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Everything posted by TheBeninator

  1. Anyone interested in a post-turkey throw down? Any day this weekend, you name it, ill frame it.
  2. Well, if you are itching to start multiple collections at once there is enough Tomb Kings to build a full force here: It's a thing of beauty, but alas I am stubborn and really want individual miniatures to be fully compatible with T9A.
  3. Didn’t realize people still play warmaster. I concede my ignorance.
  4. Might I ask what you plan to use said warmaster miniatures to play? Or is this just a collection campaign?
  5. It's easier than you might think. Just thin your paints down to 0% pigment and apply layers to taste.
  6. Are you skipping priming? Or did you just repaint to what appears to be plastic grey? I say this because priming, although an extra step, typically speeds up painting as it is much easier to get an even coat when you add color.
  7. I just wanted to mention, some of you may look back to this time and think to yourself where were you and what were you doing on the FIRST WEEKEND AFTER THE PRE-GOLD FINIAL'ISH RELEASE OF T9A 2.0.5?!?! I'm sure I don't have to explain what regret feels like. You know what to do....
  8. Is WoW a potential location for such an event? I don't know much about scheduling there outside the Sunday night game night.
  9. Ill be there, +1 new player. We need one more person for 2 simultaneous games (or a 2v2). Who wants to come out and help show this player a good time?
  10. Post event wrap-up. After CoD Blackops 3 (of which we only played Blackout, which is their Battle Royal variant), we went through a bunch of games fairly quickly. The highlight game was "Golf it" which is a fairly simply made golfing game that has somewhat dubious physics and very plain controls. However, with sleep deprivation, mics, and friends, it actually turned out to be one of the best parts of the whole event, causing side pains from the laughter. It just goes to show that quality of games is far less important than the company with which you play them. The streamer, Rick, made it all 24 hours! Interestingly enough, the original plan of 5AM to 5AM would have been a 25 hour event, due to Daylight Savings, but we caught that little detail about half way through the day. I unfortunately tapped our 3 hours early, it appears that no matter how much espresso you drink, there is a limit to how long you can stay awake after only getting a few hours of sleep prior. Total funds raised was $270 that will go to charities for children! About $120 of this money was pre-event commitments from friends/family, whereas the next $150 came from donations during the stream! A big thanks to these secret donors. Donating anonymously is such a selfless act, it really is great to see this. This event was a pretty positive experience. I think next year we need a better set of goals, and a pre-defined lineup of games with a time schedule, to make the event easier to share with folks who may want to drop in and check out a specific game. This event also got me thinking of trying to bridge out to having a painting marathon for charity. Painting offers a beginning to end sense of accomplishment, and an easy to meter goal where each model painted earns donations at a set rate, much like a marathon runner earns a nickel for every mile they run. If anyone reads this and feels inspired to join in the gaming (or possibly painting) next year, send me a PM, or share your thoughts on this thread. Until next year, I will bit you adieu.
  11. Portal 2 Co-Op COMPLETE! Next.... CoD Blackops 3.... Not really excited about this, but I am told that the battle royal mode is top notch. However I will not be lifting any weights, drinking any monster, or high-fiving any bros during this experience.
  12. We decided to make a small change, and are running from 5AM to 5AM. Just started. We are 35% towards our goal thanks to pre-donations! I invite you to drop into the stream and take a quick peak if you are bored. twitch.tv/fauxnoodel
  13. If you have not heard of it before, Extra Life is a charity event for sick/injured kids. Akin to a running marathon, the idea is to get people to sponsor you to play video games, then commit yourself to a 24 hour gaming spree. All the money goes to a charity of your choice. https://www.extra-life.org/ The event is sort of odd to me, as the donor donates money based on your ability to play video games for a prolonged period of time, which is not typically seen as a healthy thing to do. Regardless, it's an interesting idea, and perhaps a fun experience. If you find yourself with any free time, go ahead and sign up (takes 1 min) and join our team "Shake and Bake Pretty Cakes". Not sure what we are going to be playing (still working out the agenda), but it sounds like we will have quite the variety. He will be streaming the whole day twitch.tv/fauxnoodel if you just want to stop in for a peek. Come watch or play, we begin at 12:00am 11/3
  14. I think the problem is the dials are different. Though, maybe that is all uniform now. @Skkipper What is it you need from a second empire/rebel expansion set? Perhaps we might be able to build mutually complete conversions out of two boxes with a bit of a trade? All my stuff is wave 9 and below.
