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Space Wolf FAQ!


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Straight buffs!


Q: For all models that can ride Thunderwolves (including Thunderwolf Cavalry and Wolf Lords on Thunderwolves), is the Strength bonus from the Thunderwolf applied before or after multiplying the user’s Strength by 2 for the purposes of weapons like power fists and thunder hammers?
A: The model’s Strength profile is improved by 1 for riding a Thunderwolf. This is not a modified profile, but is instead the model’s new profile (as demonstrated by the Thunderwolf Cavalry profile). As wielding a power fist or thunder hammer doubles the Strength characteristic on the model’s profile before any other modifiers are applied, this will mean the model’s Strength of 5 is doubled to 10.



Q: In the Champions of Fenris supplement, the Armor of Asvald Stormwrack relic is not listed as Terminator armour in the rules and does not cause weapons to change to Terminator weapons, even though it has the same rules as Terminator armour. Does this mean a character wearing the Armour of Asvald Stormwrack can ride a Thunderwolf?
A: It is effectively Terminator armour, so no, a model wearing the Armour of Asvald Stormwrack cannot ride a Thunderwolf.


Okay, this is a nerf, but no one actually played it this way, so no biggie.


Q: Do Iron Priests have the HQ or Elite Battlefield Role, and which profile should I use – the version in Codex: Space Wolves or the version in War Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen?
A: There are two different Iron Priest options at present, and you should feel free to use either or both in your army. One is an Elites choice, which uses all of the rules described in Codex: Space Wolves, whilst the version in White Dwarf and War Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen is obviously a more senior version, with an improved profile and weapon options, hence the reason he is an HQ choice and has a higher points cost.


Oh man! I can take a CotGW detachment with IP HQ and IP Elites all on TW. Nice!


Q: If an Independent Character joins a unit of Wulfen, are they affected by the Curse of the Wulfen?
A: The Independent Character is affected by the Curse of the Wulfen special rule as normal; only the Wulfen themselves are unaffected.
This is fun. I can get the benefits just by putting a character in.
Q: The Wulfen’s Death Frenzy special rule begins with the wording ‘If a model in this unit is slain…’ – does that mean that an Independent Character that has joined the unit also benefits from this rule?
A: No.
Makes sense.
Q: If Wulfen are removed from play in the Assault phase, by special attacks such as Stomp or some other effect, do they still get to strike back as part of their Death Frenzy special rule?
A: Yes. The slain Wulfen model strikes back at the end of the Initiative step in which it was slain. For example, in the case of a Hammer of Wrath attack, which is resolved at Initiative step 10, the Wulfen strikes back at the end of Initiative step 10; in the case of a Stomp attack, which is resolved at Initiative step 1, the Wulfen strikes back at the end of Initiative step 1.
Ha! Nothing stops Wulfen.
Q: Which relic lists can Space Wolves characters choose from when they are part of a Wolf Claw Strike Force Detachment from War Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen?
A: They must use the Relics of the Fang from Codex: Space Wolves. However, if you wish, a Wolf Guard Battle Leader from the Champions of Fenris Formation from War Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen can instead choose a single Relic of the Great Wolf from Champions of Fenris.
Q: Can a Wulfen wielding a thunder hammer make a Death Frenzy attack at the end of an Initiative step that would result in him attacking before other models with a higher Initiative than his modified Initiative of 1 (for using a weapon with the Unwieldy special rule)?
A: Yes.
Q: If an Independent Character joins a unit of Wulfen, do the Wulfen models still get to use the Bounding Lope rule?
A: Yes, but the Independent Character does not benefit, and all models in the unit must maintain unit coherency.
Q: I have my Wolf Claw Strike Force, and I also pick a Combined Arms Detachment. If an Independent Character from the Combined Arms Detachment joins one of the units from the Wolf Claw Strike Force, does he get the Counter-charge special rule as well, or does the whole unit lose the Counter-charge special rule because the Independent Character in question is not part of the Wolf Claw Strike Force?
A: The attached character does not benefit, but nor does he prevent the unit he is attached to from doing so, provided that all models in the unit (including the Independent Character) maintain unit coherency.
Q: Suppose a Wolf Claw Strike Force has the first turn and lands multiple Drop Pods amongst the enemy lines. If an enemy unit then charges a Space Wolves unit that has just disembarked from their Drop Pod, can another unit from the same Wolf Claw Strike Force use their Counter-charge ability during the enemy Assault phase to charge, even though they had disembarked from a Drop Pod in their first turn?
A: Yes.

We knew this.
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Q: If an Independent Character joins a unit from a Space Wolves Deathpack Formation, can they still benefit from the For Glory, For Russ! special rule (for example, Run and then still be able to charge in the same turn)?
A: The attached character does not benefit, but nor does he prevent the unit he is attached to from doing so, provided that all models in the unit (including the Independent Character) maintain unit coherency at all times.



Page 37 – The Ironwolves, Restrictions
Add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph:
‘However, ignore units of Wolf Scouts and Lone Wolves for the purposes of these Restrictions.’


hahahaha Yep.

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Iron Priests for the lols!



CotGW Detachment

HQ Iron Priest with TWM and 4 Cyberwolves - 185

Elite Iron Priest with TWM and 4 Cyberwolves - 165

Elite Iron Priest with TWM and 4 Cyberwolves - 165

Elite Iron Priest with TWM and 4 Cyberwolves - 165


CotGW Detachment

HQ Iron Priest with TWM and 4 Cyberwolves - 185

Elite Iron Priest with TWM and 4 Cyberwolves - 165

Elite Iron Priest with TWM and 4 Cyberwolves - 165

Elite Iron Priest with TWM and 4 Cyberwolves - 165


Wulfen Murderpack

5 Wulfen with SFAL, GFA, TH/SS x3, PackL - 240

5 Wulfen with SFAL, GFA, TH/SS x3, PackL - 240



Muhahaha. Iron Priests in front to soak AP3+, put the AP2 on wolves or 3++. Grav has to deal with a 4+ save majority. Good chance of getting a good Wulfen Roll and potentially getting in someone's face first turn. Silly, but fun.

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Dude. I wish the Dreadnought change was official, but even so, I'm very happy with that FAQ.


The Asvald Stormwrack bit reminds me, tho: I would really like to sit down with the designers and have a bit of a chat about Terminator Armour prices. They're ludicrously inconsistent on actual price, once you account for whether or not they actually replace any Weapons. And sometimes they take this into account, like with the Rune Priest/Librarian's Storm Bolter, and sometimes they don't, like with the Rune Priest/Librarian/Chaplain not getting a free Power Weapon along with it, or the Armour of Asvald Stormwrack leaving you with a dude in Terminator Armour with a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, and no access to the Terminator Weapons list.

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One that is fairly relevant is that Wulfen that are embarked at the beginning of a turn- including in a Drop Pod- no longer grant bonuses. That makes taking advantage of their bonuses a lot harder.


They're ludicrously inconsistent on actual price, once you account for whether or not they actually replace any Weapons.


Poor, sweet child of summer, you think GW has any kind of coherent philosophy about anything?

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One that is fairly relevant is that Wulfen that are embarked at the beginning of a turn- including in a Drop Pod- no longer grant bonuses. That makes taking advantage of their bonuses a lot harder.




Poor, sweet child of summer, you think GW has any kind of coherent philosophy about anything?

how are you inbarked in a drop pod? As you roll for the power after reserves..

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