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Warhamsters "Winter" Mordheim Campaign Warband Lists


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Here is where we can post our lists, photos of our warbands, and discuss any warband list specific topics, questions, and ideas. The purposes of this thread isn't to play list-hammer (which I hate), but rather to see what everyone's doing and chat about toys.


I'll start with the Beastmen Raider's list Kacy posted in the Warhamsters Winter Mordheim Campaign thread, followed by my 'bearless', Kislevite warband.


I like 3 weeks with a break personally.


Here's the list I'm going to try bringing:


130 - Beastmen Chieftain: sword, shield, heavy armor

93 - Centigor: sword, mace

60 - Bestigor: greataxe

58 - Bestigor: sword, mace

51 - Beastmen Shaman: mace, mace


38 - Gor: mace, dagger

38 - Gor: mace, dagger

15 - Warhound of Chaos

15 - Warhound of Chaos


TOTAL: 498

Kislevite Warband


Captain Yuri - Druzhina (80) dueling pistol (13*), sword (10) = 103 gcs

Sergeant Ludvig - Esaul (35) sword (10), shortbow (5) = 50 gcs

Oleg - Bear Tamer (35) sword (10) = 45 gcs

Boris - Youth #1 (15) mace (3) = 18 gcs

Yana - Youth #2 (15) hammer (3) = 18 gcs


Roman - Warrior #1 (25) shortbow (5), axe (5) = 35 gcs

Petr - Warrior #2 (25) shortbow (5), axe (5) = 35 gcs

Dmitri - Streltsi #1 (25) crossbow (25) = 50 gcs

Lavr - Cossack #1 (30) sword (10), shield (5) = 45 gcs

Vasily - Cossack #2 (30) sword (10), shield (5) = 45 gcs


Sasha - Kislev Ranger (35) = 35 gcs

Lastro Lupintal - Arabian Merchant (20) = 20 gcs


* Ancestral item (i.e. ½ price)


TOTAL: 499 gcs


Why an Arabian Merchant you ask? Because they are fun and inexpensive (I had only 20 gcs to spend), but mostly because I just purchased this little fellow, and he's awesome!



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The Rafters Bane. Hill folk and beach party enthusiasts.


Pa (elder) brace of pistols, sword

Jethro (blood brother) great sword

Jebediah (blood brother) sword, axe, bow

Uncle Cletus (priest of Taal) spear


Ma (ogre) axe

The Bootleggers (jaegers)x2 bow.


I will eventually be getting some armor to try out the new rules. Ma was just so expensive and I need her early on to gain xp as she earns it at half rate and I have a dream of getting an ogre with lads got talent. I'll post pictures later. Gonna try to finish Ma tonight. Then I'll have the whole beginning band done.

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Here's my Cult of the Possessed Warband.


Church of the Poisonous Word

  • Crucius Sinthirst -- Magister (70) with Axe, Dagger (5) and Light Armor (20) and Vision of Torment spell -- 95 gp
  • Undall the Rager -- Dark Soul (35) with Sword, Dagger (10) and Light Armor, Shield (25) -- 70 gp
  • Mux Fingerbiter -- Dark Soul (35) with Flail, Dagger (15) and Light Armor (20) -- 70 gp
  • Grenchus Malborn -- Brethren (25) with Short Bow, Mace, Dagger (13) -- 38 gp
  • Tarkhal Kurserule -- Brethren (25) with Short Bow, 2 Daggers (12) -- 37 gp
  • Chris the Somewhat Naughty -- Brethren (25) with Short Bow, Dagger (10) -- 35 gp
  • Fearsome Druge -- Beastman (45) with Two Handed Axe, Dagger (15) and Light Armor (20) -- 80 gp
  • Kabal the Blackhearted -- Beastman (45) with Axe, Dagger (5) and Light Armor, Shield (25) -- 75 gp
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Hear Ye, Hear Ye and bear witness as another young son of Bretonnia ventures forth to claim favor of that most dear of Ladies. Head bowed, lance forsaken, he searches throughout this shattered realm, hoping against hope to find the Maiden for whom he quests and to sip from Her Gilded Chalice.


