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Everything posted by Justjokin

  1. Thingiverse. 1-100 Tanks: Here's the link to the individual files: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4718232/files
  2. Night Time Active Volcano Drone Flight...
  3. All 3d printing is going to take tinker time. I spent the same time with filament printers as I do with resin. I just get higher quantity of higher quality with resin. Both have their frustrations and logistics. Dialing it in is so satisfying and productive, either way. A good day with an FDM printer. The mech turned out great! (Older Monoprice Ultimaker iiiP) Trying so hard with FDM for clean 1/100 Abrams... not great. Never what I was really hoping for... Then it was Resin T-55AMs all day!! (Elegoo Mars2 Pro, here) Add T-72s and Leopards... Resin printing is where I will focus my 3d printing energy until something else comes along... I'm rooting for you to go for the Saturn, but man is Jupiter sweet!
  4. •Posted by u/newcoders Tabletopy - bring some ambience to your DnD campaigns, but also to your studying or working sessions. tabletopy.com/
  5. I finally have one! Also, I may have been the 2nd panel just a few months ago...
  6. Not quite a success, I scaled 2 of the walls wrong and broke another figuring that out, but... I drew it, cut it, and assembled it in about 2 hours. So that's kind of cool. Back to the drawing program... Lightburn in this case. 1/16th inch MDF cut on a 5 Watt diode laser.
  7. "three six O three O Five..." My brain kept trying to sing this...
  8. Much love to the WarHamsters! Great crafting content abounds from that direction too! You know what they say... "Drive north 'til you get past Chuckanut.. then keep going!"
  9. Thanks for putting this up, Jay! For the good of the order indeed. Now, if only someone I knew had dozens of tanks, infinity, spaceships(ABS), and even lingering 40K models that could really use paint... whoever that is, I hope they might also have a collection of various terrain for said games... Sounds like a really good way for such a person to get stuff done! I'll tell them when I see them! 🙂
  10. Follow me to the Lab... I just had to share that. I work in a dog friendly environment. But I haven't been there in 15 months. That means I have newer team members who've never met my dog! It's a quality of life enhancement. And not just my dog... 10-20 dogs in the building on a given day. Healthy, well behaved. Awesome. Stressed? There's a dog within about 30 feet, who: Has a ball/toy ready for you! Has owner approved treats ready for you to give! Couldn't be happier than the moment you showed up! Speaking of Labs, The best Guinness at work, ever... didn't have a drop of alcohol. I still think about him all the time, Ando! Also, here's Emmi, just trying to blend in with the old carpet at work:
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