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Pretre's 1850 Musings for DAG Tournament - March 7


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Current front runner:


Priest with Litanies and MB

15 BSS with Flamer/Flamer/MB


5 Doms with 4 Melta in Repressor (Laud Hailer)

5 Doms with 4 Melta in Repressor

5 Rets with 4 HF, Veteran Superior (for LD9)




Wolf Lord, PF/SS on TWM

Stormwolf with TL-MM

Stormwolf with TL-MM



Drop Pod


I think I'll be running this.

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I think you change your list more in a month than I do in a year.  

That's my thing. I didn't actually end up changing it much once I got the solid form together (using the servitors).


I don't get to play a lot of games though, so I like to optimize my experience. :)

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Nope. Hooray for painting my army.


AP wasn't painted so got general.

I had the best record for someone who painted (2-1) and a butt ton of Bp.

That's why I like having a Best Overall. I'm not the best Painter, General, or Sportsman, but I'm pretty good at all of them, so it still gives me something to shoot for.

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Okay, quick BRs:


- AbusePuppy's TyrDar. 3 Tyrants, some mucolids, Mawloc. 4 Wave Serpents with DA, 2 Hornets, Seer on Bike, etc.

I just wasn't ready for this, misplayed and Sean did what he needed to do. I should have ignored the tyrants and focused on Wave Serpents, but poop. He got first turn and basically erased the blob/Krakenbeard. It was uphill from there. We ended up tying primary, he won Maelstrom and picked up 3 points for teritary. I got two for Warlord and Linebreaker. A great and tough game. AP ended up getting a well-deserved best general.

- Joe's Orks. Stompa, 2 bike squads, Zhadsnark, 3 Trukks with 3 MaNz, MA Mekk with KFF (in Stompa), etc. Joe is a self-declared pretty casual player and unfamiliar with sisters. He reserved Zhad and a bike squad and a Trukk of MaNz. He kept his stompa back, which saved it from first turn annihilation. I ended up splitting off a priest and Krakenbeard to go after the stompa and took a bunch of HP off before he squished them both (over two phases, damn 6s). Doms finished it off. MaNz didn't stand a chance and the piecemeal arrival of Zhad made short work of him. I ended up tabling him for full 10.

- Ryans Bloodwolves. Big Blob of TWC with Wolf Lord (TH/WC), Wolf Priest on Bike and Sanguinary Priest on Bike. 2 pods of Melta Wolves, Lucius Pod with BA dread with the shotgun, 5 man GH, 5 Scouts, etc. Ryan was also unfamiliar with Sisters. Ouch. So his two bikes were in the back of the blob and the Sanguinary got picked off by the Retributors on first turn. Then he moved forward with the TWC star and sent his lord back to kill my Rets. My strung out blob got charged by his TWC (or I charged him) so that really only Krakenbeard (and one sister) was in engagement range (challenge). He kills one sister at I4 and loses a bunch of attacks for later init steps. Krakenbeard and save/hit/wound rerolls puts 5 wounds on his squad (s10). His challenge dude with SS fluffs the first one and I kill 5 models (ID). That's pretty much that. 

His lord kills my rets and for funsies, I split off Krakenbeard to go take on his wolf lord. We both swing at I1 and he saves all three wounds on his 4++!!! Krakenbeard does not save and dies. Despite that, I have the board pretty much under control and Jacobus and the remaining blob charge his lord and hold the line with reroll saves for like 4 or 5 phases. By the time he kills Jacobus, it's my turn again and my entire army focuses down his lord. This was a lot of fun, but Ryan was not prepared for how well rerolling everything works out for my blob (this was the only game where I got the full measure of it). I ended up tabling him for full points.


Overall, great event at DAG as always. I had three really fun games and a great time.

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