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Portland Meta?


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9 minutes ago, Spaceork said:

Well when has price ever affected "that guy"? Saying price is prohibitive to tournament cheesyness probably incorrect. And also, don't mortars use a completely different model on the sprue? So if you have a bunch of heavy weapons teams, you just need bases to make the mortars.

The OP's question is regarding local meta. Not just tournaments. But sure, you can scratchbuild just about anything from just about anything, and bring it to a tournament. So I'm not arguing it won't be done, but for current local meta, doesn't sound like it's very common now. 

If only "that guy" is doing it, then I just pray I don't face him at the tournament. Hopefully he'll ragequit partway through and I won't need to face him. And in his defense, if I dropped thousands of dollars on a broken net list, hired some guy to paint it, and I didn't always win and  don't recieve constant compliments, I may feel anger towards this huge waste of an investment...

But if these mortar blobs become more common than just "that guy," I should probably find a good counter. 

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1 hour ago, paxmiles said:

The OP's question is regarding local meta. Not just tournaments. But sure, you can scratchbuild just about anything from just about anything, and bring it to a tournament. So I'm not arguing it won't be done, but for current local meta, doesn't sound like it's very common now. 

If only "that guy" is doing it, then I just pray I don't face him at the tournament. Hopefully he'll ragequit partway through and I won't need to face him. And in his defense, if I dropped thousands of dollars on a broken net list, hired some guy to paint it, and I didn't always win and  don't recieve constant compliments, I may feel anger towards this huge waste of an investment...

But if these mortar blobs become more common than just "that guy," I should probably find a good counter. 

I keep wanting to have conversations that are unrelated to OP's question. Like your opinion of tournament players.

So Pax, besides triple knights, have you seen anything else in the meta? Fearless cultists? Malific Lords? Tau commander spam? In my limited experience Portland seems pretty tame in regards to lists, but I'm sure there is some crazy stuff there.


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3 hours ago, Spaceork said:

I keep wanting to have conversations that are unrelated to OP's question. Like your opinion of tournament players.

So Pax, besides triple knights, have you seen anything else in the meta? Fearless cultists? Malific Lords? Tau commander spam? In my limited experience Portland seems pretty tame in regards to lists, but I'm sure there is some crazy stuff there.


I am pretty bad at getting off topic. Could PM me or ask in that smiling skulls thread of mine. Don't think it matters if I derail my own thread.

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2 hours ago, Spaceork said:

I've interacted with Pax types before. 

First a convention, now I have my own personality type.

Funny though, instead of derailing about one thing, we've derailed about derailing.

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45 minutes ago, peter.cosgrove said:

yeah.. the smite list. There's a couple people running it chaos renegade with baneblades/mortar teams/Artillery and TONS of cheap squads. 12 smites a turn is nasty.

One of the guys switched his renegades to genestealer cults (same models...), which appparently can include a AM detachment with which he has 9 basilisk platforms...

Let's see, guess we are discussing local guy's lists:

Got an Ork player that always runs an FW gargantuan squiggoth. Always fun to see that one. Though I guess that squiggoth is part of another one of his ork lists and is just in this list until he buys enough fliers for his ork flyer list. 

Personally, I've been running my Hellforged Cereberus Heavy Tank Destroyer, which did 30 wounds in one shooting phase to his squiggoth (who survived after taking those 30 wounds, took two turns to bring it down). I didn't play last week, but I did observe. 

Saw two Tau players last time.

Got a guard player with a Deathstrike and lots of other shooting, but refuses to go FW or super heavy. 

Two tyranid players last week. 

Oh, one of the regulars brought one of those big necron pylons. Said he has two more on order. 

Peter had chaos last week, saw a Storm Eagle Gunship and a 20-man squad of thousand sons. Didn't really watch his game much, but he did have some predators with some really cool side sponsons which he found in a bits box and doesn't know where the bits come from. 

Hmm, several marine players.

Eldar player with single wraithknight and Dark Eldar skimmers. 

At least 1 ork player. 

Oh, had a SW player with almost only wolves. He was playing against an eldar player with metal eldar. 

Don't recall any others. 

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1 hour ago, paxmiles said:

Peter had chaos last week, saw a Storm Eagle Gunship and a 20-man squad of thousand sons. Didn't really watch his game much, but he did have some predators with some really cool side sponsons which he found in a bits box and doesn't know where the bits come from. 

yeah. and I got my ass handed to me, tabled on turn 3 against an Aeldar player with 3 Hemlock Wraithfighters. I really wanted to try out the Oblits and he just walked up and shot them down with 4 melta pistols. I only put 8 lascannons on the board, which I sacrificed on to put the oblits on the board. Never again. 16 lascannons or bust.

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2 hours ago, peter.cosgrove said:

yeah. and I got my ass handed to me, tabled on turn 3 against an Aeldar player with 3 Hemlock Wraithfighters. I really wanted to try out the Oblits and he just walked up and shot them down with 4 melta pistols. I only put 8 lascannons on the board, which I sacrificed on to put the oblits on the board. Never again. 16 lascannons or bust.

Wish I had watched more of your game. Could give better feedback. I did think that 20-man of Rubric Marines was probably too expensive (in points) to ever justify in damage output. Never run them, so not sure on that. 

Oh, you were talking about needing more CSM transport options aside from the Dreadclaw and the Assaultclaw (the bigger version), both FW, but the small version is an upgrade kit for the plastic drop pod. Okay, so there's just the Rhino and the Land Raider in the CSM book. Then for FW, you have the mentioned claw transports, the LR Achilles (like a Land Raider, but only holds 6 and has a 4+ invulnerable save) and the Spartan Assault tank (land raider that holds 25models). For Lords of War, there's also the Mastodon, Thunderhawk, and Stormbird. And then, of course, that Storm Eagle which is a flyer slot.

And for defensive options, that Deredeo Dreadnought can take a "hellfire veil" which grants a 5+ invulnerable to Chaos + <legion> units within 6". Super expensive, both for the dread and the upgraded defensive field, but it could certainly have merit against some foes. It is notable that I was wrong, it's not wholly within, just within.

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Anyway. Back to the original OP query. the gunline with tarpit screen is definitely a meta that's out there. The components that make it work are being able to keep units from deep striking close enough to the guns to kill them off, bringing enough guns that you kill everything on the board, and swarm the midfield to cap objectives with enough tarpit that they can't get you off of them.

One of the meta-banger meta's are taking units that are unaffected by deep strike requirements and have enough oomph to take out the gunline.

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6 hours ago, peter.cosgrove said:

ya.. i thought so. wholly within has a very specified meaning to GW/8E. They only use it when they really mean it.

Nevermind, I was right the first time. It's in the FW FAQ for that book. Wholly within, not just within. 

Oh, and I forgot to mention the Land Raider Proteus in that list of transports. It's a normal LR, but it's potentially cheaper because you don't have to include twin Lascannon Sponsons, so it's "only" 296pts with 3 twin heavy bolters (1 hull, 2 sponsons)

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