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Everything posted by Norrad

  1. Warp fire throwers, rattling guns, jazzails (not really weapon teams). I do have a metal, unassembled doom wheel and metal Storm vermin.
  2. I have those to trade. What specifically are you looking for?
  3. I would like to but all my devotion will be put towards Age of Sigmar, the Generals Compendium and a summer escalation league!
  4. For the past few months I have been working on a combined force of Skaven pestilence with Nurgle Daemons and Warriors. All of the cool goodies are present such as Glotkin, 2 of the three Maggoth Lords, Vermin lord, Plague Furnaces, etc. it's a great themed list.
  5. We really need to get back to our regular weekly game nights!
  6. I'm interested in the 4ground buildings. Which styles do you have?
  7. Which team did you go with?
  8. Hunters are the new season 2 team and are really pretty cool. They can do a lot of board control and can throw out some neat affects, and damage. Great team with not a lot of people playing them yet!
  9. Do you have any Dark Elf executioners (big 2-handed axes)? If so, how many, what condition (painted-primed) and how much? Thanks.
  10. The Glotkin is a great general and center piece. He's pretty tough and has some really good abilities. I find that I also really like the drones. They seem to survive pretty well.
  11. check out PDX Guild Ball on Facebook
  12. I'm using Dragon Rampant for LOTR battles!
  13. Yes, very friendly. We are playing every other Friday evenings. Next game night is on the17th.
  14. Another great night of Guild Ball at Rainy Day Games. I lost 4 to 12 to the Mason's but had a blast losing!
  15. Digging up what I have now. I should have a complete team, plus some of the loonies and an extra blister or two.
  16. Do you guys get together at any other time say during the week for historical gaming? Other than the once a month affair.
  17. What's everyone bringing for this event?
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