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Everything posted by Exile

  1. They're issuing refunds. Something which I hold no grudge for. Prices were of the 'too good to be true' variety.
  2. Huh. I ordered about 100 bucks of stuff for me and the wife. Order processed, took our money and everything. This will be interesting.
  3. Pete's Noob-Finity list! PanOceania ────────────────────────────────────────────────── Group 1 6 0 0 AKAL COMMANDO Spitfire / Pistol, E/M CCW. (1.5 | 28) AKAL COMMANDO Combi Rifle / Pistol, E/M CCW. (22) FUSILIER Hacker (Hacking Device) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 18) FUSILIER Paramedic (MediKit) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (12) FUSILIER Lieutenant Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (10) FUSILIER Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (10) 2 SWC | 100 Points Open with Army 5
  4. Exile

    Sunday Game??

    Oh! Make it 200 pts. Haven't got everything assembled yet.
  5. Exile

    Sunday Game??

    Challenge accepted! https://youtu.be/_J6-3l3hCm0
  6. Heavy Infantry like the Brigada, or my PanO Orc Troops, are vulnerable to being shut down/disabled, wounded, or even taken over by enemy hackers. The Hacking chapter of the rulebook is somewhat dense, but of critical import.
  7. Yep, I'll be back on a Monday night redeye. Should be free for a game later in the week, if you're interested.
  8. Truth. I still hate air travel though.
  9. *grumble grumble* in-laws.... *grumble grumble*
  10. Argh, if I wasn't visiting the in-laws in Colorado!
  11. You mistake my enthusiasm for experience. You have played 2 more games than I have, lol!
  12. Feeling a bit left out here... My new glorious PanO's would love to face your Nomad scum!
  13. I discovered an analogy that clicked F2F rolls for me - The Price Is Right. Highest without going over wins.
  14. Bumping this after OFCC -- Let's get some visibility back, and KEEP PLAYING WARHAMMER!
  15. Evan, I will bring our backup battery kit. Fully charged it for the honeymoon, never needed it.
  16. I'm in. Tuesdays and Thursdays are rough for me, but I can make most any other days work for now.
  17. Woe! Woe betide those who..... aw forget it. I'll be there!
  18. I will play in escalation! Time to give my rats some attention.
  19. Gentlemen, With all this talk of AoS, and the prematurity of the demise of 8th edition, I would like to take, in effect, a survey. I truly enjoyed 8th edition, far more than my experience with previous editions, but, alas, it was never perfect. No system ever is, for that matter. On that note, I am curious as to what each of you feel is were some of the drawbacks, rules shortcomings, specific balance issues, etc, present in 8th edition WFB. In conversation, some friends and I have already come up with a couple points of contention: 6-dice-monkey magic Cannon sniping Steadfast Unstable Give me your top 3!
  20. "National Championships"* *decided not by the players playing the game
  21. Nate, still got those chaos characters? I might be interested after I get back.
  22. If you would like to peruse some in person, Roy at Dice Age Games carries a fair bit of convertin' bitz, from maxmini, kromlech and others. My Silver Helms have alt shields, thanks to his selection.
  23. To be fair, 3 of those charges were in the 8-9 range. Not exactly the best spot on the bell curve.
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