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Everything posted by TheBeninator

  1. It's like a poem That has a strange length to it. learn to poem bro
  2. Hey there everyone, I have been snoozing so its high time to jump in the conductors chair and GET THIS HYPE TRAIN ROLLIN'. First order of business is tickets. They are shiny, they are available, they are the only way you can enjoy the fruits of OFCC first hand, and throw down the smack talk with all the good people who attend. Tickets are available here: That's it for the hard part! This money will go towards the rental of the Hilton's massive convention hall where we can sing, drink, say unflattering things, and of course play lots of games. This money is also going towards raffle prizes, and terrain material costs, and all the other little details that add up over time to make an event of this scale happen. ------------------------------ Now, what do I have in store for T9A this year? Well, we will be following in tradition of keeping a 5 game series with Swiss style match-ups, much like years past. A couple improvements from last year to note are that I would like to allow for some accommodation to pairing. So if you come down with your good friend who you have played 100 times, let me know, and I will do my best to be sure you play other folks. This is all about an experience, sampling the flavors of T9A players that the PNW has to offer. The other improvement is a more streamlined approach to the scenarios this year. The extra rules were admittedly pretty heavy last year, so I decided to go with a more traditional approach. T9A has been cruising through beta, and changes have been often, so throwing new rules in with the newest official T9A rules would be a whole 'lotta rules. However, this is OFCC, and there should be a bit of flavor in the game apart from your traditional tournament. Therefore, I have added a special rule to each match. These are fairly small, and should not be game breaking, but might afford you a slightly different take on the standard objectives. I am working on getting the packet attached to my signature (since I cant upload the file due to a silly 0.17 MB max file size). Here is all the boring stuff in the beginning of the packet, before it describes scenarios: Saturday - August 25th 9:00 am – 10:00 am Registration 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Round 1 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Round 2 5:15 pm – 8:15 pm Round 3 Sunday - August 26th 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Round 4 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Round 5 5:30ish - Awards Introduction Welcome to the 9th Age OFCC! This will be a 4500 point singles tournament using swiss-style matchups. We will be using the 0.204.2 beta edition of The 9th Age rules, which were released on May 10, 2018. Painting Requirement A minimum of three-colors and basing is required for all miniatures present in your army. Sportsmanship The OFCC has always stood for supreme sportsmanship and a culture of fair play. This high standard is expected to be upheld during this event and any reports of bad sportsmanship or cheating will be treated very seriously. Rules Questions As The 9th Age is a fairly new system, it is expected that rules questions will come up during the course of play. If answers can’t be found quickly, there will be a wandering Rules Judge on hand who will have the final word on any rules disputes. Lists All lists are open, meaning that you are expected to provide a copy of your list to your opponent at the beginning of each game. The lists should contain all special rules, items, and points cost associated with each unit entry. Lists are expected to be submitted to the Head of Gaming no later than 7 days before the event to be reviewed for errors. Battle Points Battle Points (BP) for battles will be determined using the standard setup from the 9th Age Ruleset. Each match will have a predefined secondary objective which can be found in the sections that follow detailing each round. Matchups Initial matchups will be randomized, after which will follow a swiss style matchup system based on total BP. All efforts will be made to ensure each player gets to play on as many different tables as possible. Additionally, if there are opponents which you know will be showing up for the tournament which you have played extensively, please try to let me know before hand, or first thing during registration, so that I can do my best to ensure you get to play opponents you have never played before. Please keep in mind this will be a difficult constraint to fulfill with everyone, while also trying to keep matches balanced through swiss matchup, therefore please shorten your list of “do not pair” to only two players. Awards There will be three awards given at the end of the tournament Best General will be awarded to the General with the highest BP score Best Painting will be awarded to the General with the highest peer reviewed paint score Best Sportsmanship will be awarded to the General with the highest peer reviewed sportsmanship score Entry Entry into the tournament will require you to purchase an event ticket from the Ordo Fanaticus boards. Visit the following website for the most up to date information on OFCC. https://www.ofccgaming.com/ If you intend to purchase a ticket, please inform “The Beninator” via a personal message on the Ordo Fanaticus Boards http://www.ordofanaticus.com/ or email me at beal.ben87@gmail.com so that I can have a head count before the event. Ticket purchases can be made any time prior to the event, although I encourage you to purchase tickets as soon as they are available to ensure your spot (this also helps the event organizers know what to plan for). Haiku Contest As a token to give back to the T9A community who volunteers to make this system for us, I challenge everyone to make a Haiku, themed around T9A, and bring it to OFCC. This Haiku can be about the game, about your army, about something silly, about a previous battle, whatever you wish. Your Haiku will be judged by your peers (much like a painting contest). The best Haiku will receive one extra point of sportsmanship as a reward, and be hailed as a wordsmith. I will share these Haikus with the online community where I imagine they will be very well received and appreciated. You can write it out, print it out, or do something crafty. Have it available for viewing during the lunch of day 2.
  3. Just bring your SO along to the tournament, Vancouver has great hospitals! 😅
  4. Alright! Glad you heeded the call of the miniatures! I SUMMON THEE!!!! @Sherbert @Zeev and @smashthedean are just a few of the Seattle/Bellingham folks that are around. Since you might need a bit of a jump start, might I interest you in a 5 game series at OFCC in August (25 & 26) in Vancouver, WA? Its always a good time, and this tournament is great for rusty players more than any other tournament this side of the Mississippi! (That's a completely unfounded statement, but it's probably true). Keep your eyes on the boards as I post the big reveal. I have to rewrite it later because I deleted it all on accident 😄
  5. Key word in that is "try". Obviously if the Swedish discrepancy is too large, I will have to make exceptions. After the first day I will be running out of options to honor a blacklist anyways, since the pairing will finally start to resemble something remotely calibrated (leading to the situation above). So I think in the end, it will work out as you suggest.
