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Everything posted by Ish

  1. Clearly, we’ve put the wrong government department in charge of paving the roads.
  2. Ish

    Random Links thread

    Video game style achievements for table-top roleplaying games. Yes, they're silly, but they're also a heck of a lot of fun.
  3. Does she prefer the term “giggle switch,” that’s an OG operator you managed to trick into marrying you.
  4. Don’t forget the thirteen hours of shopping, spending hundreds of thousands of Nuyen, to assemble an incredible toolkit of myriad options.. Then just pulling out your SMG and flipping the happy switch to Full Auto.
  5. You might also try looking for Battletech terrain, the scale is close enough to Epic 40,000 as to make no real difference. The aesthetic is less grimdark gothic, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
  6. Ish

    D+D Maps

    Is that... Is that the airship from Final Fantasy III!?
  7. To be fair, that describes my experience with the regular green stuff two-part putty. I never quite seem to be able to get the yellow-to-blue ratio the same twice, so every application of it is slightly inconsistent from the last...
  8. As a gap filler, it's okay, it's not great, but it's okay... Works best at very small gaps, such as when two halves of a join don't quite line-up evenly or if you want to hide a join, like say you swapped a spear for a banner and need to hide the cut in the shaft. I was given a bottle of it as a freebie back when it debuted, used it a few times but found it more trouble than it was worth given my solidly middle of the pack painting skills. Gave it to a friend of mine who has much better skills. "Uncle Atom" is a YouTuber who came up with an interesting trick using liquid greenstuff as texture paint. I'm thinking this technique might be handy for Gaslands, but I'm not sure if I want to pay Citadel Paint prices to get another bottle.
  9. Ish

    D+D Maps

    Anyone else getting a Stargate: Equestria vibe from this one?
  10. Here’s a good comparison:
  11. On the power scale of Necromunda, something like a single Lesser Daemon — a Bloodletter or a Plague Bearer — would be a nigh unstoppable terror. Other alternatives might be a Tyranid Warrior, a Lictor, and a small clutch of Genestealers.
  12. The body is the problem, if you ask me... and the head isn’t quite right either. They’re clearly going for a super-deformed anime style, but only went about 50% of the way there with the face sculpt and only about 10% of the way there with the body. SD style isn’t just slapping a “bigger head and smaller limbs” on an existing design, it’s about targeted exaggeration of key features and a cartoony playfulness.
  13. Maybe in this quantum reality. I never make mistakes, I am simply living in the incorrect post-collapse wave function.
  14. It’s “MUNDA,” he just hasn’t added the top row that will say “NECRO.” Welcome to the Underhive, kids.
  15. BRIMSTONE [ 50 Cans ] Monster Truck (25 Cans Base) Weapons: Harpoon Turret (6 Cans); Smoke Dropper, Side-Mounted (1 Can); Molotov Cocktails (1 Can) Upgrades: Armor Plating (4 Cans) Sponsor: Maxxine Perks: Momentum (3 Cans); Purring (6 Cans); Schadenfreude (2 Cans); Taunt (2 Cans) You gotta love a smoke-belching, fire-throwing, up-armored monster truck that can do pirouettes... Probably not the most sane build, but Gaslands is the kind of game where sanity doesn’t count for much.
  16. “I’d like to buy a consonant, Pat.”
  17. Work in progress shot of a monster truck. I’m leaning towards the name El Diablo
  18. I would definitely be interested joining a “car pool” if we decided to do a combined shipping order.
  19. I preordered my Refueled book and skid dice (which came with a free sprue of accessory bits including a motorcycle and crew) from North Star Figures; they’re UK-based, but everything got to me in about a week from the day they posted it. A year-and-some-change ago, when I bought the original “blue book” edition of Gaslands I ordered it directly from Osprey. I’ve been buying their military history books since grade school and discovered their gaming division a few years back. Truly great stuff like Frostgrave, Lion Rampant, Bug Hunt, Dracula’s America... But I digress. I’ve bought stuff from North Star numerous times over the years and have always had good experiences. They do charge 25% of purchase price (up to £45 max) for shipping, but it’s pretty common for them to run “free shipping” sales. The US based company, LITKO makes templates and tokens for Gaslands. I haven’t bought stuff for this game from them, but I’ve bought a ton of other stuff from them over the years (adhesive-backed flexible steel and magnetic bases were a godsend for my old infantry-heavy WHFB Empire army!). Oodles of people on Etsy and Shapeways are selling Gaslands stuff too. But caveat emptor... (And if anyone wants to get really nuts, Dollar Tree will sell you a full seventy-two car case of Hot Wheels for $72. With free in-store pickup.)
  20. He has an Iron Halo, individual heraldry on his tilting plate, and other honor markings. That’s clearly a Primaris Captain with plasma pistol and powerfist. He was just modeled with a bolt pistol. We’ll fluff it and say he is using Vengeance Rounds so it “counts as” a plasma pistol.
  21. On the roads it was a white-line nightmare... ...but our ratings were great! Tune into Gaslands next time, folks. It’s wholesome fun for your whole mutated cannibal clan family!
  22. You can buy ready tokens at any bank. They come in packs of fifty and cost $0.50...
  23. That is clearly an Imperial Guard Earthshaker Artillery emplacement. Can someone from the Ordo Hereticus please do something about the unsanctioned psyker who stole it. (I also see what appears to be Tyranid capillary towers in the background. This psyker might be involved in late-stage Genestealer Cult activity. We may need to deploy the Deathwatch.) The Emperor Protects.
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