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Everything posted by Gailbraithe

  1. I wouldn't mind finding two different people to try playtesting RAGE. I'm also down for some Warlands or Infinity.
  2. Thanks Jacob! I've already had some ideas to balance out Tactician a bit. Instead of just granting automatic success, it will require the model that gets the bonus to roll for actions. They'll still get the automatic success, but will also be able to generate failures. That means that a Leader with Tactician (2) could generate 2 actions, sacrifice them both to give two of his crew 2 automatic actions -- but each will have to roll 2 dice to get those actions, which means the first one could generate 2 failures (for an end result of 2 actions, 2 failures). This means the second model won't even get to activate and use his 2 free actions. That will make Tactician more balanced, and bring it closer to how I originally envisioned it working i.e. the Leader shouting out a clear order that the crew member responds to.
  3. So anyone listening to me babble over the last month might have heard me mention I'm working on a post-apocalyptic skirmish game. It's called RAGE. I'm far from done with it, but the remainder of what I have to work on is the campaign system that links missions and allows survivors to become badasses. The basic game, i.e. the rules necessary for running a mission/playing a skirmish battle, are finished (not finalized, that's what playtesting is for, but ready for playtesting). I have the playtest document for the basic game ready for viewing. I'd love feedback. I'm going to be demoing it for Lief and Jacob on Tuesday, we'll be creating crews and running the "Ballad of Stinky Joe" scenario. RAGE Playtest Document.pdf
  4. Cool, I'll definitely have everything ready. EDIT: I've posted a pdf of the playtest document in the warhamster forum if you want to read through it before the game.
  5. Actually, I think my PA skirmish game will be ready enough for a very basic playtest by Tuesday...could I get two volunteers to play a game with me observing?
  6. Hey guys, I'm going to pause the campaign until Joey gets back. I'm getting a lot of very productive work done on the post-apocalyptic skirmish game I'm writing and I'd like to just keep focusing on that for the next few weeks.
  7. When you say the box for Monsters Menace America is trashed, how trashed do you mean? Because I might take that off your hands for you.
  8. Sure, but it may be awhile before I get around to it. Between re-writing Warlands and writing my own post-apoc, my plates a little full.
  9. Hey Jim, I have a 150 point game of Infinity planned with the new guy Lief, but after that I would be totally down to play a game of Frostgrave and see how the 2d10 fix works.
  10. This is exactly why I want to do a playoff system, like in the actual NFL, to ensure every team gets to play the same number of games, culminating in a "Super Bowl."
  11. Okay so that's at least six people. Two more and I think we could do a proper playoff...
  12. Okay, 2 games at 150 points then.
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