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Everything posted by Ish

  1. Incidentally, sand bags are super easy to make. Get ahold of some air-dry clay (I recommend Milliput), wet it a wee bit it needed, roll it into flat ribbons about 10 mm wide by about 4 mm thick, slightly oblong in cross section. Snip into lengths about 8 mm. Then using an old t-shirt (for the texture) pick each bit up and give it ever so slight of a squeeze (imprinting the t-shirt texture and making it look a bit lumpy). You’ve got a sandbag. Repeat the process until you run out of Milliput. You can stack, bend, twist, and pile these little lumps until they dry. Letting you make bunkers, barriers, piles against walls, whatever you need. Prime black or dark grey, block color with olive drab, apply generous amounts of sepia wash all over. Then apply some black wash as needed. A 1/2 lbs. block of Milliput should yield far more sandbags than even Rogal Dorn could ever need.
  2. If any of you 3D printer jockeys also happens to be a hardcore Traveller GM, give this a look-see...
  3. Doormat Hayfields by the Terrain Tutor. I find his overly-bubbly personality a bit grating, but he does great work. My misanthropic heart just cannot handle so much cheeriness... Dirt roads and tracks. Simple and easy technique, but really effective results... Crops and fields. The nice thing about a lot of this stuff is that it’s almost entirely “scale neutral,” meaning it will work for Bolt Action just as well as Team Yankee/Flames of War if you just leave off things that would give away the scale, like scarecrows or road signs.
  4. Early Modern English, actually, but I think I’ve derailed your thread enough already.
  5. Gaslands is a pretty balanced system, a 50 Can list that uses Sponsors, Perks, Advanced Cars, etc. shouldn’t have any significant advantage over a 50 Can list that uses just basic cars, basic weapons, and eschews Sponsors. The scenario might skew things. A Miyazaki or Idris list that’s dialed up to 11 on speed and maneuvering perks will thrash just about anyone in a Death Race... But they’re an oily smoking stain on the ground before turn two in a Deathmatch. We’ve got to get a proper “Televised Season” running after the New Year.
  6. Dat's a big mob o' pansy elfs, it is. Da red is a nice color, it'll make `em run away from da orcs fasta. Give da boar-boyz a good work out! Five outta five, but we'ze gotta deduk... dedunk... deduct! We'ze gotta deduct sum points becuz nobody likes elfs. So, umm... One outta five.
  7. Yeah, yeah... The Marvel Cinematic Galaxy and The Mandowhatever are pretty nice. But there's one thing I really want from Disney+...
  8. It’s $6.99 a month or $69.99 for a full year. Not too bad as streaming services go... Or free for a year right now if you’re with Verizon.
  9. They have the nearly same description: Field color, the type of shape (in this case the ordinary known as a cross), the color of that shape. Argent a cross tenné rendered in colloquial English is "White field with a brown cross." Vert a cross gules rendered in colloquial English is "Green field with a red cross." The difference is in that last part: fimbriated sable, which means in plain language "outlined in black." This is due to the rule of tincture that I mentioned before, you cannot place a color on a color or a metal on a metal. The first shield doesn't break this rule, since it has a metal field (white and silver are interchangeable in heraldry), but the second shield does break the rule by placing a red ordinary on a green field. So it would need to be fimbriated. This is why the individual flags of Scotland (blue field, white saltire), Ireland (white field, red cross) and England (white field, red cross) don't have fimbriation, but the Union Flag representing union between England and Scotland after James I / James VI took over does have fimbriation around the red cross and the present day design has fimbriation and counter-charging because they added the second red cross. 1606 Original Gangsta Union Jack 1801 "Okay, We'll Let the Irish Count Too" Union Jack If the shield wasn't 10 mm tall, we'd need to make sure the black outlines around the cross were a lot thicker on the green/red shield, enough so that someone looking at it from a distance would notice it. We wouldn't include any lines at all (or they'd be minimal just to outline the shape). See below.
  10. Last of these totally off topic posts, I promise: 6 mm Magnetic Travel Blood Bowl.
  11. There was a Saga: Age of Vikings blog a few years back that did up two whole Saga armies -- Normans and Anglo-Saxons, IIRC -- using 6 mm figures. Played the game exactly as normally written, but with six 6 mm infantry figures on each base instead of one 32 mm figure. I think he used four cavalry figures to a base, but it might have just been three. Anyhow, playing the game exactly as normal these "micro units" just counted as one dude in the rules, so a unit of twelve spearmen (per the rules) was actually 72 men on the table. Looked freaking fantastic! I've been telling myself I should order a 6 mm Saracen army and a 6 mm Crusader army and due up a proper Saga: Age of Crusades version of the same idea.
  12. I wonder how backwards compatible the new edition will be with the first edition rulebooks. I never did take the plunge and actually buy any models for the game, but I am sitting on a copy of the core rulebook, Iron Maiden, and Oil Wars.
  13. Of course, for truly epic "rank and flank" gameplay, we should all switch over to something like 6 mm scale. You can fit about 5-6 infantrymen on a 25 x 25 mm sized base... and they cost pennies. The above army costs about $30 There's over 2200 infantry above. It would cost about $200.
  14. From your lips to the Lady of the Lake’s ears.
  15. El Topo came out in 1970... But I think it’s safe to safe that Jodorowsky operates in his own alternate universe that only occasionally overlaps with our own. But the 1970s was also the same time when Sam Peckinpah was at his height, not to mention guys like Roger Corman, De Palma, Casavetes, Lynch... The whole “New Hollywood” movement that critics of the time loathed. I chalk it up to the Baby Boomers coming of age. The end of the post-WWII idylls, the meat-grinders of Korea and Vietnam, stagnation in the European economy, and so forth... But mostly just 20-something film makers wanting to shock and offend their parents.
  16. That’s a funny way to spell Lone Wolf and Cub... I mean, Star Wars was literally built on a foundation of “serial numbers filed off” remakes of chanbara cinema... So why not go back to that well? For those unfamiliar with it, Lone Wolf and Cub was a hugely influential manga that ran from 1970 through 1976. It was also adapted into six feature films and a television series. The first couple of films were hacked together, Robotech-style, into the American flick Shogun Assassin in 1980. (Which would, in turn, be sampled extensively by the Wu-Tang Clan.) Ogami Itto was the shogun’s executioner. He’s betrayed by the shogun’s rivals and has to go on the run before the evil ninja can kill him too. The twist on the typical “ronin on a roaring rampage of revenge” formula is that he has to bring along his three-year old son.
  17. My god, it drove me nuts when GW would create unit points values that weren’t multiples of five. ”@&$% it! I want a 2,000 point army, not a 1,996 point army... But if I add a musician to this unit, it’s gonna be 2,001 points. @$&#%€£¥!!!”
  18. I’m mostly just throwing some shade at the “competition” on behalf of my favorite wargame (that I never get to play). Saga doesn’t actually care about the shape of the bases, rounds or squares are acceptable. It’s not really a “rank and flank” game in the way WHFB/T9A/KoW are since most units don’t actually need to move or fight in squares (although Scots, Anglo-Saxons, and Crusaders often will due to their rules). But it’s also completely miniature brand agnostic, so all those old WHFB armies sitting on peoples shelves could be used for Saga.
  19. Yeah, it’s not like Games Workshop has never been known to file frivolous litigation in an overzealous attempt to defend their IP against things that are in no reasonable way a challenge to their property rights.
  20. I thought WHFB 8th Edition was the best edition of any I’d played (which spans 4th through 8th). It needed some tweaking to buff heavy cavalry and to dial back the potency of spellcasters... But it was just about ideal for what it was.
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