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Angel's Blade supplement... Blood Angels getting some love?


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Multiple sources at Bell of Lost Souls, 4Chan, B&C, Frontline Gaming, Natfka, Spikey Bits, and Dakka Dakka have all pointed to a new edition coming. It's not a matter of if, but when. And they all agree that it will be something like AoS, but not exactly like AoS. Considering the secrecy and how quickly GW threw out 7th ed, is it really that big of a stretch to see them announcing on the pre-orders page "Introducing the Age of the Emperor! A whole new way to play Warhammer 40K! Coming next week..."


Skepticism is alive and well of course, and they are just rumors. And some people won't believe it until they have the 4 page rule book in their hands, downloaded for free from the GW website. For me, after playing 40K since 1990/RT days, looking around at the trends in the gaming industry, the new direction GW seems to be going- these rumors seem entirely plausible along with the idea of Codex books going away and being replaced by campaign box sets/books. I could be 100% wrong. Or I could be partially right. /shrug the only thing that matters is that change is coming, and we can embrace it, or become like the players that still play 40K RT edition, or Warhammer Fantasy "9th edition".

Yeah, that's not entirely correct. I'll cite the actual rumors when I'm back at a desktop.
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I'm going to parse this out.

Multiple sources at Bell of Lost Souls, 4Chan, B&C, Frontline Gaming, Natfka, Spikey Bits, and Dakka Dakka have all pointed to a new edition coming. It's not a matter of if, but when.

BOLS, 4Chan, FLG, Natfka are all miserable for accuracy. BOLS and Natfka are click-bait. FLG has never gotten anything terribly reliable. 4chan is anonymous drek.


Now, B&C and Dakka are actual forums with users, so you'll need to be more specific as to who these 'sources' are.


     And they all agree that it will be something like AoS, but not exactly like AoS. Considering the secrecy and how quickly GW threw out 7th ed, is it really that big of a stretch to see them announcing on the pre-orders page "Introducing the Age of the Emperor! A whole new way to play Warhammer 40K! Coming next week..."


Do they?


75hastings69  - Total rumors: (114 TRUE) / (31 FALSE) / (3 PARTIALLY TRUE/VAGUE) - Updated 9/7/2016



PENDING 40k Rumors - July 2015
via Hastings on Warseer
I have said I was told that Codexes (Codices? how the hell do you do the plural of Codex anyway???) would be gone within 2 years. That might mean the rules for each unit are included in the boxes/free on the net/wd etc.
I do think that 40k rules will become more simplified, why? because GW don't want to focus on making games systems/rules anymore, they purely want to sell models. I do not doubt for one second that they (the main 40k rules) "COULD" become like AoS, but that is my personal opinion, and as I openly said that was me jumping to the conclusion based on how easily they destroyed their longest game world in favour of making more money.
I think rather than being of any use at all this thread is purely scaremongering and misleading. The death of the codex doesn't mean the end of 40k, the death of the army book in WFB was because AoS had ALREADY killed WFB, and AoS had no place for army books.
I could send you PMs over 3 years old discussing the demise of WFB would that suit? In fact if you care to look you WILL find discussions on the fantasy threads about the demise of army books and rolling them into smaller groups of armies (i.e. order, Destruction etc.) think they were by Harry though as well as myself.
Having known MANY people at GW for MANY years I can tell you without any shadow of doubt that things two years out are not unknown quantities to some members of GW. When I was right in the thick of the rumour mill some years back the occasional eagle eyed viewer might even have seen unreleased models in the background of pictures on my painting logs MANY MONTHS before they were released. I was sat happily reading the WoC army book 5 months before it was released, almost 6 months before for the O&G one, so please don't figure to assume that no one knows anything and they're just fishing, some people know a great deal, what they chose to share is entirely different.
Seriously GW don't do things on a whim, whatever is going to happen to 40k WILL already be well progressed, just no-one hears about it until the last minute.
Also not to be picky but my original post say WITHIN 2 years.



