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All Talk and No Mordheim Makes Joey A Dull Boy


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Standard gw to hit chart assumed... -1 ws would rarely result in a negative one to hit. Double plus one and all of that. With increased stats over the norm that is correct now that I think about it as you go to 3+ to hit as soon as you are better... It would be easier to stay in the 4+ to hit band. Depends on if you think that off hand should regularly hit at 4+, or 5+... Either way mostly removes 3+ hitting the coyote way entirely eliminates it graham way limits it...

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I prefer the minus one to hit.  It's simpler and I don't feel as if the -1 WS is a strong enough disincentive to move players' mindset away from the same old same old.


Smashthedean, don't think of it as a nerf, think of it as an opportunity to model.  :biggrin:


Of course, it's Joey's campaign so I will defer to his decision.


Joey, are we going to use any of the following additonal rules?


New Critical Hit Charts (optional rule in main rulebook)

Escaping From Combat (optional rule in main rulebook)

Blackpowder Weapons (optional rule in main rulebook)

Rewards of the Shadowlord (optional rule in main rulebook)

Mounted Warriors (optional rule in main rulebook)

Random Happenings


For Whom the Bell Tolls

Wilderness Rules


Chaos in the Streets

Blazing Saddles


Power in the Stones

Opulent Goods

Ye Old Curiosity Shoppe

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are we doing Mordheim?  I want to do Mordheim.


If nobody else has called dibs on them, I'd like to call dibs on Cult of the Possessed.  I've got the models, just needed a reason to get them painted.

Joey has been talking about a Mordheim mini-campaign for some time now.


This is who we have so far:


Joey - Ostlanders

Shawn - Kislev

Sherbert - Norse

Jim - Witchhunters

Kacy - Beastmen

You - Possessed

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wondering how deep this "waiting" gif well goes.


Joey, if you're not planning on getting this going before January, you should seriously put Koyote out of his misery and give him the go-ahead to organize it. As it stands, it's like torturing a kitten. A skirmish-gaming narrative-loving kitten, but a kitten nonetheless.

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I'll get to writing up a couple scenarios. I think I'm going to allow most warbands. If the warband is super unofficial and fan made then let me look at it first. I know elves can be OP but I'd rather not limit people too much. Should we encounter balance issues then we can come to some consensus on what limitations to impose.


As it is the only limitations I will be imposing are that if your warband can start with 6 heroes at the beginning then you will be limited to 5. Your 6th hero has to be earned through a lads got talent.


As far as other modifications go I'm pretty keen to try out Koyotes armor and weapons rules. The exception being that I don't want to do the -1 to hit for two weapons. If it ends up that even with all the other boosts people are still using just dual wield then that can be addressed. Also we will be using the modified rout chart posted earlier in the thread.

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