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Everything posted by TheBeninator

  1. That's a lotto skeletons! Are any of those chariots? That looks like 100+ archers, 200+ infantry, and other stuff I cannot identify
  2. From the discussions regarding US Maters I have seen on the T9A forums, there appeared to be a lot of interest of making the "masters" part a sub event of the overall event. By this I mean, the comp players get to play in the comp player battle, and the rest of us get to do our thing. Why the masters tag? I think this is a nostalgic link to the past that should be cherished. Having met most of our T9A players, I feel I can safely say that most of us dont have the time/energy/money to pursue US masters. Therefore even if OFCC became a qualifying event, it would not change our mindsets. We all play this game and look forward to OFCC for different reasons. We let Swiss matchmaking put the serious gamers up against the serious gamers, and the casuals against the casuals. I'd love to have a person I could root for to represent Oregon/Washington, and stick it to those other 48 states. The question is, which one of you would choose to rise to the challenge? Rant aside, sportsmanship award as the nominee is pretty dang clever.
  3. I see what you did there...
  4. Overall I like the list, to answer your questions: 1) Overall its both shooty and fighy, not amazing at either. You lack significant swiftstride threat to secure board positioning. You do have the ace in the hole war-cry, which from what I understand is kinda like having swiftstride. 2) I would get the potion of swiftness on your warlord just to be sure that you get to attack first in a duel. Whats the plan with the goblin chief? Your BSB has only 1 banner enchantment, but can take 2! I would double up on him to get the most bang for your buck. 3) I think you have plenty of characters 😄 4) I think you should keep the raider separate, they are really just chaff in the end. The lances option will fold like paper if they hit a real unit (even in the flank), but you can at least give opponent chaff a run for it's money. Honestly, your pyromancy and bowfire would probably be sufficient for anti-chaff. All that said, I dont think you are going to get much extra mileage out of giving them more bows. Some disturbing lists I have seen online are feral orc spam with bows, paired weapons, and mammoth stabbers. So you can put out like 300 arrows per turn, with 15 mammoth stabbers, and paired weapons all around. The are all fearless so you don't have to worry about a mass route. That of course would be a gross list, not one befitting of OFCC!
  5. TICKETS! Just a subtle, certainly non-passive aggressive reminder to GET YO FRIGGIN' TICKETS! Or else..... ❤️
  6. You should take a look at T9A, it has all the warhammer armies of old. In fact, its less hero-hammer heavy then 8th, so the armies look way better imo. That's a pretty big risk to just show up. Remember that 8th edition is basically toast, so the chances that someone is playing 8th WHFB is pretty small. The majority of 8th players either sold their stuff, moved to T9A, or re-based in rounds for AoS. Probably best to plan it out and make a date. Ill get back up to Seattle before the year is up.
  7. Anyone brave enough to take on the Skink throng tomorrow, high-noon? This will be my proposed OFCC list (as a pillow fight list), so I need to make sure the pillow does not have too many hammers in it :D.
  8. Its worth getting back in to, if for no other reason than to hang with Fixxer. I'm pretty new to it too, so you can beat up on my friendly drinking crew 😄
  9. Hey there my peoples! What are you working on in preparation for this OFCC? I decided for the FIRST TIME, to run a skink caster on a flying palanquin. This means I must actually paint the model (the old teto'eko). Turns out, I lost his left arm somewhere... BUT T9A was awesome enough to give a special rule to the palaquin which is "Plaque of the snake god". I decided to make a little modification, and I think this is super fitting! What are you working on?
  10. Wazawhaaaaaaat? 10mm Tomb Kings? I would love to see some pics of this! Consider my interest.... highly interested...?
  11. I wanted to give a shout out to @Orson for the game we got in 2 weeks ago! I forgot to thank you formally on the forums! I would love to see that list at OFCC this year!! I didn't get to test my true metal against your camel cataphracts!
  12. That's how my Lizardmen got painted. You can still see what I never finished :D. Was a 40 hour marathon or something with @Peanut. We drank an insane amount of stovetop espresso, took a day off work, picked up like 6 hours of sleep, then went to the tournament. Good times
  13. DOOOOOOOOO IT! We could extend Sunday into a priming party. I can bring over the airbrush to crank out your major basecoat on all your models. That's 25% of the way there! Ill even pledge to get the DH done to match you, though with having to move soon, I have no clue how I would manage that.