Natfka on Faeit 212 - Total rumors: (397 TRUE) / (839 FALSE) / (76 PARTIALLY TRUE/VAGUE) - Updated 9/7/2016



PENDING 40k Rumors - Aug 2016
via anonymous sources on Faeit 212
Primarchs and Demon Primarchs are coming to 40K.
They won't be the same as they are in 30K. They're going to be slightly different to account for the 10k year gap.
We will be seeing The Lion, Russ, Guilliman, Khan, Mortarion, Angron, Perturabo and Magnus.
It will be once all of the 'end times' build up has finished (all of the latest campaigns) and we enter the new age (8th edition).
GW wants to cash in on FW success with the HH series as well as the fact that we're returning to a 'Golden Era' style GW with the new CEO and Merchandising and Marketing Director - Meaning they are actively listening to us, the customers and are proactively doing what we want now.
(Just look at the new Monthly WD with battle reports and painting guides, the new Get Started sets, the new clip n play introductory kids sets, the FAQ/Errata they're doing, the Points Systems for AoS, the social media interaction with the Facebook groups and new Warhammer TV talk show etc!!)
GW has been paying attention to the success of the HH/30K and to us wanting storyline advancement and more excitement (whilst not wanting a full AoS style reboot) and 8th edition is going to be that. (The latest campaigns, Baal, Curse of the Wulfen, Death Masque etc are all part of that lead up).
Apparently there is going to be a huge global campaign based around the next Black Crusade and a huge push by Chaos - As well as Nids doing their thing, the Orks going on a Rampage, The Tau pushing out, The Eldar getting themselves involved, The Necrons rising up and The Imperium battling on all fronts. (Business as usual but things are much more desperate!).
There will be storyline advancement on a scale we've not seen before!!
Apparently, the next Campaign will feature the Ordo Hereticus and Chaos and after that, we will be seeing the final stages of the lead up - with lots of new a chaos goodies including those Greater Demons, Rubric Marines, Plague Marines and everything else chaos related that's coming!  

