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Everything posted by MexicanNinja

  1. Looks like I need to clean up the drones and and triple plas rifles on the commander. Thanks for those catches.
  2. So, I finally got back into full swing with 40k and bought a bunch of Tau to make it official. Here's what I have. Commander w/missile pod, EWO, drone controller, TL, iridium battlesuit, 2 marker drones Crisis Suit w/2 flamers, NSJ, 1 shield drone 10 Fire Warrior Strike-Team w/tactical support turret (smart missiles) 5 Fire Warrior Strike-Team w/tactical support turret (smart missiles) 5 Fire Warrior Strike-Team w/tactical support turret (smart missiles) 5 Fire Warrior Strike-Team 5 Fire Warrior Strike-Team 4 Pathfinders w/3 rail rifles, recon drone 6 Pathfinders w/emp grenades 6 Marker Drones 3 Broadsides w/shas'vre, 3 w/twin-linked high-yield missile pod, 1 w/EWO, 2 w/TL, 3 w/seeker missile, 2 shield drones, BKR Hammerhead Gunship w/twin-linked smart missile system, submunition rounds, sensor spines, disruption pod Sky Ray Missile Defense Gunship w/twin-linked smart missile system, sensor spines, disruption pod Optimised Stealth Cadre Formation: 3 Stealth Suits w/shas'vre, homing beacon, fusion blaster and TL 3 Stealth Suits w/shas'vre, homing beacon, fusion blaster and TL 2 Ghostkeels w/cyclic ion raker, twin-linked fusion blaster, one with TL and EWO, one with EWO and VT BKR Fortification: Aegis Defense Line w/Quadgun
  3. I will not replace bases for my existing armies. They are painted and add to the look of my army. Plus, I spent a lot of money on the custom bases for my Dwarf army. For any future projects, I'm not really sure. For a smaller force, sure round bases would be nice; however, since you can still rank up models while you move them across the table, square bases still serve a function.
  4. So far I've used one big block for each of my armies. For my Dwarves, I bring 30 Ironbreakers. With my Dark Elves, I bring 24 Black Guard. Then I build around those two units. The 30 Ironbreakers allow me to bog stuff down and I know they aren't going to drop very fast. For my Dark Elves, I need to be able to kill things quickly. The Black Guard do just that when supported by a master bsb (re-roll 1's to hit and 1's to wound). Just like in 8th, both armies play much different.
  5. You asked for a tactic and I gave you one. Honestly, I can do the same thing with the following deployment I've been mainly doing: Stonehorn Ogre Bulls Irondrakes Ironbreakers BT lord FC It is flippin insane how much damage 30 ironbreakers on a hill, in shield wall formation, can soak up! They hold the line while the stonehord (this thing wrecks in AoS) and Ogres start the flanking manouver.
  6. Here's one tactic I've found to be solid. You basically make a neat looking "box" formation with your units. For this example: X=the unit with a 3+ save H=the unit with a 2" range weapon W=the unit with shooting XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XHHHHHHHHHHHX XHWWWWWWHX XHWWWWWWHX XHHHHHHHHHHHX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX You just have to deploy properly to allow the "inside" units to fit. What this allows is a mobile wall of destruction. In the event you unit in the front is charged, you gain the pile in with your unit with the reach weapon and your unit with ranged weapons cannot be charged and are free to shoot. As you move them across the table, your enemy needs to be wary of wanting to charge you. This is also a nice tactic for armies focused on summoning. Picture a Slann or Necromancer in the middle of this block. Sure they can be targeted with shooting and magic but they won't be charged and with a nice unit surrounding them, they should be fine for a while. A Slann surrounded by chameleon skinks who are then surrounded by a double wall of temple guard are going to be hard to shift. You could also use this tactic to protect war machines in terrain. I could stick my flame cannon in the middle of my ironbreakers on a hill. Without ranged attacks, my opponent would have to get through a group of Ironbreakers with a 3+ rerollable armour save (shield wall is amazing). You get even further the protection by placing irondrakes around the flame cannon (great shooting when not moving) and then surround the drakes with the ironbreakers. So, those are just a few examples. You could also use this tactic to keep support heroes from getting charged.