  15. Well yeah, it would be much cheaper to only play with 1/3 of your collection. But who does that? Regardless, to bring just my empire collection up to speed I would need $130 of upgrades. This is for 2 regular boxsets, because I have enough tie fighters for a tie swarm, plus one more for the "First order" which are just more recent wave ships. Again, I could take the cheaper option and never play pure tie swarms, but that's a bunch of bantha poo.
  16. True, not all the different than buying 4 army codex when a new edition comes out. But, I must point out this ironic slip... Indeed you will pay a great deal more 🤣. I guess I’m just spoiled playing games with free rules. As such, paying $200+ for an edition switch seems like robbery! But nobody gets into minis because it is affordable. Glad first impressions are positive, are you playing in the Portland area?
  17. Did it feel worth the money? I have a huge grip of ships that I will need to convert. I am hoping for some kind of illegitimate reprint of the dials and a pirated source to print my own cards. Though I know this will probably never happen. This feels like table-top DLC.
  18. I might be able to drag out a friend who is almost completely new to the game. I introduced him to a 2500 pt game, he whooped me pretty good :D. If anyone is interested in a teaching game, I can reach out to him and see if he will come out.
  19. Sounds like we need to have a papercraft terrain party. Perhaps we could also talk @evil_bryan into showing us how to use his foam slicing stuff so we can make our own hills/cliffs/impassable on the super cheap. Your point about the time variable is well put though, making terrain takes a long time until we find some good hax. Friends don't let friends buy 2D terrain, even if that is what the fancy pants Europeans all use.
  20. That's a pretty sweet price. I really dislike the aesthetic of 2D terrain though, hence my dislike of the entire ETC. Still... the price is so bloody cheap.... Worst case scenario, if the product sucks, you could just sell all the pieces as mouse pads
  21. Where is the question about having a double's tournament (2v2)? Doubles! Doubles! Doubles! Doubles! Doubles!
  22. Can NMS be modded like Minecraft? I'm a huge MC fan, but only because of the mods to build massive automated networks, power plants, intricate logistical networks, and nuclear weapons. Vanilla MC is garbage once you get the sprinkles.
  23. Erp, looks like this Sunday suddenly took a different direction. Still into the league tho! Thanks for putting this on!
  24. I cant make it because I have folks in town, but I will try to get my co-worker to show up! Both escalation leagues sound great as my co-worker and I both have un-assembled models and a vague clue of how to play. Any chance you guys will be at WOW on this Sunday? I wanted to play a first game with my co-worker, and introduce him to the location and you fine folks. I totally understand if you have OFCC fatigue and/or special plans for the holiday weekend.
  25. I also want to extend my thanks to Steve, Thomas, Marietta, and Thiel for making the trek down and spending the high expenses it requires to participate from out of town, especially after I told you we would have a small turnout this year. I simply watched from the sidelines as you all self organized, decided on what terrain was, resolved edge cases, and provided an impeccable sportsmanship experience! Heck, even Thiel took the reigns and solved the puzzle for final round robin match ups (thank you Theil!). The games had all sorts of twists and turns, with huge comebacks, and narrow last minute victories (Cuatl punch!). As per usual, I only took about 5% of the pictures I wanted to take, but I will be posting everything I have somewhere and will let you all know. Also, CONGRATS to @Obsidiananubis for winning best painted! I failed to get you the metal before you had to head out (my apologies), but PM me your address and I will send it to you! I did not hear anything bad about the scenarios, so i'm taking that as permission to keep them fairly standard, but a little weird. I got a lot of great advice from other TOs about what to incorporate into next year, the poems are out, but other participation antics will be added.
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