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Everything posted by Torg

  1. hmmm you have had time to make lists :). Did you get to play with any of these yet? I think it all boils down to what your trying to do ... fluffy vs tactically for your tastes. I am assuming this is for OFCC correct? I guess my first (ok 3rd) question is how do you want to play - I can see aspects with all these lists of play styles which aren't all the same. I know my initial wraithwall list from last year was just pure wraith constructs. It was tough but slow and purposeful. I enjoyed playing the list but it took a bit to get things in place to really make it work. It relied on being tough enough to get close - simply trudging forward. I did have a hemlock and a wraith knight to be able to quick strike things - and to soak up my opponents fire. The hemlock seemed to be scary ... and it was pretty survivable into the later rounds. Especially if you paid attention to keeping it obscured whenever possible. The Wraithknight I experimented with a few different builds - but in the end I ran it base... and tried to keep it obscured while running up to smash something before it was taken out due to mass fire. I settled on the base build sometimes the sword build. But even in my initial games with the list the wraith knight was target which never seemed to last long lol. So I embraced that fact and ran it cheap and used it to soak up fire while the rest of my army got into the fight. Most battles were close ... and the army seemed built for dragging out games to a draw or narrow decision. Which is something I was ok with lol. -d
  2. hmmm my fraithwall list has no troops... just vanguard build - but lots of wraith guard and constructs. Wraithseer was my warlord. I think the bone singer was my only non-wraith unit lol. This list looks interesting - nice mix. Although I'd like to see some wraith guard in it just for deadly shooting at least. -d
  3. I have seen quite a few defiler proxies on Thingiverse ... (3D print files)
  4. I find lots on eBay... prices vary dramatically. I like the look of vanguard mini's stuff. There is another one I can't think of at the moment. But part of my justification for my 3D printer (resin) was to stop hunting eBay stuff for minis and old gaming things... and just print them. -d
  5. time... is the hardest part.... really want to play epic more. I have been 3D printing elements for epic this past weekend - for Necron (monoliths and big pylon thing) along with some bastions. I'm hoping to con my friend to play some games when he is staying with me for a month this summer.
  6. listening to the follow up Splintermind podcast... more good stuff. Got my list idea almost nailed down. -d
  7. war on cancer? WAAAAGH On Cancer? WAAAGH for a Cure? ... still thinking on it
  8. hmmm i will keep my calendar open for this... thanks LH -d
  9. hmmm I finally picked up a 3D printer... (any cubic photon S (2nd gen)) purely for figures... and smaller high detail items. As well as multi-part detail models. I simply couldn't justify spending more on lower consistent resolution. But so far its working great... although I have only printed a couple tests prints thus far. I have started following a few patreon blogs looking at some good quality figures. -d
  10. Torg

    GG got sold....

    Ahhh ok. I knew I got my wires crossed somehow lol. looking at MOX website - seems like it may be nice for a one-off night out with friends and family of gamers perhaps. I don't see it as a regular stop for me just based on location. Guardian Games has a nice location ... parking can be fussy but street parking in off hours seems easy enough. Although I only go in there a couple times a year. Their are lots of game store options in town these days - which is nice to see. Back in the 80's-90's it was hard to find a consistent place to go and get stuff lol (still miss you military corner / bridgetown 😞 ). As long as Guardian and Mox don't overlap to much (food, spirits and game environment) I could see them doing ok... Otherwise I'm not so sure there is room for them both. Considering all the other options around town for game / hobby stores... even Guardian isn't a must go to location to get stuff. -d
  11. in that area ('couv) I have played at Fate and Fury games. Did some Apoc there most recently. But I don't live anywhere close to that area lol. -d
  12. Torg

    GG got sold....

    OK ... wait I thought MOX was the one to purchase GG... this is an entirely different store opening? ok... not what I was thinking was happening. I don't go to GG often (aside from the yard sales :)... ) And I probably won't get to MOX at all if its on the west side. -d
  13. just waiting for it to be done... and ... over. The last few shows have had many WTF moments- plot holes and just lazy writing. But the visuals are good - and I enjoy watching. Until, I start thinking about it too much lol. At this point I am really just trying to get r' done lol. One more show - and its over ... so just trying to enjoy it. -d
  14. After listening I am thinking I need to pull out my available units and start toying around with lists. I am still imagining my Harlequin - DE- CE team up flying assault-ish force... that has been on my brain for the better part of a decade lol. If I am lucky I will get it together so I can play test it before OFCC lol. Harlequin (RT Era bikes) as revers, hellions, and a unit of Wyches as "mimes". More RT Harlequin jet bikes conversions for shining spears, sky weavers included along with other flying weapon platforms. Counts as Autarch on jet bike as Baron Sathonyx... with that new NICE blade from the Ynnari artifacts... for starters. Just have to settle on whom of Triumvirate I would take as well.. leaning on Yncarne possibly as a laughing god conversion (I have one I made from the old Necron deceiver already made). I's a start - I will have to see how the points work out lol. -d
  15. Listening now - getting some good ideas 😄
  16. hmmm I had started collecting stuff for Garlands last year... even have the MICRO garlands set :)] Trying to find a way to make myself available to do this. -d
  17. I'd love to do this. but weekday game nights have been a killer with my current commute.
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