  14. Thank you again @valourunbound for the great game last weekend. It was down to the wire, certainly! And in true skaven fashion, your utter disreguard for your soldier's lives (hand of god or whatever) helped me clench the victory 😄 Here is the highlight recap! End of SA Turn 1: Cornered like a rat! Feeling good about this. My Taurasaur has the engine of the ancients providing a 5+ aegis bubble against shooting. Both the Templeguard and the Carnosaur are also Hard Target! Cuatl is built to shut his caster down. Also, 3 salamanders. So ya, this is gonna get messy Turn 2 SA: As the Taurasuar next to the general is blown into 1000 pieces on VS Turn 1, the general (a mage apprentice), and his trusty steed (also a mage apprentice) commit to the charge! But fail.... T3 SA: The general "tactically retreats" behind the hill after suffering 5 of his 6 wounds. He and his trusty carnosaur turn to the camera and pronounce "Run! They have cannons!!!", his steed agrees. This was the last we heard from him for not too long after some sneaky rats brought down the great general with a little poisoned sling rock. I mean common... a poisoned rock? Puh! Meanwhile the rest of the SA have marched up, but not engaged, taking heavy losses from all sorts of vermin firepower. Only the Cuatl is able to make progress with some clutch spell casting. Also, a comet in the sky begins to descend into the Saurian ranks, uh oh... SA or VS T4 or so... The comet hits! Just prior, some sneaky band of rats had made their way into my deployment zone (the scoring objective). Luckily, my opponent rolled like a champ, and obliterated that unit of rats for me, there is the lone survivor running away. I lost 4 skinks for his troubles :D. End of Game: After making a mad dash into the rat nest I was able to clench the secondary objective. In the top right, you can see a movement tray, that was the 8 Saurus warriors left of the 22 lizard unit (which only ever fought 1 battle against 10 rats) walking away from the arc of the Stormvermin. The Ramphadons plowed through both artillery with devastating power (both artillery had prey scent), yielding like 12 wounds on each! The only other real combat in the game occurred on the very last turn, and it was a near wipe out of the SA! Fortunately, rules, order of operations, and slightly different initiative steps allowed my Cuatl to take the place of his fallen guard, and thus forces his blender of a BSB to attack the Cuatl (who is a big meaty frog with an aegis) instead of the crumbly Temple guard unit. I dont know how much I lost by (probably like 10-15), but I was stubborn due to the Temple guard!!! This saved probably 30-40% of my points, and provided me a second unit in the deployment zone (though I only needed 1). In the end, the vermin swarm blasted apart the majority of my army, though I was fortunate to not lose the Cuatl. The Raphadons scored a bunch of points through the 2 artillery kills bringing the final points difference to somewhere around 850 in favor of the VS. Though, thanks to the secondary objective, this became a minor SA victory at 11-9. If there had been a turn 7, it would have been a VERY ugly game for the SA. In the end the Taurasaur absorbed bullets The General with Carnosaur absorbed bullets The Saurus warriors absorbed bullets (and killed 10 rats, ez life) The skinks + Camian absorbed bullets The templeguard absorbed bullets, and remained stubborn 2 of 3 Salamanders absorbed bullets 1 salamander misfired, somehow lived to see another turn, got to shoot at the VS! Then absorbed bullets.... The ramphadons were bosses, and smashed rat face The cuatl carried the team.
  15. Mmmm.... I have been giving this idea too much thought. Only like $150 to make a full army! How interested are we here? Is this just a novelty idea, or is this for reals? I could get behind this post OFCC.
  16. Hey everyone, I thought Id start a separate thread dedicated to any discussion you would like to have over the Scenarios proposed in the 2018 packet and the special rules I made up. What I learned last OFCC is that some special rules are REALLY broken. That said, no special rules is kind of dull. Many secondary objectives in the T9A book have no real purpose until Turn 5, then it's a mad dash to capture the objectives. The intent with these special rules is to give the objectives a bit of an incentive to hold earlier in the game. This should hopefully promote a slightly different game experience. Below I have summarized the Deployment, Secondary Objective (with a brief recap of what it is), and Special rule for quick reference. Everything is on the table for criticism! R1: Deployment: Encircle Objective: King of the hill (each player chooses a non-impassable terrain feature not within their deployment zone, you must hold both, whoever holds more of the objectives with scoring units wins) Special Rule: Any unit with at least half it’s footprint within either chosen terrain feature, as chosen through the rules for King of the Hill, grants the unit “Battle Focus”. If the unit already has the special rule “Battle Focus”, then the terrain instead grants +1 to hit (in close combat) to that unit. This benefit is lost as soon as over half of the unit’s footprint is no longer within the terrain. * The idea here is to make defending your location advantageous, so if you are getting crushed you can fall back and make a last stand R2: Deployment: Refused Flank (Diagonal) Objective: Spoils of war (Three tokens on the board that must be collected by a scoring unit and held for the remainder of the game, effects march rate if less than 3 full ranks) Special Rule: Once per player turn, a unit which has possession of a spoil of war may invoke its magical properties to take a single 4+ Aegis save vs. a wound suffered. This benefit is extended to any character or war platform which is imbedded in that unit. Once this feature is used, regardless of result, it cannot be used again until the next player turn. This