PENDING Release Schedule Rumors - July 2016
via anonymous sources on Faeit 212
8th edition and New Campaign called War in the Webway
8th Edition is kicking off next year but rather than do the usual starter set and massive rulebook with 2 armies facing off they will be releasing 7 starter set army boxes which will be the seven main armies taking part in a new campaign called "War in the Webway" which will be the first of five campaigns which will move the 40k storyline forward to the "1 minute to mindnight mark". All kits in the box are plastic I am told and some will include new plastic updates which will later be released as separate kits. The Main Rule book will just be rules and each Campaign will have a "fluff" and Special rules books which will develop that campaign's storyline.
The six boxes are:
1. Kharn's Slaughterband - (New) Kharn the Betrayer, (new)Khorne Bezerkers, Bloodletters, Bloodcrushers and a Hellbrute)
2. Eldrad's Cursing Spear - ( New) Eldrad, (New) 2 Guardian squads (can be either defenders or storm guardians, (new) 5 warlocks, 2 war walkers, Fire Prism
3. Magnus' Weavers of Change- (New) Magnus Daemon Prince, (New) Prosperine Terminators, (New) Rubric Marines (ranged), Rubric Marines (Close Combat), Chaos Predator Tank
4. Iyanna's Phoenix Host - (New) Iyanna Arienal the Oracle of Ynnead, (New) Arcane Battleseer Firesight (Can also be built as standard Arcane Battleseer) (Can also be built as 10 Wraithguard/Blades,2 Wraithlords, 5 Dire Avengers
5. Ahriman's Unholy Covenant - (New) Ahriman,(New) N'kari (can also be built as standard Keeper of Secrets) (New) 2 Chaos Sorcerors, Rubric Marines, Pink Horrors of Tzeentch, Daemonettes of Slaanesh, Chariot of Tzeentch
6. Sythrac's Anguish Bringer's - (New) Valossian Sythrac the Blade of Vect, (New) 5 Kabalite Trueborn, Kabalite Warriors, (New) Incubi, 2 Venoms, 1 Raider, 1 Razorwing Jetfighter
7. The Laughing Host - (New) Prince Yriel Champion of Cegorach, (New) Sylandri Veilwalker, 3 Harlequin Troupes, 2 Starweavers, (New) 1 Sentinel of the Black Library.
New Kits for the Campaign
I am told that there will be other new kits coming out alongside the campaign, all kits mentioned above will also be available separately. I asked about some of the new units mentioned above and this is what I have so far:
- Prosperine Terminators = Basically Rubric Terminators but all are heavy weapon specialists with in built heavy bolters, multi melta's but also more magical weaponry too. Terminator Models which are more like the Imperial than Chaos ones but have the rubric details you would expect on them.
- Iyanna, the special character we all know and love (or hate) but she becomes very dark and sinister, shes floating on wild growing wriathbone and spirits, has a spear and staff, helmet is a cross between a Farseer and Spiritseer
- Magnus, Daemon Prince, covering in Tzeentch markings, bright red armour and a golden sythe. Described as flying with feathered wings whilst mid casting a spell. Apparently he is in the webway and basically racing Ahriman to the Black Library, they are NOT allies in any way
- Eldrad, still doing his usual thing, new plastic model is very similar to old metal one.
-N'kari, the Keeper of Secrets leading the Slaanesh Daemons in the webway, in an alliance with Ahriman, but both of them are extremely untrusting of the other and secretly have different aims. Also can be built as a normal Keeper of Secrets, multiple weapon and head options, posed as if leaping and about to strike out.
- Arcane Battleseer, similar to a Wraithknight with psychic weapons and powers. Imagine if you smashed up a wraithknight into chunks of Wraithbone then bound them back together with psychic energy energy, can be posed casting a spell, fighting or just standard. Looks extremely cool I'm told.
-Arcane Battleseer Firesight, The first Arcane Battleseer. Used to be the High Farseer of Iyanden but then died and became a Wraithseer and a close advisor to Iyanna Arienal. Was blown apart along with 2 Wraithknights after detonating an Ork Stompa. Iyanna's desperate ritual to save Firesight merged the souls of the Wraithknight Pilots and Firesight together and created a new Wraithbone body called an "Arcane Battleseer". A successful design so has begun being replicated on other craftworlds in addition to creating Wraithseers. Posed like a normal Arcane Battleseer but has a more ornate head and a special energy spear/staff.
- Valossian Sythrac, Basically is Vect's top Archon who does all of his dirty work.
Posed leaping forward with a Husblade behind him and an open soul trap in an outstretched hand which has tendrils of energy leaping forward from it. Has a Golden Helmet with multiple Horns which apparently look a bit like Malekith from WHFB.
-Prince Yriel, similar to current model but cloak is now a diamond one, and stands on top of eldar architecture with spear swiping and leaving 'Green fire behind it". He now wears a mask covering the left half of his face which included his special Eye thing which has received a bit of an upgrade and now shoots a special beam. His Banners on his back are gone and replacing with long hair blowing in the wind.
-Kharn the Betrayer, a lot like the current model but more dynamic and posed as though lashing out at an enemy.
-Sylandri Veilwalker, Special Shadowseer, floating on mist which also covers half her character. Has a curved semi circle blade in one hand and a staff in the other.
- Sentinel of the Black Library. Wraithlord sized figure with a long spear held by both hands. Cloaked in a long black and white chequered robe and has a mirror mask for its face which is mostly hidden by a hood.
Future Campaigns
There are apparently 4 more campaign book series' (each with their own army starte sets and new releases).
Campaign 2 Is Eye of Terror area Chaos invasion (Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Astra Militarum, Eldar, Necrons VS everything Chaos)
Campaign 3 Is Orks Vs Nids Vs Imperium Vs Necrons in Octarius Sector and surrounding space
Campaign 4 Is Tau vs Imperium but later Chaos and a faction of Dark Eldar, Necrons also turn up as well apparently
Campaign 5 is Eye of Terror area and beyond part 2 (the stories from all 4 previous books brought together) pretty much every race is sensing the chaos in the galaxy and moves towards this area with their own missions and aims
In Campaign 3 pretty much everyone on the development team is game on for having a Ghazghkull vs Swarmlord whilst Campaign 4 they want a showdown between Farsight or Shadowsun and Imotekh. From what I gather, nothing beyond the first two books is set in stone yet and the rest is all a rough outline.
The aim is that these 5 Campaigns should take about 2 years to run their course and progress the setting to a new state where various side stories can be developed and therefore create new stories but keep the clock at "1 minute to midnight" for the overall setting.  

