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Posts posted by Lyraeus

  1. 16 hours ago, DrButcherMD said:

    Name: Sam

    Armies: 2000+ painted Blood Angels, 1500 Adeptus Mechanicus(50% painted).

    Available: Weekday evenings, Anytime on the weekends.

    Location: Inner NE Portland. Willing to travel anywhere in Portland.

    Game Location: Can't host yet. Working on it.

    Prefered Contact Method: SDenniston80@gmail.com or through the Ordo message board.

    I played 8th edition quite a bit. I have 4 9th editions under my belt, and I'm still learning. Beers are welcome, but drink responsibly.

    I can host from my apartment in SE Portland. I do have a Husky who is super friendly.

  2. So the Dominion Box set pre order date is going to be revealed soon, I am wondering who would like to split the box with me? I want the Kruleboyz from the box (and preferably the rule book as well)

    I live in Portland so would need to be someone in the area.

  3. 6 minutes ago, scottshoemaker said:

    No ork artillery should be brought in those kind of numbers, with maybe the exception of a hopsplat or squig chucker.

    This is exactly what I mean.  The only thing that should have redundancy in an ork army are boyz. 

    That being said allow me to trot out my dredmob of 9 Killybots.

    I disagree with that. You dont take 1 buggy, you take 6. You dont take 1 Kommando unit, you take 3. Orks do not have any sort of staying power otherwise


    I am not taking 8 Grot Tanks, I am taking 24 ^ ^

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Ish said:

    Hitting on 4’s would be a 50% hit rate. Which is the definition of “average” shooting and not the poor accuracy Orks and Gretchen are said to have in the fluff... But, okay, fine. Grots are slightly better shots than Orks and da boss puts the ones with the best aim on the gun...

    Hitting on 4’s with re-rolling 1’s and an extra attack on 6’s is a 75% hit rate. That’s borderline Vindicare Assassin levels of accurate shooting.

    75% hit rate? No, I will dispute that math because we still have to roll the new attack which means it has about a 60% chance or so of being a success and we also have to roll a 6 on d3 shots so already it is not a guarantee. I have used them enough (never taken 14 though). 

    This is how orks play, everything is stupid levels of redundancy. We die FAR too easily otherwise.  

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Munkie said:

    And re-roll 1s, and get extra shots on 6s. 14 smasha gunz average about 18 hits per turn. 

    Seriously, try the list sometime. There's a player in our area who (luckily) can only attend 1 out of 3 tourneys with the list. He has never not tabled his opponent AFAIK Consistently scoring 90+ points every game.

    You have to take very specific lists to be able to counter it. Most factions don't have access to those types of lists.


    If someone is bringing 14 smasha gunz they mean business and if you are getting smashed by them (pun intended) then terrain density might need to be looked at. They need LoS and if you are playing on planet bowling ball then yes, they will dominate.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Munkie said:

    I'm fine with T5 boyz as long as they nerf the hell out of mek gunz. There is nothing less fun than facing 14 dirt cheap, very accurate, incredibly powerful, single unit despite being 6 for 1 HS slot "vehicles" with very long range. There are very few armies that have any sort of response to a skew list like that. A list that just so happens to also have 90 boyz which mostly don't need to do anything other than camp objectives because the opponent is being tabled by the firebase alone.

    Bringing those from 3 for 1 to 6 for 1 was a horrible, horrible decision on GW's part.

    "Very Accurate".... we hit on 4's.... 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, sethT said:

    I’m a returning hobbyist looking to get in my first 40k game in over 10 years! I’ve got 1000 pts of Drukhari/dark Eldar, though it’s not all painted. Would I be able to find a game or 2?


    3 hours ago, Constyx said:

    I’ve been looking to learn 40k. There’s loaner armies you can use. If you’re willing to work through learning the rules while playing I would be up to playing a game. 

    I should be showing up. If so I can teach you both how to play. 

    I can either play either of you or you can play against each other and I can teach you the basic rules and answer questions 

  8. On 5/25/2021 at 9:30 AM, Homer said:

    Name: Jamie

    Armies: Blood Angels 2000 points battle ready, and a few more being painted.

    Available: Free most days or can make room on the schedule.

    Location: SE Portland / Milwaukie

    Game Location: I can host but don't have terrain yet, willing to travel around the Portland area

    Preferred Contact Method: PM me

     I've just finished a little over 2,000 points of Blood Angels and I'm ready to start playing. I've watched a tone of battle reports and have all the rule books, just haven't played yet. If your willing to play a few games and help me learn I'd like to get to playing. I can host, just don't have any terrain built yet.

    I have a table and terrain as well as teach (I am a decent player) let me know 

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