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Everything posted by TheBeninator

  1. Wow! I didn't realize the prices blew up so much. I picked up a GTX 1060 in early December, it is $100 more now. Romans832 is right, just wait this thing out. You should probably also wait if you want to do a big investment to get all the new benchmark numbers for intel chipsets (if you wanted to upgrade your CPU). The Spectre vulnerability patch has some performance choke, but to my understanding it will be mainly for 3rd Gen younger intel, and it also will not affect gaming so much as it does big linear processes. Interestingly, AMD is less affected by the vulnerability, they may take this opportunity to drop prices slightly and snag some market share from angry Intel buyers. In the meantime, you can always get a solid state drive for your games. It wont help you run the battle in Total War, but it will help reduce the load time. Nice job on the modular power supply. That is seriously 1337 g4m1ng.
  2. Hey guys, great feedback. I guess by doubles I mean having two people who forum a single scoring group, then each player from that group pairs up against a single player on another group (so basically, all the matches are 1v1). There was a considerable amount of interest in having teams again, much like the old WHFB days of 4 man teams, at the end of the last OFCC. With just 2 person teams, I personally do not know what advantage that brings. For instance, in ETC style matching, you have team captains meet and hash out who plays who. Sort of a give and take, where you compromise on certain matchups to attain other match-ups. In a 2v2, there is no compromise. If team A and B are up against each other, each having players 1 and 2. Then the pairings will either be A1 vs B1 or A1 vs B2. This leaves you with a binary choice. The benefit I see to playing as a group of two is having that comradery with your teammate, or sort of give and take relationship in battle-point accumulations. It also still does allow for planning on which of your teammates is going to play really risky, and which is going to try and conserve points, or what have you. Honestly, that is probably less to the point of the tournament, which is to have a good time, so perhaps introducing a mechanism where you are dissuaded from playing how you want to play is not a good thing. Unpaired folks can always find a pairing mate, and I will always be the odd man out (even man in). This may or may not be a problem for personality confliction reasons, but I feel like the group of people we had last year all had amazing sportsmanship and were able to take big wins and big losses with a light heart and make the best of it. Overall, teams of two is totally just a spitball idea right now, it may be that we really need to have teams of 3 to attempt teams at all. We can run any size tournament with singles, but I wanna see happen makes you all happy. What we will not have this year is scenarios out of the home brew section. I am happy to say however, that the creator of that home brew section made revisions to all of the scenarios we played in 2017, based on your feedback. So good job!!
  3. 2018 The Ninth Age OFCC Hello fellow wargamers. I am happy to announce to you the 2018 OFCC T9A event in Vancouver Washington on August 25th and 26th! This event will contain massive monsters, hordes of minions, hardened generals, and epic battles. Here are some links that you may find useful: Tickets: http://www.ordofanaticus.com/store/product/46-2018-ofcc-9th-age-event-sat-and-sun/ Tournament Packet: (OFCC 2018 in my signature) T9A Rules: https://www.the-ninth-age.com/filebase/index.php?file/478/ Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/245271142649834/ Never played T9A before? The Ninth Age (T9A) is a rank & file fantasy wargame inspired by the world of Warhammer Fantasy. The rules play very similar to WHFB 8th edition, and all armies are still compatible with T9A. The game has various rules changes to help clarify rules, speed up game play, and balance out some of the uber powerful units of old. Additionally, T9A has brought in new ideas, concepts, unit designs, and special rules to help spice up the experience. The best part about T9A is that you have freedom to use whatever models from whichever company you wish. Finally, all the rules are, and will remain, free! Event Structure: This event is a singles event utilising Swiss style match-ups. Initial matchups will be determined randomly. Every round will have a new deployment type, a new secondary objective, and a new special rule. Scoring will be based on official T9A scoring from the rulebook. We will do our best to make sure you get to play people you have never played before to make this an event to remember! Event Rules: At OFCC we want to provide you with a great wargaming experience. In order to ensure this, we ask of our players to bring a good attitude, to have good sportsmanship, and to relax and have a good time! Being a premiere event, we require all armies to have a minimum of 3-colours for all models, and at least some form of basing (no black plastic please). If you are crunched for time and are worried you will not be ready in time please let me know ASAP, life happens :D. We will be using the 0.204.2 BETA rulebook and all associated armybooks and paths of magic associated. If you are interested in bringing a home-brew army from one of the various home-brew projects in The Ninth Age, let me know and we will figure something out. Awards: Outside of the obvious award of having a great time in an awesome event, we will be competing for 3 main trophies. Best General: This will be determined by the highest cumulative BP scoring player through the 5 game series Best Painted: This will be determined by your peers, with a scoring system of it's own Best Sportsmanship: Quite literally THE BEST prize of all. Best Sportsmanship will be determined through a combination of individual match scores (you score your opponent) and favourite opponent badges (an extra badge for making someones day). This is probably the hardest prize to achieve as it requires you to not only play a good match for your opponent, but to take bad rolls and losses well, and to also be humble about good rolls and crushing victories. A special prize goes to the winner of our Haiku contest, see tournament packet for details. Lists: This tournament is a 4500 point tournament following the list building guidelines for each army-book. You are expected to bring a printed list for yourself and for each of your opponents (6 in total). For other details, check out the packet or join us on the thread. Hope to see you there!
