. Take away his ability to barrel roll by forcing bumps. Honestly, I think any lists i play would have no problem, but not because of the list, instead due to taking away the rolling. bump, bump, bump. then he gets no action, no barrel roll. yes he can go 3-4 forward to avoid, but that is great, as then he is probably in my arc anyway as the arc gets really wide at range 3 and he is away from you so rolling becomes in-effective. I would also try to force the engagement in the area with the highest concentration of asteroids (yes asteroid placement is a vital portion of the game. Dont just throw them out there, make it dicey in an area if you are more maneuverable). By forcing the asteroids into the picture the ability to roll is further reduced as remember you cannot roll/boost if the final location would bump another ship or land on an asteroid. Dont get me wrong, it is a nice set of abilities, but if you feel you cannot kill him in 2-3 turns of concentrated shooting, then ignore him and kill everything else, then when you start "crossing your ships" you can cover multiple fire arcs so the thing cant get away from at least 1-2 shots per turn. with 1 evade dice (and him using his action to roll), i will be getting hits with each shot.
  16. Burk

    Blood Bowl II

    how about all the Star players and fixing the AI. AI is horribel on that. not even a challenge.
  17. kinda of late, but I notice this not on the DA calender.
  18. odd. I'm the opposite. I find a falcon to be an easy kill. If it is well piloted you kill everything else then focus on it by itself. I find the elite rebel lists to be more of a problem...or Ywings. I despise those things. Well not just ywings, but anything with an Ion Turret. Makes me want to puke. My nightmare is multiple ion lists as they stop me from taking stress on my interceptors. Faced one the other day. Got hammered.
  19. chewie being 1 use only and the expert handling really only helps if you are facing ships that need target locks. I dont see the EH being that great considering the base size, it would be very difficult to roll and still not land on asteroids or other ships (assuming you are in close with him, as most do around here). Get in close, hammer him for a 2-3 turns till dead, then move on. I dont know, I just dont see 4 shots a turn being worth 52 points when I know I can kill him in 3 turns of concentrated shooting. meh, each his own I guess. You are right that interceptors lose some strength vs hes 360, but I personally see wedge and a rookie as being worth the 52 points more than that. :) almost as durable 10 HP vs 15 (with chewie) (but 2 AG vs 1), but putting out double the firepower at range 1 8 AD vs 4AD. Ill take that anyday.
  20. The meta in your area must be much different then ours. We play falcons, but they are not overpowered at all. However our area doesnt take many missiles, we just concentrate fire. With the falcon, you have two options. Kill it first, or kill everything else first. either works, and takes a few rounds to complete with concentrated fire, but honestly, the falcon in strong, but I would much rather face a falcon then the 2 ships it would replace.
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