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Everything posted by scottshoemaker

  1. http://www.myhighplains.com/story/d/story/wichita-falls-homeowner-recounts-stabbing-intruder/25359/Se34wt_jtU-PkrbZEam60A
  2. What I like is that it's on a standard chassis! Conversion time!
  3. That's a tough one. By all means build them, just make sure you opt for some meks as well. I think their main use (infantry killers) is accomplished better with slugga boys, just as AB pointed out. But stuffing 3 meks plus a bodygurad in a vehicle is a valid use.
  4. http://www.dp9.com/content/peace-river-argos-miniature-preview
  5. I built these as Nobz, but they don't have to be. $15 plus $3 shipping or I can meet you in Vancouver.
  6. That's why my guesses were always short...
  7. I really only need the circled bits, but if it's easier to do the whole thing that's fine too.
  8. Looking for this sprue for conversion work, specifically the red circled ones. Thx
  9. I'll have sets available with me at OFCC. I'll take preorders for them if you'd like to make sure to get one. If there is anything else you've managed to see me cast and are interested let me know. I'm sure a deal can be worked out.
  10. This is the main reason I bailed on Fantasy. I no longer have any armies or desire to play.
  11. While the Dreamforge kit is nice I've already bought an Imperial Knight and the FW upgrade. I'm sticking with that for now. The lancer leg idea is just for funsies.
  12. School open house tonight. Sigh.
  13. As an aside, I'm going to try and build a "lancer Leg" conversion kit, if anyone is interested.
  14. So I've decided not to loot the Knight kit I have and slow build a knight army. I'm going for a mixed force of Knights and "Household Troops" (Scions most likely). I figure as it's a costly kit I'll go the full magnetization route, and do subassemblies for painting. I ordered the House Terryn upgrade kit as well. May as well go all in I figure. Do any current knight owners have any advice on building this big manly model? Any pitfalls or regrets?
  15. I have two on the Sprue for you. Your mailbox is full
  16. I tend to run a mixed selection of vehicles. I like trucks as they fit into tighter terrain than my battlewagons. Plus mine look like hot rods, so that's a reason. And they go fast, my Evil Sunz like that too. In short Iike them for themeatic reasons. I actually don't like GWs Trukk model, too big, too expensive, but the bits are great to build something more appropriate.
  17. This entire tumblr is full of chuckles: http://edharrington.tumblr.com/
  18. They are torpedoes with boys for a warhead. Don't spend any extra points on them . Point them at any enemy and fire. Take at least 4 IMO, saturation is your friend. Get those boys in assault ASAP to shut down your enemies shooting. Follow up with foots loggers or more elites.
  19. Anybody picked up any of the campaign books?
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