  4. Do you think our host would roll back the alcoholic beverage time to say.... noon?
  5. Ahh, the Kharadron monocles finally hit your fancy eh? Welcome to dark side :D
  6. Anyone interested in a battle this Saturday? 4500 pts, new rules, lots of learning.
  7. It's called Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, and it is cooperative player vs. AI progressive campaign in an epic struggle against the Empire, yeesh! I'm in. If any out of towners want to crash Saturday evening in Portland, I have an extra bed in our spare room, as well as a couch. I am located within talking distance of ample bars, so if you wish to do some drinking, my house is a good launch pad. Those allergic to cats are cautioned. If anyone has any skill / access in AutoCAD or Adobe Illustrator and would not mind donating a bit of time, I have an idea for prize support and would like to enlist your help. Nothing too technical...
  8. Burned through Ashes of the Singularity + Expansion. Massive scale RTS, basically a repeat of supreme commander. Campaign was super cheesy, awful narrative scripting, and a very un-compelling story. Game seems rather unbalanced, there appears to be some game ending strategies that are just too hard to stop. Not a ton of micro in the game, it is really all in the macro economy. Super high tech AI robots that cant drive (actually they all hover) up steep hills makes maps really kind of confusing until you learn the unit pathing the hard way. Two races, not much flavor setting the two apart. No max population or upgrade caps, but upgrades/max pop caps come at the cost of resources with exponential jumps in cost/benefit. 4/10
  9. Does the game require mostly throw terrain (like little boxes and stuff), or buildings that you can enter? Or is it a healthy mix of the two?
  10. @happycamper So more than the 60 decibels it describes? There is a video where they cross compare it with one of those pancake compressors. But that is not really a fair test. There is an almost identical version which is the "Quite" version. This is the "Very Quiet" version . @evil_bryan Sounds like a lot of work. The compressor is certainly not compact. Besides your moisture trap setup is all clamped up to your desk. I would really like to hear the sucker purr/roar though. Perhaps if you were already planning on bringing it for a terrain day or something like that.
  11. I read somewhere that if you have two hoses, then putting the trap in between the hoses is best as the air cools/condenses before it hits the trap, but then it is not still in the way. The quick release goes in between the brush moisture trap and the brush itself right? What is the affect of not having two moisture traps from your perspective? I brush indoors (masked). I typically have more troubles with paint drying too fast on my needle, causing more issues down the road. Id thin the paint out more, but then im basically spraying a glaze. Again, I am just using the stock moisture trap, hooked directly to the compressor (no tank). I run into this problem using Vallejo model air as well, but typically I just try to thin down my Vallejo model line. I think ill take you up on your offers @splinx and @Purajh. I'm starting to think I am suffering from operator error, and/or a crap brush.
