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So I have most of my Empire army for OFCC together (Need War Altar and one other filler.) and now I am at the stage of deciding what color scheme to do.


Should I fight for Altdorf and go with a Red, White and Blue theme? Or Averland and go more Black, Yellow and Brown mix? These are my two final choices I've come too.


Of course there will be a lot of metal and wood so a lot of earth tones will be present.


Edit: Now that I think lf it this might be the wrong sub-forum.


Kislev! Because uniqueness!.

My god man, the conversion that would be needed would take a master. So I am going with the "but it's not part of the Empire and there for not a Province." excuse to save face and cover up my lazyness. :D


Same with Marienburg. It left the Empire a while ago. *cough cough*


Though Kislev would be a fantastic army. The Winter Sorceress alone would be epic.


But bear cavalry!

Evil, just plain evil. :p


I just remembered the Emperor's Swords books and I think I will go with a post war theme with Reiksguard and a couple of the Emperor's guard left behind to rebuild Averland.


This will give me some interesting options and to add in some colors from other Provinces while keeping to theme.


If you haven't read Sword of Justice and Sword of Vengence I would suggest them. The advancement of the time line and seeing how the inter politics of the Empire works is worth the read.


Middenheim! Thunder wolves for Demi's, replace cav steeds with the smaller 40k wolves, lots of cloaks and hammers. Boom!


Marienburg would be fun, but you'd need to make good Shark Knights.


Maybe do a knightly order instead of a city state like the order of the Blazing Sun?


Reikland can be fun. It definitely can look.awfully Merica! If your not careful. I highly recommend planning and testing schemes.

I'd worry more about theme than province. It's already hard to set an army apart.


I guess I have to mention I have 6 Demigyphs so doing the City States that have unusual animals is out.(Just setting aside $108 worth of models just to buy more expensive ones is not an option.) Not going to spend that much money on models and converting.


Also I don't care for Marinburg's white and baby blue. I am looking for a more bold color choice. (And I am so tired of pirates. Don't hate me.) My knights are also put together so Middenheim is out too because to change them to White Wolves is also too much.


I was thinking of the more typical themed City State/Province of the Empire because I feel lazy and I am poor. So no new models to replace ones I already have.


I have to mention my list will have a story and theme to it so I am trying not to just pick a list for looks only.


(The more I am thinking about it going with a post "Swords of the Emperor" army would be fun and clever. Imagine Pieter Verstohlen as my witch hunter.)


Armies based on novels seem cool but remember not everyone has read them, and many wouldn't pick up on the theme quickly.


I think an imperial zoo / gryphon legion army would be great.

Griffon general, knights of the gryphon, demigryphs... Rawr!


Averland gets done a lot (I have a averland army), so i would suggest going for a Province that doesnt get done as much. Ostland can be very striking with black, off white, and red. I dont know if I have ever seen a Wissenland army with red, grey, black and a little yellow. Talabheim gets done a lot as well but not Talabecland. Ostermark is another province that I dont think I have ever seen, they have off white, magenta/red, black and a little yellow. It seems like the armies that get a lot of attention are, Averland, Middenland/Middenheim, Talabheim, and Reikland/Altdorf. As long as you stay away from those you should have a very unique army.


Another option is to have mercenaries from adjacent provinces. This is something else I did to break up my army. I have a unit of handgunners, and a mortor from Nuln and a unit of archers from stirland. You could go for the skittles empire army and have each unit be from a different province or city but those armies look very busy. 


I find character can be added to an army by painting the knights as an order instead of the same theme as the army. You could go either for a fluff theme or a similar paint scheme. For example, my Averland army is supported by a large group of Knights of the blazing sun, which fits both categories. 


Thanks for the advice Sherbert. I am looking at Ostland and Wissenland again though I thought Ostermark was Forrest Green and Blazing Yellow? (Not my favorite choice.)


And the thought of having other units is one I waz trying to get at with the Swords lf the Emperor. Averland took a Huge hit and is still rebuilding its army and capital after the books. So other Provinces and City States sent in troops to bolster their army. Mostly Nuln and Altdorf.


Thanks for the advice Sherbert. I am looking at Ostland and Wissenland again though I thought Ostermark was Forrest Green and Blazing Yellow? (Not my favorite choice.)


And the thought of having other units is one I waz trying to get at with the Swords lf the Emperor. Averland took a Huge hit and is still rebuilding its army and capital after the books. So other Provinces and City States sent in troops to bolster their army. Mostly Nuln and Altdorf.

your thinking of Sitrland, the poorest province which is between Averland, Talabecland and Ostermark. As for the books you are referencing, I have not read them so I cant comment on the fluff surrounding them. 


I agree with HeroZero, It would be nice to see some lesser known lightly orders grace the table. 


Hochland might be a winner. It's red and greens are starting to grow on me and the Knights of the Broken Sword are there as you mentioned. Maybe the Steam Tank is on loan from Talabheim?


Also since there is a growing Chaos threat in the north the Emperor might have issued fresh equipment and troops to shore up defenses.


(Could even throw in the Gentlemen's Free Company for giggles.)


Don't forget the Jaegerkorps! There's a really terrible idea I had for the steam tank.


A steam powered mecha.... Think on it for a second. You will get it....


Also hochland long rifles everywhere!.


Don't forget the Jaegerkorps! There's a really terrible idea I had for the steam tank.

A steam powered mecha.... Think on it for a second. You will get it....

Also hochland long rifles everywhere!.

Alright Hero, you convinced me, Hochland and its Knights of the Broken Sword it is. But I already have a steam tank as a gift from Talaheim, The Maiden's Fury.


Still not sure of the War Altar's story and would Hochland havean order of Demigryph Knights Stationed there? Or they could be sent as the personal guard of the Arch Lector.


Having some fun here with ideas on how to design this. Thanks for the help guys.


Fyi you can use the 40k deathwing and dark angel bits for converting knights of the broken sword. It's the same logo..

The war altar would be to taal or valyria not sigmar more than likely. I'd use some other top then the golden griffon.

Demigryphs are from the middle mountains. Umm. No reason not to be there.


Honestly, the War Altar would be guarded by a warrior priest, knights, and followed by flagallents.


Demigyiphs would be personal guard for a Grand Master.  Knightly Order of the Blazing Comet or Knighty Order of Sigmar's Hammers?



FYI, I'm extremely partial to Sigmarite Warbands (or should I say followers of Ulric).  It was the theme for my Empire long ago.

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