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30k in portland or Vancouver


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Is anyone gonna he getting into 30k now that like 90% of the costs for the game are easily accessible from gw so theres no messing with conversion rates for basic land raiders rhinos vidicators or whirlwinds or even drop pods. You still need to purchase stuff from forgeworld but its so much cheaper now. Even razorbacks have a place in 30k as a rhino with a heavy bolter attack bikes and land speeders as well im crossing my fingers people get interested in it because i want to play a far more balanced game than what 40k has become

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Though I still can't afford the new box set, I will point out that generally I think that 30k should be in addition to rather than in lieu of 40k. Reason being is that the 40k scene has taken a lot of hits due to recent GW decisions and I'd rather see inclusive activity rather than split the camp into 30k players and 40k players.


Didn't mean to hijack your thread but I just thought it would be helpful to consider this if anyone tries to drum up support for 30k activities locally.

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Though I still can't afford the new box set, I will point out that generally I think that 30k should be in addition to rather than in lieu of 40k. Reason being is that the 40k scene has taken a lot of hits due to recent GW decisions and I'd rather see inclusive activity rather than split the camp into 30k players and 40k players.


Didn't mean to hijack your thread but I just thought it would be helpful to consider this if anyone tries to drum up support for 30k activities locally.



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Well while i get where youre coming from i feel like 30k does need its own rep because while it is 40k with fancy although crazy expensive units it wants to be the friendly game that is story driven or just for a different version of 40k that lacks the formations and the i take 2 cads alonf with a battke company kind of stuff.

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