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Everything posted by dkieft

  1. This looks like a schedule... and I copied it from the website.... *Deleted to avoid confusion!*
  2. It'll look better if you add 10 diagonal slotted bases... Just sayin.
  3. Yeah, my first wants as good as I could have hoped either... I was not overpowered though, I was rated high and underpowered (plus not playing so hot... and the dice were sucking too). My first day sucked, my second day was much more fun. I got into it with the wrong attitude and it stayed with me that first day... but I have been to almost every OFCC since and have had a blast every time.
  4. Jim are you getting one of those Micro's? It seems pretty tempting to me. This 3D "printing" pen seems like it could be awesome: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lix3d/lix-the-smallest-3d-printing-pen-in-the-world
  5. This sounds like madness to me! How about an ebays search? http://www.ebay.com/bhp/model-wagon-wheels That has all sorts... the 10 inchers may be a bit large for your project Also, any decent Hobby Shop that carries models and model railroading stuff should have them in stock or be able to order them for you.
  6. Ding ding ding! We have a winner!!!! I think you are sorta right on the "self balancing" thing. The thing is, most books have reasonable counters to every tactic. Most books have a LOT of options... ... but then some don't... Now I don't think we are attempting to dumb it all down to "allow" these books but the fact is if a guy wants to play the Tomb Kings (other then the like 1.5 builds that work), this is his event! By saying "Please don't spam all your armies best stuff" we are saying "Lets let everyone play with what they want". assuming you don't "want" 7 cannons.
  7. I got no clue! But, I think the only non-8th books left are Bretonians, Beastmen and Skaven.... I think that is it... Man... it feels so weird not to list Wood elves there....
  8. Ahh yeah, the slow realization that you signed the wrong bit of paper... Welcome to the club sir, welcome to the club.
  9. Funny story, I did not refer to the OFCC Open as anything... in fact I could not recall what it was called when I posted. No, I simply said there were other options this year. Wasn't really implying anything about what the options were (heck, 40k is an option this year too). No. 2 You are right that "list != sports"... but you are wrong to thing that unrestricted list = fun game. The fact of the matter is, if you are the sportiest mo-fo in the world with a dead hard list, and you come up against the second most sportiest mo-fo in the world who has a soft list... the game is going to be [big bad swear word]. It may still be fun BSing and such, but playing a 2 hour game when you lost before deployment sucks. and for the guy on the winning side? ... well it still sucks... Warhammer is about bloody fights the swing both ways, back and forth... it is not a fun game for either player when one side gets mauled. While the comp system is not perfect, it's goal is to avoid those "Rock breaks scissor" games that are really no fun for anyone. And if you don't like it go play in that WAAC OFCC Open event. :P
  10. No... what? I had no clue!!! I have never even played a game before!!!! Gosh enlighten me more could you? Seriously, of course people can still break stuff. The comp is part of a system aimed at blunting the nastiest stuff (and sometimes the weakest armies too)... it is a single piece of a puzzle... and no the puzzle is not perfect, so don't add those words to my mouth either.
  11. I am pretty sure he is referring to the "no more than X of Y" and other restrictions listed near the same area. We have this discussion every year, that fact of the matter is that OFCC is designed to be a event that focus' on fun of the game (for everyone) over other aspects (such as the "Hulk Smash" type army build). History has shown that if left with wide open army books many players cannot be trusted to keep the power level down to where other players can "Bring what they want" (as in being able to bring lesser powered selections and still have a fighting chance). Now before anyone pipes in with a "But I want to smash my opponents army so hard that he doesn't have a chance to win... that is what is fun to me" let me just say that if that is what you "like" about warhammer then this is not your event (well, not the main OFCC event, there should be other options this year I hear). Anyway, over the years this has been the course that OFCC has chosen. Long time attendee's either like it or accept it. If you want a hand in shaping the OFCC rules and restrictions, then get involved! Join the planning team, be a list rater. While OFCC may only last a few days I can guarantee you that the planning for next year starts the the Monday after. Participation is the key to helping shape it.
  12. As Sav said, looking like Cav bases. As to the weapons, I'd suspect those are those rumored +1S whacha-ma-jiggies... but that is just a rumor crazed guess.
  13. I would love to be there earlier, but I have a midterm at 1 PM... as soon as I am done with that I'll be gathering up the boys and headed out. Google claims the drive is about 5.5 hours, but traffic will probably slow us down quite a bit.
  14. The pic listed above from the WD says they can... it's hard to read, but it is there.
  15. And Marcalla and I will be there. Maybe bringing others.
  16. So with all Nathan's fuss over the Magnificent armour, I thought I would have a re-look at it. Actually that armor is a tad bit better than it appears at first glace. While Mr. Ninja is correct that it is some what situational, unlike most magical 2+ save items it does not stipulate "may not be improved". This of course means that it can be taken to a 1+ save with the addition of a shield or shieldbearers! (can't go to 0+ anymore ). So, to sum up, with the bonus to save, you have 2+ roll against up to S4, and 3+ vs S5, while the 3+ ward kicks in at S6. That is fairly impressive actually, and while it is not the best protection you can get, it will see you through most situations (especially with the 5 wounds from Shield bearers). (It will get a bit worse with S4 Armor piercing however) Anyway, I say good find Nathan, Dwarf Lords on a budget everywhere will be thanking you!
  17. I believe Marcalla is planning on joining us. Is Jim not playing this year? the list appears to lack any Jim! Also Ray was just talking to me about it... need to get that kid paid up!
  18. Oh I do not need actual rules to lay down the "W4Rh4MM3R 1S RU1N3d!!!1!!!111!!!!". However, I do like making you wait, so I'll hold off for now.
  19. Um Jim... those aren't just trains... those are Trains with Tank Treads!!!
  20. Here are a few more I came across today: Steampunk Titans? Yes please! (I am not sure on the game, but the models and concept are sound) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/greenbriergames/heavy-steam?ref=category Fantasy Coins? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fantasycoinhq/fantasy-coins-for-board-games-rpgs-larp-or-any-occ?ref=category Zpocolypse ported to PC https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/greenbriergames/zpocalypse-survival-post-nuclear-zombie-apocalypse?ref=category Multilayer Strategy (with Space marines) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/947226117/the-red-solstice?ref=category
  21. Evan would totally be invited to my team if we weren't already full. In fact my team started a few years back as people without team!
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