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FoW Tournament - Northwest Invasion 2016 (Official Thread)


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Thank you Washington Players for the games and for making this happen, I enjoyed it.


On a side note, there was some serious discussion about what I think were some advanced and complex rules.  I have been asking BF forums about their opinions, haven't heard back from any actual Battlefront staff but here is some of the findings. 


List specific rules do Clown the standard rulebook.



A list that states specifically how to deply certain units happens before the mission states half-on / half-off. So, if you are running 6 platoons and 2 of which get deployed by your list specific rules, you deploy them per your rules. The remaining 4 platoons are then deployed as normal, thus putting only 2 platoons in reserve.


Another thing I am still trying to find out is the effect of night-time on Airborne/Glider insertions.

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I looked to the FAQ and found further precedent.  


it is clear from the FAQ that anything that forces the Gliders to arrive later, (i.e. Delayed Reserves is the example the FAQ gives), does indeed stop them from using the gliders and forces them to be deployed normally.  There is no "coming in later"  That is directly from lessons from the front (again, regarding Reserves but the same logic applies)


Night Fighting has a similar effect:  The rules say you cannot call in planes during Night time, not even observation planes.  Therefore this also stops the arrival rules (which are very specific about the fact that they arrive in, not prior, to the users first turn if they are allowed to at all) from occurring and for the same reason:  The rule sets a condition which makes it unavailable to arrive in the users first turn.  Both Night and the Missions themselves are conditions of the mission.


There is no exception, nor work around.


In addition it would be bizarre to argue that the gliders came in during the day, it turns night...and dawn happens a few minutes later.  So that would be an absurd thing to advance as a solution.


If the Gliders cannot arrive, they cannot arrive.  Just as with any other Special rule, there are things that Clown them.  Always Attack, for example, only works if the other force does not have Always Attacks.  Per the same FAQ, if two armies have Always Attacks, then the rule simply does nothing because the rule itself specifies that it only works when X is true.


The X in this case of Glider arrival rules, which are specifically on the users first turn, could be impossible in two instances.  First, if they are forced into delayed reserve by mission or otherwise and second if it is Night.


That is what I have learned and I have been thorough.


The only wording that appears in any way to refer to "prior to your turn" is the one regarding the shots it can take, but I think it pretty clearly assumes a turn in which there IS a glider to begin with, which there wouldn't be in this case. After all, no glider arriving = no source of the shots to come from.  if there was a glider, then prior to its legal arrival, it would be allowed to shoot (and for that matter, other planes would too, which is clearly not the intention).


EDIT:  Side note, we did end up playign a normal game after the whole discussion and his forfeiture.  We played all six turns, and it was the same outcome so it didn't change anything and is only of academic concern at this point but I think it's worth pointing out, as it seems inevitable that the same forces may collide again at some point and no one wants to have thesame discussion, nio matter who won or would win i nthe future.

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Copied from the BF forums:


My 2 cents:
LFTF Pg 26
"Can a glider platoon make a glider
assault (on page 85) if they are held
in Reserves?
No, they must arrive by glider in the first
turn, otherwise they arrive on foot."
Sounds to me like Battlefront did not intend the glider rule to over ride the reserves rule, else why would this be in the LFTF
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Since the glider player can arrive on foot, then he should not be able to override the opponent's night battle rule.  He does have two different ways to bring the troops on the table.


As for one of the other reasons put forward: The amount of points you pay for a special ability does not guarantee you the ability to use them. For examples of this, see warrior special rules. You can pay over 100 points and never get to use them in a game.

You can pay 290 points for air support without a guarantee they will arrive when you want them to.


Some - not all - of these confusing/ambiguous situations could be avoided if we can get people to exercise their tournament lists more before the actual event.


Likewise, the LFTF has useful info in there, but finding it in a hurry is not easy - 31 pages.

I am creating an index for LFTF and will distribute to our group for free ASAP.  This should speed up look-ups and comparisons - LFTF vs. handbook special rules

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