The Companions of Godric the Gallant

  • Godric the Gallant -- Questing Knight (80) with two handed sword, heavy armor, and helm (75) -- 155gp
  • Astric the Bold -- Knight Errant (50) with sword, light armor, and shield (30) -- 80gp
  • Philip -- Squire (15) with spear, light armor, and shield (35) -- 50gp
  • John -- Squire (15) with spear, light armor, and shield (35) -- 50gp
  • The Retinue -- 3xMen at Arms (75) -- with spears and shields (30) -- 105gp
  • Robbin's Merry Fellows -- 2xBowmen (40) -- with bows (20) -- 60gp
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Here's my Dark Elf Warband:

The former Dread Raiders of Captain Sigfried Faul.

  • Captain Sigfried Faul: High Born(85): Sword (10)+ Dark Elven Blade (15), Shield(5), Sea Dragon Cloak (50), Helmet (10), Total:160
  • Sonia Wetter: Sorceress (70): Repeater Crossbow (35), Dagger (1st free), Total: 105
  • Toad: Fell Blade (55): Two Handed Axe (15), Helmet (10), Total: 70
  • Toad's brother Toad: Fell Blade (55): Halberd (10), Helmet (10), Total: 65
  • Beast Master Tierliebe: Beast Master (60): Beast Lash (10), Total: 70

Total Value: 495gp

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Alright name time...


Deadwood Raiders


Krulos - Beastmen Chieftain: sword, shield, heavy armor [130 gc]
Kang - Centigor: sword, shield [95 gc]
Rahzar - Bestigor: greataxe [60 gc]
Cerebus - Bestigor: halberd [55 gc]

Sarnath - Beastmen Shaman: mace, dagger [48 gc]


Pigster - Gor: mace, mace [41 gc]
Al - Gor: mace, mace [41 gc]

Barkley - Warhound of Chaos [15 gc]
Lucky - Warhound of Chaos [15 gc]


TOTAL: 500 gc

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Here's my Dark Elf Warband:

The former Dread Raiders of Captain Sigfried Faul.

  • Captain Sigfried Faul: High Born(85): Sword (10)+ Dark Elven Blade (15), Shield(5), Sea Dragon Cloak (50), Helmet (10), Total:160
  • Sonia Wetter: Sorceress (70): Repeater Crossbow (35), Dagger (1st free), Total: 105
  • Toad: Fell Blade (55): Two Handed Axe (15), Helmet (10), Total: 70
  • Toad's brother Toad: Fell Blade (55): Halberd (10), Helmet (10), Total: 65
  • Beast Master Tierliebe: Beast Master (60): Beast Lash (10), Total: 70

Total Value: 495gp


You missed out on dread pirate Roberts! 

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The Rafters Bane. Hill folk and beach party enthusiasts.

Pa (elder) brace of pistols, sword

Jethro (blood brother) great sword

Jebediah (blood brother) sword, axe, bow

Uncle Cletus (priest of Taal) spear

Ma (ogre) axe

The Bootleggers (jaegers)x2 bow.


But, but, but, what about the Ruffian, Brian Boitano. e14121.gif



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Bulvi Grimbeard, 4th Son of Thaggi, Thane of Diamondfall Forge took an oath to retrieve his father's telescope. The Count of Mordheim had once borrowed it, and failed to return it after the shoddy structures of their city came tumbling down. Foolish manlings, this is why cities belong safely under the earth...



180: Bulvi Grimbeard (Noble) w/ Dwarf Axe, Gromril Armor, Shield

78: Torek Grindgear (Engineer) w/ Crossbow, Hammer

68: Gunter the Wild (Trollslayer) w/ Dwarf Axe, Hammer

68: Gotrek Trollbane (Trollslayer) w/ Dwarf Axe, Hammer



68: Barek Suntouched (Thunderer) w/ Crossbow, Hammer

38: Dirk "Manling" Deterson (Beardling) w/ Sword, Hammer


Total: 500gc


My Noble and 2 slayers are already painted, but the 2 henchmen and the engineer I've gotten started on. Basing and skin done so far!

