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Sgt. Rock

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Everything posted by Sgt. Rock

  1. As long as you don't need to advance, that sounds like a great plan. 😛 Let's face it, GW shot themselves in the foot with the Primaris, they're hopelessly unable to take and hold forward positions.
  2. Any TO that would turn that away is a TO I don't want to play with.
  3. So it looks like I'm going to need to get my game in for the week on Sunday. Hopefully enough folks will show up that I can get it in.
  4. I will also be in on Sunday, though I'm not sure if I'll be playing 40k or Infinity. Decision will likely be made day of (or possibly even not until I actually get there.) Also, Jason, that is one sexy stormtrooper conversion. I approve.
  5. Absolutely one of the best RTS games ever made. Although as much as people were down on DoW II, I really liked that one, too.
  6. I saw a conversion once where a guy used a long, thin bolt screwed into a nut he glued onto the flight stand and again on the bottom of the vehicle. Worked a champ, never broke, and was easy to remove and transport.
  7. An inspired masterpiece. The fellows at Forge World could learn a thing or two.
  8. Dude, you totally should! It's an incredibly rewarding hobby. If you want some pointers, I'd be happy to share. I've been brewing mead for close to 15 years now, and I just started on beer, too. My personal recipe for mead is 12 lbs. honey to 1 gallon of water, heated just enough to melt the honey, with White Labs sweet mead yeast. Great stuff.
  9. Any of you nutters homebrewers like me? Let's compare notes! I'm probably going to put down a batch of mead next weekend, and maybe some beer if I can scrounge the materials. What about y'all? What are you brewing?
  10. I believe Ish was making a facetious reference to the toilet. Which would make a very strange Gargant indeed.
  11. Tell that to my Crimson Fists. Shameful, I tell you! But then you'd have to play Ultramarines... Honestly, the Gravis captain seems to fill a particular niche in Space Marine armies. He's the guy you bring if you want a foot slogging melee monster. He's not as fast as a smashcaptain, , he doesn't have deep strike like the Terminator captain, and he can't fit in a Rhino, Razorback, or Land Raider, only a Repulsor. If you're bringing an all-primaris force and really need a melee beat stick, he's fantastic for it. But if you're going traditional marines or mix-n'-match, I'd probably still go with a smashcaptain or a Terminator captain. Neither of them are as resilient, but they'll get into melee to do their work a lot faster. Plus, they have a lot more options for kit; no TH/SS for the primaris dudes, no storm bolters or combi-guns, nothing. GW's new policy of sculpting models first and then making stats to fit them is really quite annoying.
  12. Excellent points all, however, this is mostly going off the models I have access to at present. I'm terribly adverse to the notion of proxying anything if I can avoid it, and I try as much as possible to make even my wargear WYSIWYG. I do not have more scouts or Intercessors. I need to invest in more of each. The Razorback is honestly just there as a platform for lascannons, as I also do not have dev squads. The Techmarine is nice, because he's the cheapest HQ I have access to, in order to fill out a Battalion to get those precious CP I was lacking tonight, and he gives me some last minute melee oomph should I need it. He can also keep the dread and/or Razorback alive. I see what you mean about the dread being a fire magnet with the lascannons, though. Maybe a plasma cannon? Just to keep some of his anti-armor capability outside of melee. If I do that, I can drop in a scout with a heavy bolter. 750 feels like a weird point level; Guard can easily bring a Leman Russ at 500, but without a Devastator squad (which is a surprisingly expensive investment, points-wise) even at 750, Space Marines seem to have trouble answering heavy armor like that. Clearly, I need to get some more games in to figure out what I'm doing better.
  13. Quick and dirty idea for 750 points next week: ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [43 PL, 750pts] ++ + No Force Org Slot + **Chapter Selection**: Crimson Fists + HQ + Captain in Gravis Armor [7 PL, 118pts]: Boltstorm gauntlet, Iron Resolve, Master-crafted power sword, Warlord Techmarine [4 PL, 45pts]: Boltgun, Chainsword, Servo-arm, Teeth of Terra + Troops + Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 89pts]: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Bolt rifle . 4x Intercessor . Intercessor Sergeant: Power sword Scout Squad [6 PL, 84pts]: 5x Camo cloak . Scout Sergeant: Power maul, Sniper rifle . 4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifle Tactical Squad [9 PL, 170pts] . 7x Space Marine . Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Power fist . Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Missile launcher . Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun + Elites + Dreadnought [7 PL, 132pts]: Twin lascannon . Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter: Storm bolter + Dedicated Transport + Razorback [5 PL, 112pts]: Storm bolter, Twin lascannon ++ Total: [43 PL, 750pts] ++ Created with BattleScribe Should have enough anti-infantry and anti-armor firepower to take care of business, and it solves my issue of not having any high-strength melee weapons that can put the hurt on T5 and up.
  14. Yeah, I think you're right. Hellblasters are a big investment, and while 2 wounds and power armor is good, it's still not enough to let them go traipsing up the field unattended. Everything I've read says they should be hidden behind something until they can get into rapid fire range. And I don't think my list was bad, but I think it would have been helpful if I'd snuck a power fist or two in there. Constantly being on 5's to wound your commander in melee is really what stymied me in that regard, I think. Also, I like the Crimson Fists, and I really like that their new rules are fluffy and represent the chapter, but I'm thinking they're a bit of a limitation, honestly. Having all your cool abilities predicated on being outnumbered 2:1 isn't a particularly reliable or useful set of rules. But I still like them, I have Pedro Kantor already, and I have 4 pots of Kantor Blue for my airbrush, so in for a penny, in for a pound!
