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Everything posted by TheBeninator

  1. One of these days I will build a 10mm army. One of these days...
  2. Andrew hit the nail pretty well. I love all the changes that were made, I will even concede that the loss of the templates was a good choice (RIP templates). This is by far my favorite version of the game, and last weekend's 5 day tournament really proved that to me as I had 5 great games where I did not feel like I lost the match before the game even began. This is compared to 8th where I lost games at spell generation during pre-game. The biggest problem T9A had was constantly changing, that part is over! Army book changes will be fairly glacial in the meantime (points changes), with the exception of the full AB projects which will redesign the whole army. It's doubtful that any models will become obsolete, but armies will be able to take advantage of the new rules space and game mechanics that were built into the core rulebook. Essentially the current rule book has design space built into it that will be implemented in each army as their ABs are reworked. They are reworking 1-2 books at a time to ensure a high quality product. If you are in the Portland/Vancouver area I would be happy to play a game with you and show you the ropes of the changes. No need to read the tomb of rules, most of it you will recognize, we can just cover the latest (and final) changes as they come up.
  3. It is not in stone yet, but Kenyon said it would be either 7-8 or 14-15 of December. Kenyon has offered up his place to stay at. Not sure if it would accommodate 5, but its a partial option. 10.5 hour drive 18 hour train ride on Amtrak ($75 each way). 18 HR on a train is a tad much...
  4. Great event everyone, I had a blast. Another shout out to Andrew for putting it all together! We should think about that 5 man PNW team for the Pacific Rim GT.
  5. @Nick! I SUMMON THEE Nick is the man for KoW in the Portland/Vancouver area. From what I understand it is pretty big in Seattle, so there is a decent community and tournament scene up there. The local scene is a great bunch of chaps to play with. I think most of them actually live in Portland, but yes normally folks play up in the 'couv. The game is good, well balanced, yet does not offer a huge amount of faction identity relative to other mass R&F games. Rules are clean and crisp, the games are fast, and the feeling of mass R&F warfare is there without the tedium of rolling separate dice for 5 different profiles and initiative steps. Some of us are just into that level of tedium 😄
  6. Some of the finest bathroom faucet water in the country I might add! They also have like 18 beers to choose from (mostly bottled of course), but a handful on tap. Pretty incredible for a game store.
  7. Ya, the no water bottle thing is kind of weird. OLCC is pretty brutal. But, interestingly enough, it does require that GG offers us at least 5 "substantial meal options" during all hours that they also serve alcohol. I think this means that the food cart outside the store (which I assume is their "on premises food source") must remain open as long as they are serving alcohol. So its tacos on demand! What I dont see in the OLCC documentation is anything about drinking water. But hey, beer is mostly water, so I think they have us covered 😄
  8. Brewmaster and his drinking crew will be there!
  9. You should play T9A then! We dont care who makes your models. Mind = Blown ?
  10. Barca, I am in for this if I have a vet to help teach me, and if there are still models to use. What would be the most relevant rules to read, or what are your best recommendations for a youtube tutorial series to learn the basics?
  11. That all sounds really awesome. You still playing Tuesday nights at PGS?
  12. Good to hear! What does S&S mean relative to list building? Know anything about the 2nd Ed -> 3rd Ed conversion from a materials perspective? Will we need to buy new cards, new counters, new app, or is it too soon to tell? I heard they took out the jokers, or at least tamed them down, is this heresy true?
  13. Who wants to start off the year right with some T9A this weekend? I propose the usual high noon at Dice Age, though I am open to other suggestions. There are only 2 short months until March to War, its time to start thinking up and testing those sweet lists!
  14. Deep Rock Galactic 4/5 You and three dwarf friends drill deep into an alien planet in search for exotic metals and stones in a futuristic setting. The game plays a lot like vermentide, with 4 unique classes which synergize very well with each other. The maps are proceduraly generated (therefore they are always random). The enemies are bug like creatures that crawl all over cavern walls. The entire environment is destructible and the game gets progressively harder as you level up. Awesome environmental effects such as earthquakes causing massive fissures to open under your feet. A match takes about 20 minutes or so to complete the objective and get out. Its pretty cheap, maybe $15, still in Alpha, but we have only experienced 1 glitch (for some reason you cannot map any keys to "p", no clue why). The graphics are simple and cartoonish, but still look great, the code appears to be pretty optimized so your old machine can probably handle it. Bonus: it has THE BEST ready room I have ever seen in any game, by a long shot. Downsides: The range of upgrades seems fairly limited, but that is likely due to the game development still in alpha. Most missions are a "resource collection and get out" which becomes a bit repetitive, thought with the changing environments, it always feels a bit like a whole new experience every round you play.
  15. According to the Wyrd Games website FAQ: When is M3E releasing? 2019.
  16. A bit of pre-holiday battle anyone? This Saturday, noon, at a location of your choice. First round is on me!
  17. Oh Sweet, Alex is coming!! Josh too! Is Joe also from the Davis area? I'm bad with names...
  18. Ya know, for a second there, I thought you meant "the 9th age" - we must play. Total click bait Raindog!
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