PENDING 40k Rumors - May 2016 PILEON?
via anonymous sources on Faeit 212
Games Workshop will release a new streamlined 40k Edition in Autumn.


PENDING 40k General Rumors - Feb 2016
via anonymous sources  
A very very salty rumor about 40k End Times. From an undisclosed message, it seems End Times will come through this year with another name(s), it will be (translate from spanish) more changes about game system than fluff. Expect to play only formations and the point system will be gone.  



Larry Vela aka Big Red - Total rumors: (227 TRUE) / (680 FALSE) / (62 PARTIALLY TRUE/VAGUE) - Updated 8/5/2016



PENDING 40k Rumors - May 2016 PILEON?
BoLS Sources report 5-16-2-16:
    Games Workshop will release a new streamlined 40k Edition in Autumn.



Reecius / Frontline - Total rumors: (4 TRUE) / (15 FALSE) / (1 PARTIALLY TRUE/VAGUE)  - Updated 7/20/2016



PENDING 40k Rumors - July 2017
    GW’s flagship game has been rather quiet in recent months and AOS has been stealing the headlines in the meantime. I’m here to tell you that 40k is coming back in a big way.
    -This year we’re going to see the start of something called “The time of Ending!” Games Workshop is going to advance the storyline.
    -You’ve all heard the rumors of plastic Deamon Primarchs. I’m here to tell you they aren’t the only ones. Before Christmas this year we’re going to see the release of some loyalists as well.
    -ROGAL DORN is going to be the first loyalist release. This is going to be a plastic kit specifically designed for 40k. He’ll be missing one of his hands, in it’s place will be a ranged weapon of some kind (this detail was quite sketchy however)
    -Other Loyalists will also be returning eventually. Guilliman will be fully healed alongside some other surprises.
    Here’s a big development: Some of the Primarchs will return to lead forces OTHER than their original Legions/Chapters, and will have different allegiances.
    -Alpharius (or Omegon?) will be fighting against the forces of Chaos, whilst the Khan might return to battle the Imperium! (These details were sketchy and I believe these might just be examples)
    -The plastic Primarchs will be specifically for 40k with different sets of rules, looks and wargear ALTHOUGH there might be overlap with some of the existing FW models.
    -Magnus and Angron from the traitor side initially, followed by Perturabo. Angron is going to be a really big, imposing model
    -Horus Heresy second boardgame will be released around November this year. People should be excited about this!
    -Plastic Warhound will not be released this year.
    -Warhammer 40k 8th edition will have 2 tiers of game. A streamlined version and more advanced play. Also free downloads for rules in the same way as AoS will start this year following the next campaign book. This will not be for all of the rules however.
    -The time of Ending will lead into 8th edition which is out next year.



Sad Panda - Total rumors: (52 TRUE) / (0 FALSE) / (1 PARTIALLY TRUE/VAGUE) - Updated 8/5/2016



PENDING 40k Rumors - June 2016
As I was told (though it might be nonsense), the earliest sessions to start work on a new edition led to the decision to not update (for the most part) the Tau Codex and no longer re-do older books. Apparently they actually had more thorough rule-changes for the Tau, scrapped them, but still printed loads of not-new Tau Codex books because the printers were already booked, leading to the hybrid old/new Codex that is the Tau book.
But they are definitely working on a new edition. It just won't be released in 2016, not least (as I heard) because they want to move the story and need time for that.


