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Everything posted by dkieft

  1. Why yes, yes I have. (Sorry, hadn't dropped into this forum got a bit)
  2. I have only played one game of this, and it took me half a turn to realize that my Ion cannon turret basically just ruined the other guys day. I am sure the advent of more ship types has helped the situation, but the game was just far too easy once you got your stun on.
  3. I just noticed this on the GW site... $10 per month was not enough so they have gone weekly for $4 per... http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440004a&prodId=prod2380062a
  4. I am not a fan. The Price is right though, if you need a "cheap" army it's probably the way to go.
  5. Probably more often you get the person who meant to order one, but accidentally got all six... *Shakes fist in the air* BUT I ONLY CLICKED ONE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I was thinking that was like Special Character Unique... guess I'll need to read again. As far as the bomber goes the price isn't that bad, but remove half the plastic to make it a Gyro and it seems a bit much (not surprising, just a bit much).
  7. Books, Gyro's and two more characters are up on pre-order! Buy a squad of 3 Gyro's for merely $135! and don't forget to get your "one click collection" that claims to have 2 Bombers and 4 Gyros (yet shows a pic of 6 bombers (which is unique according to the WD article)) for only $270!
  8. Yeah yeah, been there, done that beat it, like 5 times... Love the game. I wasn't really thinking 40k, but I see what you mean. Be pretty cool to make a mod that turns you into marines and the aliens into nids or orks.
  9. Scrolls of binding are how you take monsters in storms of magic.
  10. my first thoughts on the Gyro's is that they look way too much like War Machine models. The Bomber grew on me a bit, but The little one is too stubby.
  11. Did I say "Nobody and their brother plays them"? No? Well then sit back down mister! I play them, my brother plays them. (okay admittedly I have been building them since the late 90's and only play them occasionally...) But seriously, its hard to make a game event and not face chaos last I looked.
  12. I think Games start at 4 PM. Your. The boys make it family friendly as needed so you should be good there. The Difference between the two is Evil vs Good! :P Seriously though, both armies are fairly similar. Dark Elves are a but more monstery while High Elves have more... other things... They both have roughly equivalent options.
  13. Thats funny, I thought of them but didn't mention them because everyone and their brother plays chaos. Daemons would be another option as well.
  14. Well Dwarfs aren't quite out yet, but High magic they are not. Vampires have the magic, but really need lots of basic troops (some one might be able to point you to a good low model build but I am not familiar with any). If you want Low Model/High Magic Elves might do the trick (High or Dark) (High is easy to get into as the big box has them, but evil they are not).
  15. Were both coats mixed/shaken about the same? I have not gotten any of the new paints so I have no real answers... just more questions.
  16. It doesn't diminish the enjoyment of the new book, but it does diminish the value of those new models until the book comes out.
  17. At an uneducated guess, Rangers will be rare, and rangers are made from the Quarrelers by adding great weapons (well, one way to make them) A wise man once said: It really seems to me that the spread can only hurt the customer. Sure the new dwarfs are neat, but until the book drops you have no clue if they are worth fielding or not. I am not saying that GW meant to be evil, but people buying early are taking a crap shoot with GW's record. Myself, being the type of guy who doesn't need my new toys ready to play the moment the book comes out wont even be buying models until I have studied up. Even if I was in some hurry I'd make any purchases minimal until seeing actual rules. Now if they reversed it, put the book out, waited a couple weeks for the models to drop... I think they would do a ton better as people itch for the new toys that they have the rules for.
  18. Or maybe an excellent marketing decision if the troops are completely terrible... no one will buy them after seeing the rules!
  19. So are they releasing in order of lameness? Oh some new troops and characters on the first wave, second cooler models and thrid, the stuff that people will actually head out and buy?
  20. So, Pre-orders are up... We have Hammerers/LongBeards, the two characters... and nothing else?
  21. 4 Works better for me... not saying I'll make it, but if I did I'd have a long drive home.
  22. That's pretty cool. The Realms expansion allowed for 6 players (and had some really cool scenarios) but it removed the fast setup aspect of the game which to me was a real downside.
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