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Posts posted by Lyraeus

  1. 18 hours ago, Brother Glacius said:

    I finally got my codex after waiting a freaking month for GW to complete my order. Holy [big bad swear word] balls. Why in the world would I ever want to order directly from GW if it still takes a god damn month?? Anyways...as I said, I finally got the book. I started reading it and half way through I hit the rules.....wait a minute..half way through the book and hit the rules? That is right, half of the freaking codex is rules. Hence the topic. Are there some courses out there that I can take that will teach me how to play Ad Mech? I thought 40K was supposed to be the Pew Pew game...not something I need to start a dissertation on. Ugh. Help?

    You need a full PHD 😛

    Art of War and Goonhammer are your best bets 


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  2. That is a LARGE game... would take most all of the day. I have enough points in Dark Angels....

    2 hours ago, ImperialTrooper said:

    Would anyone be interested in doing a bigger sorta Open/Matched Onslaught 40k game? I was thinking maybe 3k/3500 pts. Start with say 20-25 cp? Maybe we agree on some special rules to get an epic battle going??


  3. 3 hours ago, PumpkinHead said:

    I don't know where I would find the extra points for infiltrators, unless I cut down on my heavies. Yes it is light, and it needs to castle to survive a round or two, but I think it has potential. 

    I am debating what is better. The 5+ invuln bubble from the librarian, or switching over to texhnomancy for the additional repair, +1 to hit, and +1 to save.

    If you are castling you are not getting Primary which means you need REALLY heavy shooting phases to make up the differences 

  4. 6 hours ago, PumpkinHead said:

    Would you consider the following list competitive or middle of the road?

    Chapter master on bike, WL, relic: the tempered helm, SS, power sword, WL trait: rites of war

    Iron Father Feirros

    Chief Librairan, Veil of time, Psychic fortress, null zone

    10 Heavy Intercessors

    5 incursors

    5 incursors

    Redemptor Dread: 2x storm bolter, icaus rocket, macro plasma, onslaught gattling

    Redemptor Dread: 2x storm bolter, icaus rocket, macro plasma, onslaught gattling

    Redemptor Dread: 2x storm bolter, icaus rocket, macro plasma, onslaught gattling

    Relic contemptor dread: cyclone ML, 2x twin volkite culverin

    Relic contemptor dread: cyclone ML, 2x twin volkite culverin

    Relic contemptor dread: cyclone ML, 2x twin volkite culverin, march of the ancients, hero of the chapter, merciless logic

    I would play Infiltrators over Incursors (Forward deployment, Helix Gauntlet, WELL worth the points), I like the list but I would want Invictors in there some how and I feel the list is light. Light as in, one good turn of your opponent you could lose a LOT of firepower

  5. On 6/21/2021 at 8:42 AM, Brother Glacius said:

    What a difference between 40K and AoS. the new 40K was sold out almost immediately and with AoS, it is still available and they are still giving away free token set.

    I think they planned for more this time. I am tempted by the box... but I have my Gretchin Sky Pirates first and foremost 

  6. 15 hours ago, Commissar Chask said:

    Assuming no last minute craziness happens again, I should be there for some 40k action. Either Crusade or 1.5-2k


    On 6/14/2021 at 6:22 AM, Shupid said:

    Hi guys. I'll be coming again on Tuesday and bringing my 40k Crusade army.


    On 6/13/2021 at 7:07 PM, ImperialTrooper said:

    Heard about this place from some new acquaintances. I was hoping to find a 2k pt 40k game since it will be my first time checking the place out!


    Chask and I discussed this on the discord (Join us!), @Shupid I would love to play Crusade vs you. My Ravenwing would like a second game... Got to get as many as possible because once orks drop I will likely have 4 different Ork Crusades going (The Grot Revolution needs its own Krusade). 

    @ImperialTrooper Chask will be playing you but will be at the clubhouse closer to 5pm. 

    Cant wait to get a game in. OH I will have my hyper friendly Red Husky with me. He is getting close to being acclimated but may need a walk in the middle of the crusade.

  7. On 6/7/2021 at 12:35 PM, Munkie said:

    I believe that you can only declare charges against units that are within 12", but you can still move whatever you roll. Not at home to double check that though.

    You cant declare a charge at something Over 12" but if you roll 18" on 3d6 you can go the full 18 as long as the first model gets within Engagement range of the charged unit

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