PENDING 40k Rumors - June 2016
Myth no more.
A lot of people over the years claimed the GDs were all finished and claimed they saw them (talking about myths).
All of them curiously missed this particular vintage-epic-inspired-villain next to the only recently finished LoC his design portfolio.
Remember the Warhammer Fest comment about things changing, but not quite as drastic as End Times/AoS? 40K is on the move.


PENDING 40k Rumors - May 2016
Sad Panda wrote:
New edition won't arrive in 2016.
But they will (and kinda already do) move the story forward.

PENDING 40k Rumors - May 2016
There is a new edition of 40K in the works.
It's also correct that GW doesn't bother re-doing old Codex books, basically since Tau, as they consider 7th a lame duck rule set (there will still be rules for new miniatures, incl. campaigns, Codex Deathwatch, etc..).
Just that the timeline is off and the new edition further away ... at least 2017 ... according to my information (which has been good so far, but a new edition of 40K is the most secretive topic you could find in GW).



Something Awful TG Section - Total rumors: (0 TRUE) / (0 FALSE) / (0 PARTIALLY TRUE/VAGUE)



PENDING Release Schedule Rumors - Apr 2016
via Something Awful in the their TG section:
"May as well drop some rumours here.
40k will get a new edition in September. It is a minor clean up of the  
current rules, they won't even be changing the cover art, and they will put  
an FAQ that covers the changes online. It's basically an amended reprint.
There will be two new campaign books this year, covering Blood Angels, Grey  
Knights, Tyranids and Orks, and will include formations for all of them.  
This is because they are the pre-formation codexes.
The studio knows there are problems with the Ork book, but there is no  
clear direction as to where they want to go with it in balancing it with  
the current codices beyond minor rewrites and adding formations. Ork Clan  
formations are very likely.
GW are married to formations now, and will give the studio a brief of  
things like do some formations for an army and how much the formation  
should cost to buy the models for, ie a £200 formation.
On fantasy there will be a tournament format for AoS with points. The sales  
plummeted for AoS but the current fantasy range sales look healthier than  
before the change (though how much this is people buying stuff to finish  
their collections I wasn't told). Feedback on the rules was incredibly  
poisonous, and GW want to move past it and heal.
Bretonnians were going to be in the next WFB starter before it was scrapped  
in favour of AoS, meaning there are some lovely plastics that made it to  
prototyping that will likely never be seen now, including a hero on  
hippogriff better than the Elf Prince from Island of Blood.
Lord of the Rings will include both the Strategy Battle Game and a new  
version of War of the Ring where it is possible to play a ranked up fantasy  
game, because Forgeworld know there is a gap in the market.
Forgeworld will have finished their new production facility at some point  
next month, though they will not be available to order to store until the  
production quality issues are solved and they can produce in the volume and  
quality required.
GW will be launching an anonymous feedback system for staff next month, for  
a number of reasons. Such as 50% of staff not passing 3 month probation and  
25% of staff left not finishing the year, which is an eye watering turnover  
even for retail. These will be gone through for action points, and followed  
up at monthly meetings.
Kirby is now gone, and everyone is rejoicing because the new CEO plays the  
game, won't force people out for telling it to him like it is (as Kirby did  
to Alessio Calvatore after his presentation to the board where he told them  
they were pricing out kids, which meant Jervis came back from holiday to  
find out Alessio had resigned rather than be fired) and actively wants to  
listen to people.
Forgeworlds star has been rising because of Horus Heresy and Betrayal at  
Calth, and there are behind the scenes discussions about FW being delivered  
to store and the Specialist Games range being available through the store.
The new store planograms are here to stay, though some stores don't have  
enough shelving units.
Kirby in his new adviser to the board hasn't attended a single meeting now  
the reins of power have passed to Kev Rountree, because they always seem to  
be held when he is unavailable. Kirby also once loudly and publicly  
announced no one played games and rules didn;t matter in a Throne of Skulls  



Ytook on BOLS Forum

Ytook - Total rumors: (0 TRUE) / (0 FALSE) / (0 PARTIALLY TRUE/VAGUE) - Updated 5/17/2016

PENDING 40k Rumors  
    Expect 40k to have a shake up later in the year!
    “It won’t be as drastic as Warhammer, but it will be quite a change.”
    More stream lined and easier to pick…’and’I was talking to Ally Morrison and Andy Dunn (They were near the entrance) I know Andy from a while back and during our chat 40k came up…
    Well, about how cumbersome it’s become.
    Any way.
    He said the quote above….



