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Everything posted by jollyork

  1. I think you should take Wrestle instead of Fend. Give him some defensive purpose as your Block guy will probably be your ball carrier.
  2. Next to your other tentacle-themed possessions?
  3. Please don't post crap like that on here. Facebook has its uses, but I will never go there for my Premiership information.
  4. Groovy. I should be able to get there close to 5:00.
  5. sbr, do you want to play our match tomorrow night?
  6. Top 10 Ordo Bowl Schedule Matchups... You Won't Believe Number 7!!!
  7. I'm in, but will be out of town for a big chunk of July so free wins for those opponents. I'll field a new team of Primaris Humans (from DZ3).
  8. If you enforce the rule that the coach must have a fully painted model for the new player, Michaels will stop pestering you about it.
  9. Weav, I don't see rules prohibiting overtime.
  10. Dammit, I wanted to field Halflings with two Stunties removed. That's right: big, bad Halflings.
  11. In Hit and Run, I was defender with 1 Solitaire vs 9 orks. I took all 9 out in HTH without suffering a wound. Game seems balanced just fine. ????‍♂️
  12. For your Kill Team transport needs:
  13. https://17890-presscdn-0-51-pagely.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ShadowWarArmFAQMay2017.pdf
  14. Solitaire vs Vindicare could be troublesome. The Shieldbreaker ammo shouldn't work vs. Solitaire, but does in RAW. The FAQ stopped Toxic weapons from harming Necrons and Wraithguard, but no love for this situation. Though the Vindicare likely has only one shot before being engaged in CC.
  15. A ghost stalks the promethium sprawl. A pale shadow of death, a blur of blades, a haze of red, misty blood. The first reports from Space Marine scout detachment P-733 were only of strange noises and creepy feelings. A blast of cold air throughout the steaming pipes, the hairs on the back of their necks standing at attention, the echo of a faint stoccato beat... what they could only describe as laughter. A sound totally devoid of joy, instead dripping with malice. They evacuated the area with extreme haste. The second report came from Logister Olgin Devros, tracking threat assessments through security recordings. He began his mundane task as usual, noting a band of nine Orks entering section TK-421 in search of spoils. But when their guns began blazing, firing shells seemingly at random in the dark, his attention grew. It certainly wasn't unusual behavior for Orks to rowdily brawl and fire their weapons amongst themselves, but then they began falling. One, two, three all at once! Green, fungus-filled blood spraying and coating the walls. Devros watched in growing horror as within minutes, the entire warband was dispatched. Devros reviewed the tape, again and again, finding nothing. It was as if a wind blew through the sprawl, assailing the greenskins. A wind that could turn corners, climb ladders, and target each Ork one-by-one, slicing open arms, legs, and necks. His servitor mind had no reference to equate this, his human mind no way to rationalize this. He was watching a ghost. An invisible, unstoppable, murderer unbound by weapons, strength, even gravity itself. Upon reporting his findings, Devros was assigned to techseer maintenance for a diagnostic mindwipe. Clearly he had malfunctioned and altered the recording, though to what end, the Mechanicus priests were not able to discover. Perhaps the pervading promethium of this wretched world simply corroded his circuits. It matters little now.
  16. After a fairly glorious season of elf shenanigans, the Red Reavers were upended soundly by the overbearing lizards of Temple. In suffering only their second loss of the season, fans noted they were the only two games in which both witch elves couldn't help but trip over themselves constantly. To be defeated is noble, to defeat yourself is punishable by death. And so it is that head coach Valaen "the Lash" Flayerspex has dispatched War Rocket Agents to bring back the Reavers' bodies (preferably dismembered into constituent parts for her nightly gruel).
  17. jollyork


    It's one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. But we're only 3 games in, so I suppose it could still unravel.
  18. Didn't remember it stacked, but you (and I) will still be running (or charging) every turn, so those photo visors won't be around long enough to cause grief. Muahahaha ?
  19. Won't affect you since you should be running every turn(or charging) and that is a different penalty for models shooting at you.
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