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Everything posted by Psilence

  1. Independence Day (Will Smith original) 4/5 For just right nostalgic campy goodness. It falls into the same category as most of the old sci fi in that a lot of the sweet sweet effects (back then) are noticeable by today’s standards. But like Big Trouble in Little China (best movie ever) these old school films are nice to revisit for a little mental relaxation. On a side note: I think this sound track and the original Star Gate movie (Kurt Russel again?.. I’m noticing a patten here) were written by the same guy. There were multiple parts while I was painting wolves where I could see the score used for both flicks.
  2. Dry brushes and highlights done. going to try to push through and get the cork bases done as well. After that will be the Razorback. As a reward for getting the unit done I’m contemplating working on my knight, since everyone is all a Twitter over them lately 🙂
  3. Progress on the Rout. Nuln oil washes done, ready for dry brush and highlight layers.
  4. Got some more progress pics of the new pack and priest. Final base colors, then off for a wash. Still trying to motivate myself for the Razorback. For whatever reason I have a hard time painting larger pieces.
  5. Hidden in plain site. Pretty awesome. Now we have to dust off and nuke the site from orbit... Its the only way to be sure.
  6. Nice bat rep, thanks for sharing. Would a knight list like yours be fun to use in casual gaming circles? Or are super heavy lists still viewed as difficult to deal with on the table? Would you take the list to OFCC? Having a model count of six sounds pretty good 🙂
  7. Sooooo... I just need to buy an air brush. 😉 They look really good. Having them all 1 house will look great on the tables too. Looking forward to more.
  8. Doh! Rune priest. ”I recognize my failing and will be sure to correct it”. 😉
  9. Had a chance to return to Fenris for a few hours and started some base colors on another pack + a ruin priest and razor. The head on the priest is third party. It fits the theme and adds some variety on a character. More to come.
  10. I’ll monitor my limited sphere. Hope they show up.
  11. The looks on their faces are classic. Spocks like. ....”pfft...”
  12. The Webway gate will go back burner. I’m going to try to knock out another troupe unit and their ride. Also another troupe master to round out the HQ’s.
  13. Finished up on the murder machine. I’m looking forward to seeing what he can pull off with the new relics and stratagems. I need to hit an art store and round up a mini rubber stamp set and play around with carving diamonds. Having a few similar details on everybody would be nice.
  14. I got to work on the second shadow seer, and put down the base coats and washes on Mr solitaire. Im pleased with how the purple tied in with the greens of the main robes, as well as the ‘pop’ from the yellow that ties everybody together.
  15. I love the fading checkers on top of the glaves.
  16. I try to escape, but Fenris calls to me. I better paint some Harlies quick 😉
  17. Jester complete. Im happy with him overall. The natural tones in the gun and cloak should stand him out from his bro’s. Starting in on shadow seer number 2, and after that comes the solitaire. I’ll revisit everyone’s bases (rocks/ruins) in the future when I figure out how I want to do the entire army.
  18. Progress on the jester. He’ll be the only model in the army with a bone colored gun (as opposed the gold) and a natural colored cloak. I want him easily identifiable as he’ll pack the relic shrieker cannon ‘curtain fall’. Also, his boots aren’t red, they’re just soaked from walking through all the blood ;). Bases and washes down. Highlights to come.
  19. Some progress on the skimmer. I applied some blue tape to a note card and used the wife’s paper trimmer to cut thin strips out of it. I then peeled the thin strips of tape off and used it to establish the diamond pattern. Some base coats and a wash later, with standard highlights on top of that. Im still not sold on the purple canopy, we’ll see what develops with the rest of the Air Force.
  20. Up next will be the transport for the troupe plus a few more supporting characters. After that comes a Webway gate for funzies.
  21. With the release of the new Harlequin codex for 8th ed I thought I’d take a break from power armor for a bit and dip my toes into the Webway. The force itself (like most of mine) is second hand with a repaint, and is intended for tabletop quality. One of the challenges of getting the army done will be staying motivated and finding time with work and family. To help in those regards I plan to avoid big batch painting sessions, and will try to finish (completely) a unit or two at a time. At some point I plan to add small diamond/checker patterns (perhaps with a rubber stamp system) but for now I’m satisfied with the base colors. First up is a shadow seer (my test model for the army) a troupe master and a troupe. I really enjoy all the implied movement the models have.
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