The only two reliable sources (Hastings and Sad Panda) say that there will be no codexes within 2 years and that a new edition is coming, but not in 2016. That's a far distance from 'The coming sigmarification of 40k' that I asked you to cite.


The unreliable sources, on the other hand, contradict each other, the reliable sources and even themselves month to month. I wouldn't put too much stock in that.



Skepticism is alive and well of course, and they are just rumors. And some people won't believe it until they have the 4 page rule book in their hands, downloaded for free from the GW website.


I'm a skeptic to rumors from unreliable sources. To people with a good record, I am a lot more believing. Based on that, we should see a new edition in the next few years, but not in 2016. I also think that Hastings may have misinterpreted the 'no new codexes' thing. Based on Sad Panda's commentary, I think whoever was talking to him meant 'No new codexes until 8th edition'. This is, of course, my opinion of how two very reliable rumor mongers have slightly different rumors.




For me, after playing 40K since 1990/RT days, looking around at the trends in the gaming industry, the new direction GW seems to be going- these rumors seem entirely plausible along with the idea of Codex books going away and being replaced by campaign box sets/books. I could be 100% wrong. Or I could be partially right. /shrug the only thing that matters is that change is coming, and we can embrace it, or become like the players that still play 40K RT edition, or Warhammer Fantasy "9th edition".

It is entirely possible. I think that's a far stretch from 'the sigmarization of 40k' though, which is largely the part (as I quoted) that I had a problem with in your original post (and asked for citation for).

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Afternoon everyone

Angel blade in french.
Thx Nick(but i guess the original source is french ?)
astropath : https://www.facebook.com/LAstropateNewsERumorsDiWarhammer40000/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED
Imgur Link : http://imgur.com/a/pLSNH

Traduction :

Red thirst : +1 init during charge round if main detachment.
Sanguinus son : Zealot if under 50% starting strength (2 models for 5men)

Chapter Ancient :
Minuted strike : Mini feat warmachine style, Once per game at the start of the turn the dread of the formation can shoot, or go to ground + melee, instead of moving. Each dread can choose to mov, or shot or melee

Orbital intervention :
Rapid deploy : All the units in the formation must be in reserve. Make 1 reserve roll.
Intervention : Termi can shoot twice or charge (assault term only and unruly charge)

Stormraven squadron :
Annihilation strike (mini feat) : start of turn choose ennemy unit, all SR in 72" can shoot missiles. they can shoot again in the normal shooting phase (missile doesn't count to the number of weapon usable per turn)

Baal Predator :
Reroll 1

Death comp detachment :
Red thirst (like the other one)
Very angry at the enemy : 6" free move during deployment.

Archangel demi comp :
reserve roll during first turn.
reroll reserve and -1d6 deviation
Reroll trait.

battle demi comp :
red thirst
reroll trait.

Lucifer armoured task force:
All preds and Raider got supercharged engine !




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via Dakka’s Draner 9-12-2016 (comments are from OP)

Hi guys, I do not actually have the codex but some guy was nice enough to send me pictures. It is in French so posting pictures is quite useless. I do not have it all, but here it is :

New QG : death company chaplain (actual cost +35). Same statline, has inferno pistol, jump pack and the Astorath reroll to wound rule.
Grav-cannon and eviscerator as anticipated.
New stuff: a thunder hammer master crafted for 6 meltabombs.