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When suddenly, from the east-by-southeast!


Noble Samurai  Dai'Ino Masaka (70), Dai-Sho: Katana/Wakazashi (30), Dagger     - 100


Samurai Keiru Saiko (50),  Dai-Sho (30), Naganata: Halbard (10), Dagger                 - 90

Samurai Tsurori Fukuyu (50) Dai-Sho (30) Naganata (10), Dagger                            - 90

Samurai Yusako Makurabu (50) Dai-Sho (30), Tetsubo: 2H Club (15), Dagger         - 95


Warrior Monk Intsumari Yudai (35)  Wakazashi (10), Dagger                                     - 45

Ashigaru Ito Mairu (25)  Longbow (15), Dagger                                                          - 40

Ashigaru Ito Ma[big bad swear word]e (25) Longbow (15), Dagger                         - 40


Totes:                                                                                                                           500


Am I doing this right?

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Found my old Dwarfs. I may change if I can get some painting done.

Drunken Dwarves500 GC  -   Dwarves Warband
1 Burgman the Tipsy (Dwarf Noble) @ 120 GC
     Free Dagger; Dwarf Axe (x1); Light Armour
1 Taskith the Elevated (Dwarf Engineer) @ 85 GC
1 Tankith the mad (Dwarf Troll Slayer) @ 55 GC
     Free Dagger; Axe (x1)
1 Sloppy the Last (Dwarf Clansmen) @ 43 GC
     Free Dagger; Hammer (x1)
1 Dropey the Special (Beardlings) @ 28 GC
     Free Dagger; Hammer (x1)
1 Kartish from down under (Dwarf Clansmen) @ 55 GC
     2-Handed Weapon (x1)
1 Uteh the crosseyed (Dwarf Thunderers) @ 65 GC
1 Durghan the Light Weight (Dwarf Clansmen) @ 43 GC
     Free Dagger; Hammer (x1)
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Wow Joey, your Ostlanders are fantastic. e14144.gif

I'm a very slow painter so there's no way I will be able to get my Kislevites painted by the 15th, or in all likelihood, by the end of the campaign. I was going to use them anyway, but Joey's beautifully painted Warband has shamed me into using painted models.

In 2010 I painted an Averlander Warband but never quite finished it. If I get right to work on them, I should be able to have them ready by the 15th. I need to paint some additional highlights and add a few more models and the warband will be ready for the table.


I want to paint a new Captain, and since Joey allows mounted models, a Road Warden as well. The Captain is a converted standard bearer from FW's Manann's Blades Command kit and the Road Warden is the Mordheim Reiklander Captain (foot & mounted). I own the actual Road Warden models, but they are kinda boring. Plus, I've waited a long time for an excuse to paint the Reiklander Captain, who's an ugly fella, but has tons of character.


Averlander Mercenary Warband 500 gcs

Luther Axtmann Captain 60 axe 5 shield 5 dueling pistol 25 = 95 gcs
Ludwig Sergeant 35 sword 10 shield 5 = 50 gcs
Oswald Bergjaeger 35 longbow 15 = 50 gcs
Otto Bergjaeger 35 longbow 15 = 50 gcs
Tomas Young Blood 15 halberd 10 = 25 gcs

Hertwig Mountainguard 30 2H 15 = 45 gcs
Dirske Mountainguard 30 2H 15 = 45 gcs
Gregor Mountainguard 30 halberd 10 = 40 gcs
Hugo Halfling Scout 20 bow 10 = 30 gcs

Volker Blackmore Warlock 30 = 30 gcs
Conrad Horstmann Road Warden 40 = 40 gcs

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