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Graduation Party

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As I am graduating High School this month my family will be throwing a graduation potluck at my house, 10 Baywood Ct, on June 20th, at 1pm- till people stop showing up.


The Warhamsters have been like a family to me for the past few years and it has been a huge honor to be a part of them and it really means a lot. All of you are really great guys and Tuesdays nights are one of the top 10 nights of the week. 


Everyone is invited, feel free to drop by if you want. 


As for when I leave for the University of Montana that will be in late August so ill still be here for the summer. 

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lol the story is frat guys are really douchie and annoying so of course a few of my friends joined frats.  So to get back at the douchie guys in their frats my friends and I drink their beer and eat their steak at 3 am and got kicked out for it.  Trust me frats are lame and elitist.  We once walked into a frat and were told at the door that "the girls were for frat members only", that's the douche-baggerie at frats.

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Not all frat guys are douche bags. Once in a frat you are pledging to do everything they do, and the pack mentality is strong. I have seen some frats be useful for getting jobs and helping kids thru school, and I have seen plenty of guys like BradNardone described.   You just have to pick the crowd you want to hang with.

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Yea, congrats, Eli! I'm 80% sure I can't make it, but I can't be certain without consulting ye olde family calendar. If I can, I'll swing by!


Also looking forward to soaking up some grognard games with you before you head out. I'd love to get another game of FoW in! With the Germans showing up for the battle, this time.

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Yea, congrats, Eli! I'm 80% sure I can't make it, but I can't be certain without consulting ye olde family calendar. If I can, I'll swing by!


Also looking forward to soaking up some grognard games with you before you head out. I'd love to get another game of FoW in! With the Germans showing up for the battle, this time.


Of course! Maybe I'll try rolling better. 

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