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Necron list with Ork allies

Dark Trainer

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So Fed played me a great little Necron list that I wanted to try out. Essentially he had 2 mobs of Ork shoota boys with a Big Mek and a KFF (before the FAQ limiting the KFF to actual models).


That said, I'd still like to give this alliance a shot. I need a tip for a CHEAP HQ choice but decent for his points cost? I'm likely going to field 2 squads of 30 slugga boyz (told shoota boyz are better with overwatch and such, but I don't have any shooty ones), my 7 lootas, and some HQ. I don't know my Ork codex well enough yet.


Need help with the HQ mainly (Warboss, weirdboy, etc), then I'll figure out what points I have left for Necrons. I was also just thinking a super cheap HQ, 30 slugga boyz, and my 7 lootas. The only issue was 60 boyz was something you HAD to deal with...


Also, any wargear for the Orks? Nob +big choppa, bosspole, etc?


The strategy is simple, they stand in front of the Necrons as a meat shield and assault when in range...


Right now the list looks something like this:


Overlord (MSS, WS, Res Orb) - 145pts

Destroyer Lord (MSS, WS, Weave) - 160pts

Court (Destruction Cryptek with solar pulse) - 55pts

5 Warriors (Night Scythe) - 165pts

10 Immortals (Night Scythe) - 270pts

6 Wraiths - 210

3 Scarabs - 45pts

3 Spyders - 150pts

Annihilation barge - 90pts

Annihilation barge - 90pts

Annihilation barge - 90pts



Warboss (Big choppa) - 65pts

30 Slugga Boyz - 180pts

30 Slugga Boyz - 180pts

7 Lootas - 105pts


2000 point list


Thoughts? Off the bat, I don't really have a good answer for AV 14 though (shy of spyders or maybe wraiths)...

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My thoughts about this alliance always boil down to the wacky idea of Weirdboy as your HQ and to take a Dakka Jet as well. Ultimately the Dakka Jet is not needed but it is a fun combo with the Weirdboy's extra Waauughs. Either way....I always had a blast with my Weirdboy and always made use of whatever power he typically rolled for that turn. I want to say I always got mixed reactions with wanting Weirdboys for my HQ slots over other choices but I was never disappointed in my Weirdboy and can not recommend him enough.

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What FAQ limiting the KFF? The only mention of it I can see in the FAQ currently up on GW's site still has it affecting "Units within 6"".


If you've got some Bikes to run him in, or can generally rely on decent LoS Blocking Terrain, a Biker Warboss with Power Klaw is a significant threat to AV14. Not enough on his own, but as a complement to a couple of StormTeks, the Scarabs, and other bits.

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  Well if ya want to use the Orks a kinda "shooty" meatshield then I would go with a KFF Big Mek/cybork body that would still give you a 5+ in cases of the cover denying stuff..this way both of your shoota groups can be covered by the KFF .


 Then just take a Nob with each group and fit those guys with a PK/BP each..or maybe just one BP and have the Bigmek take one and join the other group.


 Oh and don't forget your Big shootas..you can have 1 per 10 boys ..take 6 and throw out 18 str 5`s in cases were a juicy target has presented itself out of range of the shoota boys:)


 Wierdboys are always fun as Mauz mentioned but I always take the 30 point upgrade so they are warpboyz and can reroll thierr power for the turn incases were its the self destructive one.

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On the KFF, OH REALLY? I have been told it's actual models underneath it now. If that is only affecting Kans that's vital, but I was told it was all models now. I haven't found it myself, it's the first time I've opened up the Orks I acquired.


For now, I'm gonna run a Warboss with a PK and boss pole, 30 choppa boyz (Nob with big choppa), 30 choppa boyz (Nob with big choppa and BP),  and 8 lootas. Not sure if Klaw is worth it as he can just be challenged and killed on Nobs...