Formations are the following

(I do not have them all): 
Angel’s blade strike force (meta detachment)
Bonus: reroll warlord trait, red thirst (same as now) and zealot for every unit below half initial size (rounded below).
Core: battle demi company or archangels demi company
Command: Golden host, Leader of the angelic host, chapter ancients
Auxiliary: Archangel orbital intervention, 10th company ambush, death company strike force, Lucifer armoured task force, stormraven squadron, rapid assault force, fire support force

Lost brotherhood (meta detachement)
Bonus: Reroll warlord trait, red thirst, and 6” free move just after you deploy an unit. Does not work with reserves.
Core: death company strike force
Command: Death company command (1-3 astorath, lemarted, DC chaplain)
Aux: orbital intervention, 10th company support, Lucifer armoured task force, stormraven squadron, rapid assault force

Battle demi company (core)
1 captain or chaplain
1 command squad (if the captain is chosen)
3 tactical
1 assault, bike, attack bike or land speeder
dev squad
1 dreadnought
1 furioso dreadnought (if the chaplain is chosen)
Bonus: reroll warlord trait if main detachment and red thirst (same as now). YES it is the SAME bonus as in the angel’s blade strike force…WTF GW. No obsec. 

Archangels orbital intervention force (auxiliary)
3 units of the assault or regular terminators
Bonus: all units must be put in reserve and roll together. No reroll.
When the deep strike, regular terminator can fire twice and assault terminator can charge (but count has a disoriented charge).
 NICE ! 

Archangels demi company (core)
1 termi captain
2 furioso dreadnoughts
5 units of terminators, vanguards or sternguards
Bonus: stubborn, reserve roll turn 1, reroll reserve roll, scatter D6 less and reroll warlord trait if main detachment.
 Quite nice but that is a huge point sink.. 

10th company ambush force (auxiliary)
3-5 units or either scouts or biker scouts
Scout bikers must buy mines
Bonus: stealth long as you don’t move if you infiltrate.
Precision shots during the first turn.
 Ok I guess 

Stormraven squadron (auxiliary)
2-4 stormravens
At the beginning of your turn, once per battle, you can fire all your stormstrike missiles at a target and still fire in the following shooting phase

Lucifer armoured task force (auxiliary)
1 techmarine
3-5 units of baal predator or regular predators
1-3 units of land raiderd, or crusader, redeemer
Bonus: SCOUT, and boosted engines (FAST) free for every vehicle as well as for the land raiders !
 YAY ! 12” scouting land raiders ! woooot 

Death company strike force (Aux or core)
DC chaplain
DC squads
1-3 DC dread
Bonus: unknown

Rapid assault force (aux)
1-3 assault, bike, attack bike, speeders
Bonus: unknown

Fire support force (aux)
1-3 devastator, vindicator, whirlwind

Golden host (Command)
Sanguinor OR Dante
2-5 sanguinary guard
Bonus: unknown
 Looks really nice with dante and only 2 units of sang guard. My guess is they get deep strike at least. 

Leaders of the angelic host (command)
1 captain, termi captain, librarian, meph, sang priest, brother corbulo;
0-1 command squad;
0-1 stormraven

Chapter ancients (command)
3-5 dreadnoughts (librarian, regular or furioso)
Bonus: Once during the battle, at the beginning of your turn, you can fire as if you were in the shooting phase or pile in and fight in close combat, instead of moving during your movement phase.
Each dreadnought can perform a different a

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First the upgrades.

without any surprise,

- Assault squad receive the same entry as vanilla : no JP, buy either the jumpack or the transport or leave them on foot. Evicerator available
- Devastator : same thing, they have acces to cherubin and grav cannon.
- vindi and WW can be fielded as squadron with the same bonus
- same thing for turbo boos bonus for speeders
- access to domain from the new disciplines

Then the news

First a DC chaplain
allow to reroll the roll to wound for him and its uni when charging except in a disorderd charge

Then the Baal :
Fieldable in squadron and may re roll 1 to W when played in squadrons of 3

I have no access to relics except the TH from Kraen wich becomes available to any BA character

Then you have 2 detachment or rather "super formations" "gladius" ... whatever

The first is a standard one the second is more Death company

Gladius like detachment

- re roll of warlord trait
- l+1I when charging
- zealot if any squad come below 50%
… And... That's all ! No free transport if 2 half company are played...

