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Everything posted by scottshoemaker

  1. Some steam powered gubbins and a slugga and you got some Snakebite MANZ. I may have to build a concept...
  2. I make the poopy pants! Waaay better than the AoS models...
  3. Not a fan of more game phases...I'd also rather play flyers at a much smaller scale, cause up in the sky ya know.
  4. Can I come play someday? I'd like to be witnessed!
  5. Progress, they're at the "look like absolute crap" stage. It's the magic wash of floor shine and grime wash. I'll work the bases next, and matte coat the models. Then comes masking and weathering.
  6. More shortcutting than anything. The rusty metal is just whatever flavor of darkish metal you like (I used Vallejo Gungrey) put down first, then followed up with a mix of Skin Wash and Rust; about a 1:2 ratio Th model air Rust is odd. It's terrible for normal coverage,and yet too thick to be translucent. I thinned it with water but it just got blotchy. By thinning just a bit with skin wash instead it works as a nice glaze, knocking down the reflectiveness of the metal but not covering it entirely. I'd bet mixing in a little rust pigment would crank it to 11, but on normal boyz it's not worth the effort. I will say this effect looks best to me on surfaces that get a lot of wear but get that rusty sheen, like monkey bars at a playground. The dangerous, unsafe awesome ones that most of use grew up with. It has an almost polished rusty quality from a generation of hands. For hardcore rust on vehicles I do it different to get more texture.
  7. Today's lunch progress, rusty shootas and metal bobs on the unit:
  8. I agree, trying to match his asthetic is the rub. Try searching for "near future" stuff. I got a bunch of hits for 28mm APCs
  9. Puppetswar has a neato APC, but more clean Scifi than realistic.
  10. Would fenderless be OK? Fenders are the bane of my existence...
  11. So in the interest of paying crap off I'll be tooling up casting again by the end of the summer. I'd like to avoid directly competing against the supreme talent we already have here, so terrain and accessories are out. I'm thinking various sized scrap tanks are in my wheelhouse, with an early war German theme. "PzI, PzII, PzIII" hulls with different interchangeable turrets for smaller tanks, PzIV and Tiger Hulls for larger tanks. But before I begin this project (and get OFCC finished) is there any interest? I couple of the projects I did in the past just didn't payout and I can't really afford a line of duds. Any thoughts?
  12. The smaller mounts look like they came from Jim Henson's Workshop! Not so bad overall, they'd look better painted like rusty metal. These guys would be good Snakebite MANZ.
  13. Ah, found it. Paths to Glory. Any do this yet?
  14. Let me rephrase. How well does AoS work for a force of 10-15 figures?
  15. Warbands, like the old RoC books. I leader, maybe a sorcerer, various bozos.
  16. How well do the rules work for warbands? I'm not interested in unit combat, more like individual fighters.
  17. I just found my IG last night. Artillery in Epic does what it's supposed to do, shoot across the table and blow stuff up. +Leman Russ companies...
  18. Looks like a great basis for chaos terminator conversions if you ask me. Or just chaos warriors!
  19. I just ordered a clamp for my phone to make videos, so nya nya!
  20. 20 Shoota Boyz, 10 Tank bustas, 5 bikers primed, toned and magic washed:
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