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Everything posted by Justjokin

  1. "Give me a ping, Vasili. One ping only, please."
  2. Red Rising - Lots of people love it, it kind of felt like wanna be Hunger Games, with a more pro-red, pun-intended, bend. I tried the second book, but got board... What's that? A new Gaunt's Ghosts book??? Dune (8th read?) - Hyped about the movie, re-listened to the very messy audible production. Still love the book. Still feel like I pick up something new, every time.
  3. Average 40K table is 4x6. There must be a way to play and keep the 6ft rule...
  4. Edit: Ok, that just didn't look right as a gif. Here's a still of my mistake. The mistake that this thread didn't deserve: https://media4.giphy.com/media/N9PPaLRdvjaKY/giphy.gif
  6. I read this as Console Church, which somehow seems more fitting...
  7. Pretty sure that deserves a meme:
  8. This is the gif url: "https://y.yarn.co/28b71f0a-2f06-404d-a766-814b8fd131dd_text_hi.gif" I went to this page, and right clicked on the image and copied image address, which is the address above. Ordo automatically converted it from the URL to the view-able gif. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/28b71f0a-2f06-404d-a766-814b8fd131dd/gif
  9. More in-depth deleting instructions. 1. Go to: https://www.ordofanaticus.com/attachments/ 2. Click on the link to the post associated with the attachment: 3. In the post I click Edit: 4. The delete button is a tiny garbage can on the image itself: 5. After deleting the image, I save the updated post. Also, I didn't select this particular host for the discussion board, but it's light years ahead of where we were. The 5 MB max for all attachments is pretty weak sauce though. Each image in this post is a screen shot that I ctrl+v pasted, no upload, no saving, just pasting.
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