The formations

Core :

Demi Companie

As a vanilla one except you can swap the command squad for a furioso
Special rules Reroll of the warlord trait and +1I when charging and ... That's all !!!! NO OBJECTIVE SECURED And it's the same bonus as the whole formation... This is THE dark point IMO

archangels demi companie

1 termi captain
2 furioso
4 units amongst termis assault termi vanguard sternguards
special rules :
Roll for reserve at Turn 1
Re roll scatter and roll only 1d6
Warlord trait re roll

HQ :

Leaders of the Angelic Host :
1 HQ
0-1 comman squad
0-1 Storm Raven
no special rules

Golden Host
Dante or Sanguinor
2-5 sanguinary guards units
Special rules :
No reserve roll you choose the turn they arrive and everybody arrive in DS
They can charge the turn they DS but count as disordered charge

Chapter ancients
3-5 units of
Dreads Furioso
Dreads Archi
special rules
1time per battle, you can choose to sacrify the movement phase of any dread to either make a free shoot or a free movement of contact and resolve CC A. You can then proceed normally to shoot or charge

Auxiliaries :

Archangels orbital intervention force
3 termi squads of any sort
Special rules :
MUST be kept in DS reserve
one single reserve roll
The termi may eithershoot twice (not necessarly at the same target) OR charge the turn they DS but this will count as disordered charge

10th company Ambush Force
3-5 units of scouts or scout bikes
Restrictions : bikes must have mines
Special rules :
As long as it doesn't move a unit gain +1 cover (shrouded?)
Precision shot first turn

Death Company Strike Force
1 DC chaplain
3 DC squads
0-3 DC dreads
Special rules
Models within 12" of the chaplain gain +1A

Lucifer Armoured strike force
1 techmarine
3-5 units of preds or Baal
1-3 units of LR of any sort
Special Rules
Overloaded engines free

Storm Raven Squadron
2-4 Storm Raven
Special Rules : One time per battle, during your movement phase, declare you target an enemy unit. All the SR within 72" of the target and with a LoS must shoo all their remaining stormstrike missiles on the target. This doesn't count toward the number of weapons usable and the SR may use their weapons during the shooting phase as normal.

Rapid Assault Force
1-3 units
Assault squads
bike squads
attack bike squads
speeder squadrons
Special Rules : none it's a "blank formation" usable only in the super detachment

Fire Support Force
1-3 units
Special rules : none it's a "blank formation" usable only in the super detachment

And then Death Company Gladius

Bonus :
Re roll traits
+1I when charging expect if disordered charge
After Deploying the unit, it may make a 6"move. This is NOT a scout move


Death Company Strike Force as described


Death Company Command
1-3 choices amongst Astorath, Lemartes or chapelain CdlM


Archangels Orbital Intervention force as described

10th company support as described

Lucifer Armoured squadron as described

Storm Raven squadron as described

Rapid Assault Force as descibed

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I would love if they just did codex astartes with the shared stuff, then released codex deviations:(insert chapter)


They could do a few unit data slates a few formations with bonus and call it a day... Roll all the loyalist Marines back together but release the flavor packs...

I've been saying something like this for years. The differences really aren't big enough to justify separate Dexes for the most part. Even Space Wolves could probably be folded in; leaving aside Special Characters, they've only got 6 Units that couldn't easily be done as something standard with 1-2 extra Special Rules.

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I've been saying something like this for years. The differences really aren't big enough to justify separate Dexes for the most part. Even Space Wolves could probably be folded in; leaving aside Special Characters, they've only got 6 Units that couldn't easily be done as something standard with 1-2 extra Special Rules.

I know! I was lucky to beat you to the punch this time :P

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Muahahahaha! I can now field a Libarius Conclave in Termie Armor, a Conclave in PA, a Conclave on Bikes, and a "Conclave" of Honored Libarian Ancients clad in Dreadnought Armor! Squee!



But mostly I'm thinking about the Honored Ancients, a PA Conclave and Knights.

Pfffpt. Honored Ancients Conclave+Wings of Sanguinius on all of them. Best of all worlds.

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