  7. Nope, although I did play cool mixed Dwarf and Ogre Age of Sigmar list. Mostly dwarves with a unit of bulls and a stonehorn. I will say that shieldwall+terrain+ironbreakers=tough as hell to kill!
  8. Nice, I've always liked the look of the lizardmen but didn't want to paint that many saurus warriors. Now, I can skip them all together and temple guard seem legit.
  9. I don't own a single model. However, I way as well welcome this game with a new army.
  10. So, I don't know if this adds up right. If it does, awesome and I'm ready to field test it with players in Eugene. If not, please tell me what I did wrong so I can fix the mistakes. Here's my 50 point list: Slann Mage-Priest-6 (light scroll + 3 spells + mortal wounds from spell) I wasn't sure if the priest modifier was needed for this unit but I didn't add it. Scar-Veteran with Battle Standard-2 (light scroll) Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur-10 (heavy scroll + hero/monster + D3 mortal wounds with 12 wounds) 20 Temple Guard- 7 (normal scroll + 3 for 15 additional wounds) 10 Chameleon Skinks- 5 (normal scroll + 1 for 5 additional wounds) 10 Chameleon Skinks- 5 (normal scroll + 1 for 5 additional wounds) 6 Kroxigor- 7 (normal scroll + 2 for additional wounds) Bastiladon -7 (heavy scroll + 3 for D3 damage with 8 wounds) Total Points: 48 Summoned Total Points: 25 Chakax, The Eternity Warden- 3 Oxyotl- 3 5 Chameleon Skins- 4 3 Terradon Riders- 6 3 Razordons- 4 3 Kroxigor- 5 There's the list with the units to be summoned listed below the list. If this list is incorrect or the math is all f'd up, please let me know. If this is a legal Ordo Comp list, I hope to bring this up to Ordo AoS events in the future.
  11. Ok, I think I understand. I'm going to put together a sample list and post it to see if I'm understanding things correctly.
  12. Sylvos, I'm trying to grasp your comp system. I am going to be test playing it down here and just want to make sure I am using it correctly. If I am taking a seraphon army with a total of 42 war scroll points I can have up 42 points fielded on the table and then can keep up to 21 war scroll points for summoning. Is this correct?
  13. Very nice, I'm gonna post this in a forum I use for my area. I'm going to try and test some games using this comp. I like what you've done with this.
  14. Oh, well thanks for the insight, Petre. However, I am going to start collecting Adeptus Mechanicus so, I'm pretty sure I can get a theme put together with Codex: Cult Mechanicus and Codex: Skitarii.
  15. Outstanding. If I'm not at Annual Training I will be Captaining a team from Eugene for 40k. I've got a few interested folk. Da Mek Boyz may be comin up!
  16. It's a non-competitive tourny. Wouldn't the Draigo/Paladin's be more of a competitive build?
  17. How does one make a fluffy Grey Knights army? Hmmm.....time to get to the drawing boards! All I really own are terminators, a bastion, and a vindicare. Hmmmm, not sure.
  18. I can understand that. I just got back into 40k. I just have zero desire to do anything related to fantasy right now.
  19. That sucks that the fantasy is dying down. AoS was fun when I played it but I don't see it being the "thing" down here. Unfortunately, I just see my Dark Elves and Dwarfs collecting dust soon. I'm waiting for things to settle in a bit more with work then I'll get back into gaming. Looking at finishing up my Ortega's for Mali and then start up a cool 40k Ork army. It sucks, I really do miss playing 8th.
  20. I'm just curious as to what people are still playing up there. I haven't touched my fantasy minis since OFCC and really have ZERO drive to do so. What are people playing on Sunday's game night?
  21. *BUMP* I added the list I am building to my first post.
  22. Yeah, he's not great but I want him for the theme. I'll drop him for a competitive build.
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