I'll mess with it, thanks for the great tips so far. I'll take more if there are any. :biggrin:

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On the KFF, OH REALLY? I have been told it's actual models underneath it now. If that is only affecting Kans that's vital, but I was told it was all models now. I haven't found it myself, it's the first time I've opened up the Orks I acquired.


For now, I'm gonna run a Warboss with a PK and boss pole, 30 choppa boyz (Nob with big choppa), 30 choppa boyz (Nob with big choppa and BP),  and 8 lootas. Not sure if Klaw is worth it as he can just be challenged and killed on Nobs...


I'll mess with it, thanks for the great tips so far. I'll take more if there are any. :biggrin:

Klaw is nice just for the AP2 melee pause, you know, that pause when they consider assaulting that unit with some small elite force, like terminators or a dreadnought. The klaw will give pause, that big choppa won't. Anyway, with necrons primary, I can see your hesitation to not give up the "high" initiative attacks. I don't think the big choppa is worth it, so either leave him slugga/choppa or get a klaw, but that huge choppa will likely disappoint.



I always really enjoy playing Nobs alongside my Necrons (and it helps with the AV14 issue). I have done both Biker Nobs and Meganobz with a Megaboss in a Battlewagon. Or for AV14 you could throw a couple Stormteks into your flyers?

Do necrons really have an AV14 issue? In my experience with LRs (Land Raiders and Leman Russes), necrons melt AV14 very quickly.


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Klaw is nice just for the AP2 melee pause, you know, that pause when they consider assaulting that unit with some small elite force, like terminators or a dreadnought. The klaw will give pause, that big choppa won't. Anyway, with necrons primary, I can see your hesitation to not give up the "high" initiative attacks. I don't think the big choppa is worth it, so either leave him slugga/choppa or get a klaw, but that huge choppa will likely disappoint.



Do necrons really have an AV14 issue? In my experience with LRs (Land Raiders and Leman Russes), necrons melt AV14 very quickly.



Depends on how you equip. If you have plenty of Gauss weapons, no big deal. If you have gone for Tesla in your Troop and Heavy slots, you have to plan for it a bit. Personally I use Harbinger of the Storm Crypteks and their 4-shot haywire guns for this.

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KFF still affects units, not models.


Big Mek (with KFF or not, depending on how you're using them) + Lootas + Big Gunz + 2x Shoota Boy Mobs is a really solid ally slot. Don't worry too hard about Shootas vs Sluggas in the modeling sense, most people can't tell the difference anyways. Oh, and scrape up the points for Big Shootas, they're handy.

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Depends on how you equip. If you have plenty of Gauss weapons, no big deal. If you have gone for Tesla in your Troop and Heavy slots, you have to plan for it a bit. Personally I use Harbinger of the Storm Crypteks and their 4-shot haywire guns for this.

Shouldn't solely rely on haywire for AV14. Great against LRs, yeah, bit the buildings will shrug off all but 6s.


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Other than a ridiculous amount of S7 shooting, I plan to rely on high armor targets with Spyders (smash), Wraiths rending, Scarabs, and the klaws. Yes I have to close the gap, but at least it's something.

Those are some better options.


Never found necrons lacking for AT solutions. They have more ways to destroyed vehicles (buildings and super heavies too) than most other armies have. You've got armorbane melee weapons at AP1 (with chariot access), entropic weapons that lower AV, high strength rending, cheap MCs, gauss weapons, raw strength (doomsday arc/heavy scythe, tachyon arrows), melta, haywire, and probably a handful of others I'm not thinking of.


Though for AT solutions if running a "ridiculous amount of S7 shooting" you might look into a harp of dissonance (spelling?). Long range method to make S7 threatening to AV14. Doesn't work on super heavies, but does work against vehicles which are shielded by cover or invulnerable saves, as the entropic rule works with only a hit. Also a pretty solid solution to getting AV15 buildings to a more manageable AV14. I know, normal BS to hit, then only affected on 4+, but it's worth it as making AV14 vulnerable to S7 should outway the issues if tesla heavy for AT solutions.


I remain unclear on how entropic ranged attacks function against void shields.


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