  12. So my concern is that the masters compressor you show looks exactly like the Central Pneumatic one I have. My assumption that is that in practicality, there is only one manufacturer of this model, and companies just slap different stickers on them. Perhaps the internals are made from different qualities of raw materials or something, but my assumption again is that they are identical. I dont know nearly enough about manufacturing or compressors to make anything but a guess. Good to hear from another source that the Masters version is legit, perhaps Central Pneumatic just gets all the factory rejects. I have felt that having a tank would be pretty nice, so that the PSI does not have the dip while the compressor kicks on. This is still likely a problem with masters to some degree, since it has only 1 regulator, but the CAL compressor has 2 regulators. My understanding is that your tank regulator controls at the PSI of the tank, independent of the PSI of your feed. So if your feed line is set to a lower PSI than your tank, then the compressor will kick on and be keeping the tank at a higher PSI even at a constant output on your feed (at least at the output rate of an airbrush). I cant seem to find the "flow" of a typical airbrush to know how long a tank should conceivably last.
  13. So next level painting (youtube channel) has gotten me excited about airbrushing again. I decided to do a deep clean of my Badger 105 (which I got for $30 on ebay, WOW!), with my harbor freight compressor. I tried the gangster gumbo routine from next level painting and since then my compressor has been on its death throws. It will pump for a while then basically the piston seizes or something. After 10 seconds of the electric motor stalling, it will start up again. This is an excellent excuse for a replacement! But now I must decide what to do. My two options right now are.... a) Replace the compressor only b) Replace the airbrush and the compressor I cant say the badger is bad in any way because I dont have anything to compare it to. I have only ever used this compressor/brush setup. Nobody seems to use badger brushes, the iawata eclipse seems to have the lions share of the market for mini people. The badger 105 looks just like an iawata eclipse, dual action grav feed, all that jazz. My badger brush does leak out the front quite often, even after a serious deep cleaning, so I am wondering if some of my parts are warped, or if I am a bad cleaner. For option A, I an considering going for a fairly large compressor for mini painting: https://www.homedepot.com/p/California-Air-Tools-2-0-Gal-1-0-HP-Ultra-Quiet-and-Oil-Free-Aluminum-Tank-Air-Compressor-2010A/205910463 This sucker is 35lb, but is only 60 dB (or so they say). The justification to my GF is that it will also inflate car/bike tires! The setup is mobile enough for my tastes. For option B, I am considering this: http://www.tcpglobal.com/ABD-KIT-4207-T.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAmITRBRCSARIsAEOZmr6TZueBY_yhOsSdNLiVcfyzhMDhmQ8ZfOx8OarNtkgQiV6iFGcb13AaAqEEEALw_wcB#.WiGYrkqnFaQ I dont need all the extra stuff from other more expensive combo sets. I cant find a nozzle size less than 0.35mm (not sure it exists for the eclipse)? It said "high volume painting", but at the same time said it is good for minis, which seems contradictory. The compressor is basically the exact same compressor I have now, but has a tank. The next level painting guy uses some carbon copy of this compressor, and saids he has only had 2-3 die on him so far, but the price is so low that it is worth it to him. Any suggestions?
  14. So... I was actually considering sending an email to Dan Carlin to see if he knows about this event. From his podcasts, it appears he has experience with mini-wargaming. He also lives in Eugene, so it is not that much of a stretch. I wouldn't want to subject him to all of the fandom and neck-beard hugs tho. Perhaps if he showed up incognito. Is that a bit too stalk'ish? Celtic Holocaust was really well done. The sort of story where you root for both teams.
  15. On the topic of airbrush cleaning, I recently did a bath of mineral spirits for my airbrush (i forget what type). It certainly helped dislodge the paints, but it also took all the lubricant off the airbrush parts. This required the disassembly of the airflow valve, which is what the trigger pushes on to allow air into the brush itself. I took it apart, cleaned it, but to no avail. I did this a few times with no improvement. Finally, I shot the pieces with tri-flow and kapow, back in business. I never knew that airbrushes needed lube. I also tried the gangster gumbo method, risking my finder in the process. For some reason it caused my compressor to croak. No idea why this is...
  16. Cool, lets plan for another Thursday (since this one is Tday), most shops will probably be closed.
  17. By handicap you mean kids? It is like most flgs, tables, boxes, books , and nerds. It has no specific kid ammeneties. You are not restricted access if you are not 21+
  18. I unfortunately just started a third DnD campaign for Mondays, we will see how long this one lasts. Any other day of the week work for you? Red Castle is your closest store right?
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