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Eldar / DE Faqs


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I particularly like the Flickerjump and Archangel of Pain rulings.


Serpent Shield firing arc still has some issues, depending on exactly what is considered part of it for shooting purposes. If any of the Shield Generator spoke thingies count, that's a way wider span at close range than if it's basically a single point right above the Shuricats.

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Iyanden can take a Wraithlord/Wraithknight as its Warlord, gets Spiritseers as 5-for-1 choices, and swaps out the Primaris of the Runes of Battle Discipline for a thing that buffs Wraithguys. Like all of the supplements, it also gets a different list of Relics and warlord traits.



I had thought i saw that it was still legal right after the new CE dex came out... so not sure why its addressed here except for completeness.


The opposite, actually- it was ruled illegal by most tournaments following the 7E Eldar codex (but the SM supplements were ruled still legal for very roundabout reasons that boil down to "f*** you it's Space Marines.")

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IMO, I think ITC will react appropriately when these FAQs become official. After watching a few of their podcasts about why they make rules changes it seems to me they are trying to better the tournament scene.  But what do I know... I just play Tyranids and get to watch everyone else have their cake and eat it too. 

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well sorry - I meant "legal" from a GW standpoint ... not from some itc  :rolleyes: shenanigans.  And what will be interesting is if this FAQ will do anything to change those itc over-reaches in rulings.


Well, from GW's standpoint they didn't sell the supplement anymore, so its legality or illegality was pretty inscrutable. They seem to have decided it's okay now, but there was no real evidence either way at the time- hence individual tournaments making the call on it.

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If I knew they were leaning this way I would have made my 'Guaranteed to be a 1 Rating' OFCC list to be the old Codex Ghazghkull TellyPorta list with as many Deep Striking units of Grots as I could cram in.


But I thought because folks stopped using Green Tide since it wasn't in the newer Codex Ghazghkull that un-reprinted Codex Formations were verboten.


Guess I was wrong.

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