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Everything posted by Yarbicus

  1. I have always wanted to build a Iyanden army and, since I am also painting up an Imperial Fists army, this seemed like a good time to use up all of my yellow paint. I basically have 1 of the old and 2 of the new Start Collecting boxes as the basis. I realize that not taking Troops really hampers my access to Command Points but so be it: Vanguard Detachment Autarch Skyrunner 3 Windriders Bonesinger 2 Units of Wrath Guard Spearhead Detachment 1 Warlock Fire Prism Wraithlord War Walker Spearhead Detachment 2 Warlock Wraithlord War Walker Vaul's Wrath Battery That puts me at about 1500 points. I do have unit of Guardians that I could add if I need to bump points a bit. Suggestions for other additions?
  2. I don't see rivaling Avatar as that much of an achievement unless you are talking about visuals. Even then...meh.
  3. And you are filling in way more blanks than the show does.
  4. Bright 5/10 I wanted Lord of the Ring meets Training Day but what I got was Warcraft (the movie) meets Chips (the movie). Alien Nation has similar themes but is so much better.
  5. I agree 97% (I love Jeremy Renner). H8 was the movie where Tarantino officially disappeared up his own backside.
  6. As always, your work is amazing. We need to get a game in soon.
  7. Ate they worth the points? What best to put in them?
  8. Agree 💯%. They even took some interesting chances that paid off. Loved it.
  9. Yes, Grimrock 2 is available at least for PC.
  10. Man, this one brings back the memories! It feels like playing Eye of the Beholder with better graphics. Just a great classic dungeon crawl.
  11. I just started Altered Chrome but am really struggling to get into it. Does the writing get clearer? So far, the "gritty noir" elements feel forced.
  12. If enough of you are going to the show I might just haul my ass off the couch for it.
  13. Yeah, GW is about doing their stores on the cheap for some reason. No more shopping malls since they are too expensive. They also tend to have exactly one full time employee. I am old school retail so that makes no sense to me at all.
  14. I guess that explains why I can't find any special rules! Thanks.
  15. Hey, quit hijacking my thread!! How do flyers work as transports? Specifically, what are the rules for "landing" and disembarking?
  16. I have probably played more games of Ogre than any other game. I bought the original Micro Game and played it solo when I couldn't find an opponent.
  17. Pretty much my answer to everything.
  18. Yeah, not really ready to commit to a Forge World model.
  19. Good info. I do have a Storm Raven and have been looking for an excuse to take it.
  20. I only have a few games of 8th under my belt and haven't faced any flyers yet. Most of my 40k experience was 3-6 editions so scary flyers were extremely rare. I play Space Marines so what I should I be concerned about? What are my options for dealing with them? Which ones should I consider for my own lists?
  21. 5 minutes? Your kids are slackers.
  22. Yarbicus


    Don't forget that copyrighted material MUST be protected by the owner or they could lose the copyright. US law actually takes this into account. If they pursue protection against one party but not another, the court could conclude that the material is no longer copyrighted. This is a big issue in the guitar world right now.
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