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Everything posted by MexicanNinja

  1. Is that the one that beefs up the seraphon guard near the eternity warden? If so, then yes, that's the one. However, I have recently fallen in love with bastiladons and chameleon skinks.
  2. The Settra list got hosed on turn rolls for turn 4 and 5. He should have been playing the SCE list for 1st place. A better general and he was making some genius tactical decisions against the list he was facing. The list the Setra list lost to had two units of 30 bloodletters supported by three concencrators....yup, that happened, and he had the caster to make them fly. Theere was the thundertusk/arrer boy list there. It was struggling against Sylvaneth. Sylvaneth players were running a lot of free woods which was shutting down good sections of the board. The only really good counter to those sylvaneth lists are teleporting SCE. Wiley also spoke with the GW rep and the teleport ability isn't as rules were attended and he's going to bring it up for a possible FAQ. RI was that you were supposed to have to drop a unit each turn and not hold back until say turn 3-4 (it happened to Wiley, he sat there for 4 turns and then BAM, SCE teleported on all objectives for a major win in a single turn.
  3. I think it would be best if we were able to chose are artifacts when we submit our lists. There are many artifacts which are useless to certain characters you bring. Just my thoughts. One thing to note as well, is that you must also list are equipment options on your army roster now, see FAQ for that update. Also, escalation is complete crap right now with the change on how behemoths and artillery must deploy.
  4. I'm going to send you a message tomorrow, after I gather my thoughts. I'm going to include AgentP and Wiley. After what we saw this weekend, there's going to have to be a small internal FAQ for OFCC. If not, and you let people play whatever they want, it's going to go against what OFCC represents. I will tell you, after seeing and witnessing Sylvaneth this weekend, you can spam the crap out of those free woods. Again, I'll send you a message tomorrow with some things we witnessed this weekend which could ruin the 'spirit' of OFCC.
  5. On the plus side, the battalion can be deployed as a single drop.
  6. I thought about Seraphon but get confused after the eternal wardens battalion.
  7. Very excited about this! Are you going to limit the number of 'free' trees Sylvaneth can bring? Also, when can we expect to see what size the armies will be? Some of us need to prep and stuff. At any rate, well done sir! I'm looking forward to seeing the 'crew' once again!
  8. I'll be there. I'm going to the drawing board after LVO for an army to prep.
  9. I'm looking for 6 unpainted Warhammer Icefall Yhetees. I have cash. I live in Salem but can drive to Eugene or Portland for them. Send me a PM if you have what I'm looking for.
  10. Nice use of that military time there....I approve!
  11. Awesome, there may be a team submission from the Eugene/Springfield area.
  12. I'm assuming it's being held at Borderlands?
  13. That's cool. It's picking up down in Eugene area as well. I'm about to put in my Union order.
  14. Made some more changes to the list. It's been a fun learning experience.
  15. I'm down to fight it! Can I kill it with rockets....wait, my rockets roll 1's to hit!
  16. Gotcha, there aren't nearly enough super heavies or gargants in my gaming community to worry about. Just watched the batrep. I know see your point about the outflanking pathfinders. They were great at forcing your opponent to redeploy to deal with them. I was also able to see why you went with three of the drone controllers in the sniper squad. Unfortunately, all my heavy support slots are taken up. So, for now, outflanking pathfinders is the way. Thank for the great insight!
  17. Thanks for the great advice LH. Here's a few answers to your questions: 1) I can't drop the weapons from the first Commander. I originally assembled him as the 'Coldstar' but then realized I couldn't add sig systems to him. He's got what he's got for now. 2) I just wanted a solo Commander with some plasma. The picture in my head wouldn't allow me not to take him. I just have this great vision of him deep striking in somewhere and running amok with 2 plasma rifles. Honestly, it just sounds fun! I understand that the better option would be to just take a lone crisis suit with 2 FB...but again, the vision in my head is the Commander leading the charge. He's totally going to be running around on his own. 3) I have debated the TL FB on the keels. In the few games I have used them, they just didn't do it for me. The weapons are magnetized though so I can test play both options out to find out which one suits me more. Great catch on the BKR. I forgot it was an option for them. I have just been running them solo. On the plus side though, you reminded me that I need to add the BKR to the broadsides. Thanks for that. 4) I was using the pathfinders as a ten-man team and realized after three games that they were a waste of points. Now, I have 10 Pathfinders and don't have a replacement option for them yet. I do like the rail rifle though! I also like your outflank idea with them. I'm going to try that in my next game. I forgot they could do that. What drones do you recommend for them? Oh, and the Tidewall Gunfort is the triple Gunrig fortification option.
  18. Yes, I will have some of those at some point. I already have the models I need to play the listed army so I want to get accustomed with learning how to effectively play my current army. With that said though, I will be getting the Tidewall Gunfort fortification at some point. I think those things are flipping sweet. Ideally, I would like to stick each unit of fire warriors in one.
  19. Thanks, I'm down in the Springfield area now so game nights won't work for me. I was wanting to attend this weekend; however, I am working. I am planning on attending your Northern events, once I get these things painted. I'm not tournament ready yet. Heck, this game still feels foreign to me. I'm still trying to learn all the stuff in my own army nevermind all the crap my opponents have that I know nothing about. We do have a player who plays a sweet 3K Mechanicus army down here though. That is one tough army. We mostly play maelstrom. At least I think that what I play. It's the one with the objective cards. So far the list is doing good. It's a huge learning curve from my normal assault style armies. It's fun though. I don't play enough to want to learn ITC yet. I will most likey add a riptide at some point and I just get too damned confused with the crisis suits. I'm really lost when it comes to the amount of options a unit can have.
  20. Made some changes to the list. Changes are shown in blue text.
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