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Help! Boardgame Playtesters Needed


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  • 3 weeks later...

With the deadline getting near, I need to get files submitted for a physical prototype within this month. Because locking down the physical form will limit my ability to make changes, I really need to get this on the table again! There have been some substantial changes since last go-around that I'd really like to try. I feel that it's too early in the design cycle, but deadlines are there for a reason!

Any chance I could bother 2 to 4 generous souls to give this a whirl this upcoming Tuesday or the week after?

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Ideally, once you know the rules, the game takes about 1 to 1.5 hours to play. Last go-through it took 2 hours. However, we don't need to play the whole game, and folks can drop out as needed. Mostly I just want to see if some basic mechanism changes work. Whatever your schedule is, we'll make it work!

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Thanks again for the chance to play Jim. It was great.

A thought I had after getting home, have you considered allowing players to trade curios? Might create a market for hoarding a couple customers to deny a sale to someone, with the hopes to trade them an item that you've made useless to them since there aren't enough good buyers.

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Thanks again to everyone for your time and work last night! As usual, Warhamsters are the best playtesters. Y'all gave me lots of useful feedback, and I'll spend the next week or so figuring out how to incorporate the suggestions. Muchas gracias!

44 minutes ago, Hobbitron said:

A thought I had after getting home, have you considered allowing players to trade curios? Might create a market for hoarding a couple customers to deny a sale to someone, with the hopes to trade them an item that you've made useless to them since there aren't enough good buyers.

An earlier iteration had a trade action space where two players placing matching dice could trade curios, coins, customers, tokens and the like. No one ever took it, so I dropped it. Maybe it's just not worth a die to do it, though. Certainly, the game has also changed a lot from that iteration. It's probably worth re-considering!



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  • 3 weeks later...

So a box arrived today ... Inside the box, was another box.


Curios? Curious, indeed! Intrigued, I opened it, and found a board...


And other pieces that, when assembled, resembled a game.


But something seemed ... missing... what was it? Maybe a closer look at the board would reveal it...


Of course!


The only thing missing is the Curio cards, featuring Nathan's amazing art. They'll be here next week! At this point, the game is nowhere near being done, but it's done enough to submit to the KublaCon Game Design Contest (at least, the deadline is close enough that it's not going to get more done). Last year, Brad's Galactic Express made it to the final five, while my Siege did not. This year, I'm submitting Dark Curios and Brad is submitting Kingmaker, a fun, quick game of bluffing, memory and second-guesses. What will happen?  Will the Warhamsters reign triumphant over San Francisco? Will they fail miserably, destined for mediocrity? Who knows! The game needs a lot more work, but at the very least, future playtests will involve much better-looking components (at least, until they get changes and replaced with scraps of paper again).

Thanks to everyone who has helped test things out so far! 





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Yup, and the beaver is making another, smaller, beaver. I think the final cover art will be infinitely nested, with a beaver, making a beaver making a beaver making a beaver making a beaver making a beaver making a beaver... well, you get the idea. Also, considering a name change ... Curious Beavers.

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