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Everything posted by Justjokin

  1. Also, hey @andozane! Looking through @Blustorm's old pics and saw 2 pictures together that caught Noah, you, and I! Thanks, Blustorm! This was Sixth, I think, if so it made me feel 😞 . I swear I'm not hijacking! 🙂
  2. Something started to go wrong somewhere right around here: 🙂 For real though, this wasn't even my worst loss of OFCC 2013. That was to a Khorn player with 6 models, a book, and some weird tokens I didn't know anything about. A great day all in all, I earned my "OFCC Experience" achievement by wining 2, losing 2, and tying 1. Game 5 was against another Tau player. Can't remember your name, but 'what up, yo!'. GG to all!
  3. I'd pay twice that, at least! 🙂
  4. Take me back to 5th! I want True Grit for my Custom Space Marine Chapter. Also, no psychic phase. Edit: Shoot, was that 4th?
  5. Pahs, Rolands, Leo 1's, and Marder 2s.
  6. I'd say stopping by and saying 'Hi' is pretty special in itself. Maybe just watch the post for your selected game night and make sure others will be there. Sometimes just saying you'd like to stop by may be enough to spur some others to commit to showing up!
  7. My first OFCC (Edit: Spectator!) experience as captured on a potato: https://1drv.ms/v/s!AvN6jYaB7w8fhqxLxRS3dbNQqf3PKw (Just a video of the game hall could this really be 2011?)
  8. This is me every night falling asleep to my audio books. I go back until it's memorable enough and go with it! Funny how often I realize I remember the passage, but now think of it differently. It's why I never hesitate to reread a book that I previously enjoyed, or at least found interesting. You might just now be getting to the thing the author really wanted you to think about.
  9. READ THIS!!! ^^^^^ Although even as a claustrophobe, I would have really missed out if I avoided books with caves, submarines, or hypersleep chambers... I'd love to hear how you feel about the book now. WOW, is where I'm still at! That second book though... "We're going on an Adven-ture...." This isn't sci-fi horror any more than the Leviathan Wakes (first Expanse book) was, but oh my, did that creep me out!
  10. So obviously no one has read anything since 2021... right? Ask me about 'em if you're interested!
  11. Thanks for the details on the mechanics, @ZEKE!
  12. This evening's little visitor...
  13. Thanks, @Brother Glacius! Seems right. All of a sudden, those M113 Milan teams are looking better for the 'Maximum Milan' build.
  14. Still shows broken for me. This is the URL: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZoabtHWIAAKzQs?format=png&name=small Which actually loads in a separate browser tab. Let's see what this does: "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZoabtHWIAAKzQs.png" https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZoabtHWIAAKzQs.png <img style="display: block;-webkit-user-select: none;margin: auto;background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 90%);transition: background-color 300ms;" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZoabtHWIAAKzQs.png"> <img style="display: block;-webkit-user-select: none;margin: auto;background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 90%);transition: background-color 300ms;" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZoabtHWIAAKzQs.png"> OK, looks like none of that worked for me...
  15. For West Germans, and then I'm sure applying to other forces... When my unit has 3 Marders and 2 Milan teams, and my Marders have the Milan optional mount, how many Milans can my 3 Marders fire when the 2 milan teams are embarked? (2, right?) After the infantry dismount, the Marders can no longer fire Milan's? (Right?)
  16. Hmm, somewhere between when Bluestorm saw it and I saw it... it broke. I feel like this happened to me a couple days ago with my tiger lily pics. Let me know if you want to compare notes. ... Ok, fine Ando, can you tell I miss working/troubleshooting with you!? EDIT: For the good of the Order!
  17. Some technical issue broke my previous image. I was trying to figure it out. Anyways... more Tiger Lillys!
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