  6. Packet to be released soon. On the notion of the "spirit teams", I am thinking of tabling this idea. Reason being, I think we are perhaps still a bit small of a group, and T9A is still in flux (though coming to some final resting point soon) to warrant making this an official piece of the event. Perhaps once at least the fluff for T9A hits it will help spark some creative interest in the collective community. That said, anyone who does come with a banner, a war cry, a sweet diorama, or their finest WWF costume will most assuredly earn mad kudos (and therefore sportsmanship) points to put them in for "best sport", which as we know, is the most coveted of all prizes. I will however add an option to "blacklist" up to two opponents who you play against on a regular basis. That way, I can try to ensure everyone gets a fresh experience.
  7. @barca Alright, put "Cody" down on your list. He has never played, and he may feel most comfortable he plays with me on the same side. Since everyone so far does not seem to mind what faction they play, we could just hash it out when we get there.
  8. @barca Cool, I have a couple friends who have shown interest, but have never played before. Not sure if we want that dynamic or not, I personally dont mind.
  9. Hey Barca, What do you want to do if we dont get 5 players?
  10. Andrewgeddon hit it all on the head. I would be happy to play a game with you, any point size. We have traditionally met at Dice Age Games in Vancouver WA, but I am open to most locations (I live in SE Portland myself). Just shoot a PM, or post to this thread: We also have a mailing list, which is what I personally pay most attention to. If you are interested in that let me know. Welcome aboard!
  11. I have heard that the start of the Keto diet is really difficult, as you have to re-tune your digestive system from carb burning to fat burning as a primary fuel source. Like most changes to your body, it comes with some discomfort during that transition. As to the trouble of being a picky eater, my suggestion would be to go to restaurants and order things that contain the foods you are adverse to. In college, I was still at the point where I didn't want to eat vegetables of any kind, to the point that I would have an involuntary gag reflex when trying to eat it. I had a friend who introduced me to a vegetarian restaurant which would make "comfort veg food", so vegi burritos and stuff like that. It was slow going, but I found some dishes which were palatable (given the right hot sauce). This helped me get over the gag reflex, as I had positive association with dishes that contained vegetables. I got use to the smell, texture, and flavor. From there, my relationship with vegies changed. I completely agree that good eating is incredibly expensive, especially for a diet. That is an unfortunate cost you just have to accept in order to succeed in many diets. Food pricing does not seem to follow logical patterns, such as brown rice being more expensive than white rice, despite white rice actually requiring more processing.
  12. Factorio is a game for people who are into automation and LARGE puzzles. It plays a bit like Sim City, in the fact that it is an overhead 2D builder game. What makes this game so interesting is the scale. What starts out as a little modest base will eventually turn in to an enormous network of automated arms, conveyor belts, trains, assemblers, robots stretching a mile across. All that is necessary to build 1 rocket, to win the game. It has a 98% positive review on steam, which puts it on the top 5 games on steam. I think this reviewer's comment sums it up nicely. “The factory is an embodiment of madness incomprehensible even to the men who built it, laid every unholy circuit of conveyor belt, a thousand arms madly spinning every second, countless plates of copper and iron in a complex dance the likes of which is unseen in the realm of mere mortals. There are sections that I have no idea how they work, and I BUILT THEM.” Still in the totally addicted phase, but honestly its a 9/10 from me. My only gripe is there is no freaking trash can for your inventory. There is a work around, but id rather just have a can.
  13. I’m fine playing any nation. I always find Japan to be the most interesting to play so that would be my preference. If anyone else wants Japan, they can have it.
  14. Cats pajamas, I have been hankering to play this game! Count me in, hopefully I can remember 60 days out.
  15. Ill echo what Brother Glacius saids about dwarves. You cannot really build a gunline out of them that will smash every opponent. Since winning a game is so reliant on objectives, most of which I believe are board control, it is really difficult to castle up in a corner and do well. That being said, a mixed arms list seems like the way to go.
  16. Anyone planning on heading to DA this weekend? I have a new comer to the T9A scene. We played his first game last weekend, and it piqued his interest. He wanted to come by some time when we had a couple concurrent games going on to see what the other armies looked like, and how the other books played. For someone brand new to tabletop, he made a lot of pretty smart choices and asked a lot of very advanced questions, perhaps he is the Kwisatz Haderach of T9A?
  17. I need somewhere around 25-30 shields to outfit dwarves, preferably without arms attached, for a kit bashing. Other non-dwarf shields may work too, just depends on the aesthetic.
  18. Interesting. Lets call it a draw then! Andrew, if you could please update the tournament scores and label john as a cheater cheater pumpkin eater, that would be great :D The first ramph charge was a pretty poor choice I will admit. Probably would have failed the frenzy check regardless.
  19. That "Curiosity killed the cat" collection looks amazing! Seems steep for a sale tho, is this all limited edition or rare printing or something?
  20. The lil copters are OP! Kinda like plague monks on catapults ;D
  21. Not a single friggin' grudge buster! I am ashamed of our american dwarf players.
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