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Start Collecting BA and Flyer Sets Next Week


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Blood Angels should've been Ass Marines.  Stop trying to change their image, GW!

Ideally, yes. But between the way the BA Dex is written, the way the Model line has fallen out, and the way they put together the Start Collecting boxes (1HQ, 1 Troop, 1 other), this was pretty much guaranteed to be a Tac Squad.

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Meh.  Nothing I'd be interested in splitting, either.  


Blood Angels should've been Ass Marines.  Stop trying to change their image, GW!


Blood Angels only got their Assault Marine love in later editions.  Initially they were pretty much codex compliant.  The 2nd ed box set was Blood Angel Tactical Marines vs Orks.  

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Blood Angels only got their Assault Marine love in later editions.  Initially they were pretty much codex compliant.  The 2nd ed box set was Blood Angel Tactical Marines vs Orks.  


And by "later" you mean "in 4th edition, which was more than a decade ago." This ain't exactly new.


I like how most of those flyer vs. flyer boxes involve two Attack Flyers, some of which aren't even capable of hurting each other with their guns. Gonna snap shoot at that dude SO HARD.

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With some love and creative kitbashing the Chibi Hawk and Hell Turkey kit could turn into two Helldrakes. Other than that I'm not seeing much potential for these.


Edit+ Same thing goes for the Eldar/Ork kit. Smash em together and end up with 2 Dakkajets. I already have an upside-down, backwards Hammerhead Dakkajet so it's entirely doable.

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