means that during a single turn you can use this feature while you are the active player, and the inactive player (there are two player turns in a single turn). * The idea here is to get people out to the markers quickly, the trouble with this is that a M5 army can secure all 3 targets due to the small deployment. To this, I could add an additional rule that you cannot secure an objective on T1? Discuss! R3: Deployment: Counterthrust Objective: Capture the flags (destroy 3 marked scoring units) Special Rule: If a marked unit is charged, and the marked unit makes a flee reaction, it may choose to make the flee result with the “Maximized Roll” (swiftstride) condition. * This should hopefully allow you to be a bit more aggressive with weaker scoring units, as you have a better chance of getting away if things get hairy and you need to flee from a particularly nasty charge. Note, this does not help cavalry at all, so that is a downside (unless we let maximize stack). R4: Deployment: Dawn Assault*** Objective: Hold the ground (Hold the center of the map) Special Rule: The deployment of this scenario will begin with a “fog of war” (a wall blocking your vision of your opponent’s deployment zone). Start by surveying both sides of the field and work through choosing sides as normal. Once you have each chosen your sides, return to your side of the table, from this point on until the game begins you cannot peak around to your opponent’s deployment zone. You must then deploy your entire force, including choosing up to two units to hold in reserve (as per the rules for Dawn Assault). You do not have to declare to your opponent which units these are until the fog is lifted. Your vanguard movements may be a total of 11” (instead of 12”). Since you do not know where your opponent’s units will be, you may ignore the 6” rule during Vanguard deployment. Do not deploy your scouts at this time. Once both players have completed their deployments, you must then announce how many units you are keeping in reserve. Then roll for first turn following the instructions below First turn will be determined by a single dice roll-off. For each unit you choose to keep in “reserves” (maximum of 2) under the conditions of Dawn Assault, you get a +1 to your roll. If both players dice roll + modifiers tie, then reroll until one player wins the duel. The winner of the dice-off may then choose to go first or second. Once first turn is established, the fog is lifted, remove the middle barrier. At this point you may deploy scouts starting with the player who will be going first. After this somewhat complicated setup, the game is played as normal, following the rules for Dawn Assault and Hold the Ground. The TO will collect the "fog" and get them out of your way. * Lots of words just to try and fully cover the order of operations, everything should be fairly intuitive. Once you are done with deployment, its just a simple game with no extra stuff R5: Deployment: Front-line Clash Objective: Breakthrough (get into their deployment zone) Special Rule: Your forces are reinvigorated to see their nemesis on the field. Once per game, you may choose to reroll one of your own failed charge distances. This must be used during the charge phase and does not apply to post combat pursuits or random movement. If you have already rerolled your charge dice through some other rule, you may not use this feature to reroll them a second time. * Pretty simple special rule, allows you to be a bit aggressive with a single charge, does not seem game breaking.
  17. You are somewhere in the Seattle metro area right? I have have a friend up in Seattle who wants to see the game, perhaps I can train up from Portland and we can have a 3 way FFA (Dwarves, Lizardmen, and Orcs)?
  18. Started with 8th edition as well, now on to T9A. If we consider the two to both be WHFB, then I am much happier with T9A due to aforementioned balance issues of 8th. 8th edition had it's qualities though. I started the game by using my buddies O&G army (against the rest of his O&G army). The pure silliness of O&G rules made the game seem more like a comical story then a battle. This really got me into the game with how fluffy it played. Though I never played the previous editions, I didn't like the idea of no pre-measuring, as it seemed to just give ANOTHER advantage to veteran players. As if list building, rules mechanics, and tactical mastery were not enough to pwn noobs, you had to make them feel stupid for being 1/2" too short for a charge. With random charges, you can at least blame it on the dice 😄
  19. Ill be bringing every skink I have as a backup army in case we end up with an odd number of players. O&G are always well loved. How heavy do you consider heavy in basic orcs? I think O&G sometimes get overlooked because they don't have armywide shenanigans.
  20. I play T9A so I was going to mash up a kingdom of equitane army (bretonians in Whfb), from tutonic knights and the like. That’s a down the road project though, still have plenty of dwarves that need some color. the prices of fireforge seem so darn good. I bought their spears for conversions, hence my question about the wire. Does wire hold primer + paint well enough? Better or worse than pewter?
  21. Awesome conversions, I love the attention to detail on things like baggage counters! A couple questions for you: How do you feel about the wire spears? Far better than a plastic alternative? I was considering an army from fireforge in the future, is the fine cast bad enough that I should just avoid it altogether?
  22. If it means more people to play with, I would be into it. Good chance to play an army I have never wanted to shell out mad cash for.
  23. I once heard a joke Spoken at OFCC twas "Age of Sigmar" 😁
  24. Testing my signature... @DisruptiveConduct to the rescue! Thank you sir! The packet is live in my signature. All the same jazz you see above + the scenarios.
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