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Sgt. Rock

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Everything posted by Sgt. Rock

  1. I think you should SHUT UP! In all seriousness, I made that post before fully caffeinated, so I make no claims as to my ability to function at a full and proper level.
  2. Query: For weeks 1 and 2, are we still playing on a full 6'x4' board? It seems a bit large for such small games. I know I'm probably going to have around 20 models on the table, and I've had folks tell me in the past that 4'x4' works better at these point sizes.
  3. I will also be there, with 500 points of Crimson Fists!
  4. I wish I could afford a Victoria Miniatures Guard army, those models are so nice...
  5. Now I'm wondering how that chapter tactic interacts with combat squadding... I don't have a codex in front of me to check the exact wording.
  6. Hell yeah! I feel a lot better about choosing CF now. I mean, I felt good about it before, mostly because Pedro Kantor is a legit awesome dude. But now I feel like a special princess!
  7. Ooh. Is that from the new mini codex? Or CA? Also, forgive my noobery on the objective bit. I've played all of two games of 8th, and prior to that, I hadn't played 40k since about 2012, maybe 2013. A Rhino would definitely be in the cards if I had one, and depending how the next couple weeks pan out, I may pick one up. That, or some bikers.
  8. I can't do the Intercessors, 'cuz I only have 8 of them, and the Apothecary and Ancient are there to fill out the Vanguard detachment for that precious CP. They're the cheapest Elites choice that wasn't totally useless for the price. I'm also fairly allergic to fielding non-WYSIWYG models, even when it's to my own detriment. Also, I absolutely agree that we should engage in some mutual Fisting together! My biggest concern, going back and looking at the list, is having enough bodies on the board to cap objectives. Two minimum sized squads aren't particularly great for taking and holding ground, even with an apothecary to keep them on their feet. I may have to break down and stick with a patrol detachment, as frustrating as that is. I suppose one CP isn't going to make or break the list... le sigh.
  9. That's a possibility. I also considered dropping his power sword to a chainsword and putting another regular bolter bro in the tac squad. Extra bodies on the field are always nice.
  10. Since we're bandying about lists, here's what I have based on my limited collection, tell me what you guys think. ++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [32 PL, 499pts] ++ + No Force Org Slot + **Chapter Selection**: Crimson Fists + HQ + Lieutenants [4 PL, 69pts] . Lieutenant: Bolt pistol, Power fist, Tenacious Opponent, Warlord + Troops + Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 89pts]: Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, Bolt rifle . 4x Intercessor . Intercessor Sergeant: Power sword Tactical Squad [9 PL, 100pts] . 4x Space Marine . Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Combi-plasma . Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun + Elites + Apothecary [3 PL, 55pts] Company Ancient [4 PL, 72pts]: Power fist, Standard of the Emperor Ascendant Dreadnought [7 PL, 114pts]: Assault cannon . Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter: Storm bolter ++ Total: [32 PL, 499pts] ++ Created with BattleScribe I was able to make a cheap Vanguard detachment to get *one more* CP. The biggest limitation I see is that I don't really have any way to reach out and touch someone past 30". I'm considering swapping the AC on the dread for a plasma cannon, to make it easier to deal with the odd light vehicle I might run into, but I'd be losing out on 3-4 shots per turn. Granted, better strength, AP, and range, plus the option to overcharge, and cheaper, as well, but still... also, what would I do with that extra 6 points? Marines don't have a lot of options for filling up little bitty points values. Thoughts?
  11. Egads... that's not a lot of time to start painting. I may have to field the first week's worth unpainted... I would claim to be ashamed, but anyone who knows me knows that unprimed models is kind of my normal modus operandi.
  12. Do we have an idea on when exactly this is going to kick off? It might affect what I bring.
  13. Ditch the WarCor and upgrade the Fusi ML to a Clipper in the link. Being able to put MML2 on a linked missile launcher is disgusting, and should be abused to great effect.
  14. Ah, I didn't realize it was limited on what units you could add the keyword to. That makes it much less useful, yeah.
  15. I mean, I could see it being useful. If you REALLY need to wipe out that unit in cover, you can make someone an Imperial Fist for a turn. If you want to make absolute certain that your Aggressors or Reivers get into CC, make them Black Templars. It's situational, but being able to tack on an additional trait for the duration of a turn at the right time & place could be useful.
  16. I've heard rumors of a new Space Marines codex/index; is there any indication floating around the warp that one of those is coming soon? I want to start playing with my dudemanz, but I can't bring myself to drop the scratch on the book only to have it invalidated in a month or two. I'd much rather wait and get the new book, if it's going to be coming soon.
  17. Awesome. I will attempt to make it in, then. No guarantees, as the world is all topsy-turvy, but I'll at least make an attempt.
  18. Question: does the model have to be new in blister? Because I'm too broke to buy new blisters, but I'd like to contribute, and I'm sure I have a spare model I could bag up and toss in the pot.
  19. Afraid not. Wrong silhouette size; the Stingray series (Tikbalangs and Uhlans) are S6, while Cutters, Squalos, Jotums and Dragoes are all S7.
  20. As it's unlikely that the Seahawks will make a deep playoff run this year, I can say with probably about 65% confidence that I would be down for a slow grow or narrative league, either one.
  21. I've spent the last 3+ hours busting out my models for tomorrow. I now have 6 models left to base before bed, and I'll actually have my stuff painted. Thank god for small lists...
  22. This sounds like fun. I could use a way to ease myself back into the game, and take a little time getting my dudemanz painted. Like Ish, I really prefer the "beer and pretzels" type of 40k. I think I would probably be in, tentatively.
  23. Hey everyone, just wanted to let y'all know, Fate & Fury Games in Vancouver will be starting up a Team Yankee night every Tuesday! Flames of War is also welcome, of course, but we're primarily focusing on TY for the moment. We'll be getting a collection of terrain in, and we'll be building up our stock over time, but if you want to buy anything, let us know and we'll order it for you. Come check us out and game with us!
  24. Question about The Flip Side. It says that only Specialists can pick the coins up, but after they've been picked up, can they hand them off to non-specialists?
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