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Have bajillion Sisters, what do I do with em?


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I did a big trade yesterday. After doing a quick count of the Sisters I have about...

Regular SOB 57

Repentia? The nearly naked chainsword ones 18

Seraphim? The jump ones 33

Penitent Engines 3

Sob w flamer 5

Sob w melta 2

Sob w hvy bolter 1, multimelta 5, hvy flamer 1

Additional boss ladies 10ish?

About 30 assorted inquisitors and weird henchmen

6! Electro priests!!

Immolator hvy flamer 2

Immolator hvy bolter 1

Razorback tl lazcannon

Rhino 2

Old skool rhino

Lqnd Raider


Random assasins 6

Stormtroopers 6

Storm w plasma 2

Storm w melta 2

Storm sarge

Now here's the real question...what the hell do I do with them? Looking at a good OFCC list that maybe I could "punch up" the power level for local tourneys/not getting my butt kicked at Fluger's.


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That's awesome man! Where are your Exorcists? I will be looking to sell some of my excess sisters soon. I have some unpainted and some unassembled immolators and rhinos that I don't need. I also have some extra heavy weapons. I like the thought of space nuns with guns cruising around in tanks looking for infidels to roast. 

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Now here's the real question...what the hell do I do with them? Looking at a good OFCC list that maybe I could "punch up" the power level for local tourneys/not getting my butt kicked at Fluger's.


For a good OFCC List? (Approximate points since I don't have the book in front of me, but using what you have)


Celestine (Convert one up)

Jacobus (Convert one up)

2x10 Repentia Squads

20 BSS with Heavy Bolter/Flamer

5 BSS with 2 Melta in HF Immolator

5 Priests (one with Book)

3 Penitent Engines

3 x 10 Seraphim Squads

Inquisitor with Scout Book.


It isn't a tourney list but it'd be great fun at OFCC. Jacobus, Scout Inquisitor and a priests go with the 20 BSS squad. (Maybe Celestine too). Repentia and Penitent engines, along with that big blob, just tool up the field looking for trouble. Seraphim fly around the edges and pick off anyone trying to avoid the giant blobs of doom.


Turning that into a tourney list is the hard part. As I said, you're going to need to update those Immos/Rhinos so that they are TL-MM or Repressors. You're going to need about 12 Melta girls (at least) and 2-3 Exorcists. The repentia, penitent engines and, to an extent, seraphim don't really belong in a hard list.


Alternatively, if you have say... Blood Angels, you could make a wacky drop list without having to do much other than get more special/heavy weapons converted.

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That looks like a great OFCC list.  


Also, good news for you, Dale is that Sisters match up very favorably with Orks of the horde variety.  Massed bolters and flamers are good and the drawbacks on the Repentia aren't that bad when going against Orks.  


I might just totally screw you though and just play my stompa and some gretchin though.   :tongue:   Sounds like a great 1k army, no?

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Dale, this is what you will be facing:


Warboss: 104
Finkin' Kap, Power Klaw, 'Eavy Armor, Boss Pole, Shoota
30 Boyz: 265
Shootas, 3 Rokkit Launchas, Nob, Power Klaw, 
Boss Pole
10 Gretchin and 1 Runtherd: 35
3 MegaArmor Nobz: 125 + 35
Trukk: Reinforced Ram
3 MegaArmor Nobz: 125 + 35
Trukk: Reinforced Ram
7 Lootas: 98
7 Lootas: 98
Deffdred:  80
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Highlights of the game:


1.  Hanging out with Dale.  Dale is one of the coolest dudes around, seriously.  I highly recommend Dale to everyone.

2.  Got to use the Adepticon Maelstrom Mission.  Frankly, it's orders of magnitude better than the standard deck.  Even at 1k and kinda goofing around, the final score was 23-16.  We scored in bunches and it was a lot more interesting that way.  I really liked the dynamics of the cards and how the multi-point ones were very clear on how they worked.  

3. We screwed up on the rules for the sisters, but that's to be expected.  I kept confusing several editions' worth of rules for them and confusing the [big bad swear word] out of Dale!  


Dale, get on the stick doing an inventory count of that army so we can cobble together a cool list.  

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I still think an OFCC list (with, presumably no detachment limits) would be able to take advantage of combining Sisters/Inquisitors/Assassins/Storm Troopers as per the models you have.  


Again, I have lots of Kasrkin that you can straight up have.  Remind me next time we hang out.  

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I'm so excited that Dale is on my OFCC team this year, I think his list might be a 0 rating if it plays out how I think it will!  And I'll be bringing my Orks which have the scent of a 2 about them.  Whatever the Brothers Kirkman concoct, we should easily fall into the dregs of list ratings instead of the upper tier, where we had no place being!

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