  15. Well, the Crimson Fists brought shame to the Emperor this evening. After a pitched battle, they were overcome by the Tau, who lowered themselves to base fisticuffs to defeat the Emperor's "finest." Which is to say, they GOT THEIR TEETH KICKED IN BY A BUNCH OF BLUE-SKINNED CHUMPS WHO DON'T KNOW WHICH END OF A KNIFE TO HOLD WITHOUT CUTTING THEMSELVES. The lone survivor of the massacre was one tactical marine with a missile launcher, who had been missing his targets all game. No extraction is planned. He can hitchhike back to Rynn's World, and if he survives the trip, we *might* think about letting him back in. Maybe. In all seriousness, @paxmiles provided a great game. There were some ridiculous dice rolls (like the one Fire Warrior atop the ruins who WOULD NOT DIE) and I learned that a patrol detachment, even at 500 points, simply isn't enough. Command points are important, it would seem. Next week, I'll probably field a captain of some stripe, so I can get some better melee protection, and/or shoehorn a dreadnought in. 750 should give me a bit more wiggle room, though I'm a little worried I'm going to struggle with anti-armor capabilities. Can't really fit many lascannons in at that level, and krak missiles are unreliable (as proven by the aforementioned nitwit who kept shooting at the Crisis commander and failing at life.)
  16. Okay, sounds good. I just had a ton of crap to get done over the weekend, so there wasn't a lot of time to paint.
  17. Yeah, it's the extra points I'm after (since I don't anticipate I'll be winning many games. 😛 ) I just want to know when the cutoff for a week's worth of painting is, do I need to get my squad done today, or can I finish it tomorrow or something and post it on my thread?
  18. Do I have to have my models painted by league night on Tuesday to get credit for them, or can I get them done on Wednesday or Thursday or whatever? I have a squad of Hellblasters that I'm working on, but it's very unlikely I'll get them finished in the next hour and a half (base coat needs to dry.)
  19. Well, keep in mind that the Gravis captain also brings a power sword to the equation. If you're looking for a melee monster, then he's your guy. He can use the sword for cleaning up chaff like Guard or Tau, or he can use the fist on tougher nuts like orks or MEQs. The fist/plasma isn't a bad profile, by any stretch, it's just that I think the Gravis is more versatile in melee, specifically, and if you wanted to run a more melee-oriented army, he'd be the one you'd want to choose. For a gunline, though, he's a bit of a waste.
  20. I wouldn't say pot-bellied, so much as barrel-chested. Most of the bulk is up in the chest area, and it tapers down a bit across the stomach. Still, his armor does make him look like a bit of a fatty. Oh, and the Gravis Captain is actually pretty sweet on the tabletop. I had him chew through 9/10 of a squad of Nobz in melee the one time I put him on the board (granted, that was with the Crimson Fists warlord trait, but still.)
  21. That seems perfectly reasonable. I'm not on any particular diet, per se, but I like having the option to not stuff my face full of sugary junk (even though I often do anyway.)
  22. Something not loaded with sugar. Every time I go to a tournament or event where people do a "potluck" kind of thing, it's always the same: a couple of really good, home made things like good salsa or something, one veggie platter, and about two dozen people who brought cookies, donuts, etc. I dunno about anybody else, but I'm trying to be good these days, so stuff that's at least less bad for me would be nice to have (I have to keep it cheap, so I'm probably going to bring, like, a thermos or two of coffee or something that I can bodge together at home.)
  23. Probably around the same for me. I'm going to have to deal with dreadful traffic no matter when I get there, unless I want to be standing in the cold out front of WoW for three hours...
  24. Anyone had any experience with them? I still don't have my Space Marine codex, and if I'm going to have to pay full price for it (the shop I work at can't get it in for me in time) then I may as well pay for the convenience, too. I've got a little tablet that would be much easier to cart around on game day than a bag full of books, and between the codex, Battlescribe, and the free basic rulebook, I can probably get by for a good while, I imagine.
  25. So in the interest of actually engaging with other humans, I am fulfilling the request to begin chronicling my journey through the escalation league. I figure I'll start with the list I've settled on for Tuesday (After playing Infinity for so many years and needing to keep my lists secret, this is slightly weird for me.) ++ Patrol Detachment (Imperium - Space Marines) [28 PL, 499pts] ++ + No Force Org Slot + **Chapter Selection**: Crimson Fists + HQ + Primaris Lieutenants [5 PL, 74pts] . Primaris Lieutenant: Duty's Burden, Master-crafted auto bolt rifle, Refuse to Die, Warlord + Troops + Scout Squad [6 PL, 84pts]: 5x Camo cloak . Scout Sergeant: Power sword, Sniper rifle . 4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifle Tactical Squad [9 PL, 176pts] . 7x Space Marine . Space Marine Sergeant: Combi-plasma, Power sword . Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Missile launcher . Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun + Heavy Support + Hellblaster Squad [8 PL, 165pts]: Plasma incinerator . 4x Hellblaster . Hellblaster Sergeant: Bolt pistol ++ Total: [28 PL, 499pts] ++ Created with BattleScribe Also, the plan is to give the looey the new Crimson Fists relic bolt rifle, but Battlescribe hasn't been updated yet to include that. I may or may not end up combat squadding the tactical squad, depending on the situation and opponent. Will follow with WIP painting shots tonight/tomorrow. EDIT: Apparently, Battlescribe has been updated, so there's the whole magilla.
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