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Hello there,


I just listened to Episode 1... I really enjoyed it.  I always hear/see about the "Sex Wang" game and really appreciate the honesty in talking about it.  Sounds way too intricate and precise for me, so I'm glad I didn't try and get into it.  Good rapport between all the hosts and an enjoyable listen.  I'm going to go through all the episodes on nights like this when I'm chilling and doing a side project and want some background "music."


I know I'm way more behind in episodes than others here, but for what it's worth... good job and I liked the perspectives!

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Hello there,


And Episode 2 / Electric Boogaloo is done.


Really enjoyed the discussion on the Mad Max universe / timeline.  I was fascinated as a lad about the stark difference between Mad Max and The Road Warrior... there IS civilization out there, but if you drive long enough you find the wildlands.  And the law enforcement cars were boss... PURSUIT?  INTERCEPTOR?  Yes please!


For the car game, I'm under the assumption that heavy vehicles like BearCats aren't available?  Because in the "theoretical / practical" scenarios we have during trainings or whatnot we always interject how we'll be racing to get to the BearCat should TEOTWAWKI or Zombie Apocalypse scenarios come into play.  ha ha


Again, very entertaining and enjoyable interaction between everyone on the audio.

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Hello there,


Episode 3... zombies, zombies, zombies.


I enjoyed listening, as I have the others.  Why am I writing all these posts?  I don't know... someone let me know that they're annoying and I'll stop.  My apologies if so.


I'm glad I wasn't in the studio with y'all on this one, because I would probably come across like some cold-hearted sociopath.  ha ha.  Zombie Apocalypse scenarios always turn up the same with my work buddies... the dead are like deer, it's the folks still around you have to watch out for.  And, sadly... force trumps kindness.  Not a wonderful world, for sure. 


I think why the whole zombie thing is such a hook is it's easy to relate to:  everyone's got it coming and we all know it's inevitable.  Sure, we can be a hero / villain / nice / conniving / violent / monk-like /etc. (as all the characters in the movies, comics, shows, etc. are) but in the end, it's futile really as we're all going to get ours.  The zombie apocalypse just speeds up the process for some.  For me personally it'd be the inability to protect/save my son and loved ones.  People will do tactically-unsound things and you get to watch the consequences for their actions.  It's like the last few chapters of The Road by Cormac McCarthy... absolutely brutal for the father.  Ick.


Looking forward to episode 4 which hopefully is all about My Little Pony / Friendship is Forever or something suitably cute.


Stay safe and let me know what's up with sponsorship / hosting / donating!

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Episode Four... Game of Thrones


I enjoyed the discussion / perspectives shared about the books (don't know if I want to read them, but certainly more tempted) and the TV show (watched every season thus far with the now-ex-wife, so am kind of doubting I'll watch season 7; I no longer have cable TV).  I find the TV show fascinating and there's a lot of discussion with my work buddies about it.  I forwarded them all the western theme song you had on the show, thank you for that... they really enjoyed it.


I don't understand some of the show from a larger "why would you do that?" perspective but understand now that HBO had to maybe cut some plot lines, knowing that the TV show was ending soon.  /shrug


I have not played the game but felt that I was watching y'all play it.  VERY detailed discussion, for sure!  I don't think it's my cup of tea however but I think that's due more to my inability/unwillingness to free myself from the shackles of sitting at home and not socializing.  HA


I see that episode 5 is 40k with the owner of Dark Tower Games.  I'll listen to that one tomorrow probably.  Really neat to "know" the folks doing this, it makes listening to the audio a lot more warm... really neat.


Hoping that everyone is having a great Saturday!

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Well I don't know what my feedback is worth, I'm just kind of rambling really... but hopefully I can type something that helps.



You fine folks, all intelligent and very knowledgeable, come across as such.  And I am going to *assume* that your target audience is the same about the topics.  So if y'all are talking about things I know about then I get a comfy feeling because y'all are talking about stuff I know about and can, for lack of a better explanation, follow along with the conversation.  I don't know if this would be the same if I had no clue what you were talking about... how would my interest be captured?  And held captive for the duration of the show?  A good example is when I was listening to the X-Wing stuff.  I know Star Wars movies and such but have no clue about the game... so when you guys were referencing things about gameplay I was kind of lost / assuming a lot.  That being said, I had no problem with the content... I was still at the nice dinner party with you all, you were just talking about a topic I have little knowledge of so I just listened and tried to keep up. 


Maybe at the start of each show, after the intros and such... when you present the topic du jour maybe fill us novices in about the topic and give like a quickie intro/background/etc.  For example, the Mad Max stuff... I grew up on those movies so I knew what you were talking about and found myself nodding along, talking to the radio, etc.  But if I didn't know, mayhaps a little "and in the late 70s there was this dystopian film that got made called 'Mad Max.'  It was about..." and eventually "... then it had a sequel, then another... and recently you might have heard about the Tom Hardy movie..."   I'm thinking that maybe the novice listener (like me with the X-Wing game) would then at least have some research stuff to look up later or to go off of?


I think with the pop culture stuff / movies / etc. a lot of folks might know... I mean, "Walking Dead" is pretty popular on AMC and in comics, right?  And thus that's pretty easy intro for a game like Zombiecide... folks have a reference.  But something like the episode on 40k might benefit from a lil' intro for folks that have no idea why anyone would want to play a game like that?  My work buddies look at all my tiny soldiers and, coupled with all the comics lying about and posters and figurines and such... might just pass all the 40k stuff as kids' stuff.  But as soon as I talk about grimdark they get interested and start asking questions.


I'm rambling, and I bet that the whole point of the show is for established gamers so I'll shaddup now about this.


I really enjoy the show and think you guys do a great job.  Every time I've gone down to DTG I feel like an outsider and just kind of lurk around; everyone's so much more advanced on gaming topics and such I kinda just fumble through stuff.  Anyone that's played me in 40k (rare) know how friggin' slow it goes... I used to be up to speed and very accomplished in 3rd edition, now I'm just kind of lost and there's so much to everything I kinda just stopped bothering.  I certainly don't want to slow anyone's gaming down and don't want to be the "odd man out" trying out a new game and mucking it all up for folks because I'm not up to speed.


I've always offered up models for folks to use or am willing to lend support to the club in any manner possible... it's just that I don't get very many takers and because I'm not down there much I'm not really in the club, ya know?  But this radio show helps out and I feel more connected, which is nice for me.  So thank you for that!

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Never worry about slowing our games down, Don.  We're used to playing with Kevin.  :laugh:


Thanks for the reviews!  If anyone else wants to write something, do us a solid and drop one on iTunes, Soundcloud, or wherever you get podcasts from (I gotta get into the habit of saying that)!

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