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Everything posted by Jay

  1. 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. The 1/1 counters will just be applied. They do not come from anything you have. This page has all the current sets special rules: http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/feature/bornofthegodsmechanics#anchor2
  2. Yup. I have seen 3 Saim Hann including mine. 3 or 4 Iyanden. 2 Ulthwe. And 2 Altaioc. I have never seen a Biel Tan in the Northwest.
  3. Torg do you remember my Eldar from out Wyld Stallynz team?
  4. Torg is a top notch painter. I would have to agree with the Biel tan fans though. I've never seen it in the area.
  5. Hey Torg, Empty your inbox so I can PM you.
  6. Hey Rom, I was thinking about ordering a hornet. Ya want to split them?
  7. Terrain for the Infinity crowd that doesn't require overseas shipping and looks fun to play on. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/burnindesignsceo/the-skyway-project-gaming-at-a-higher-level
  8. Do you have pictures of the painted?
  9. Better photos coming soon. But first a preview for all the Infinity fans out there.
  10. Jay

    Nomad Remotes

    So I have all the bakunin infantry but I have not bought any remotes. I was thinking of getting one box to try out. Which one should I get?
  11. Prepare for the return of Jay. :)
  12. I am looking for an unbuilt set of Blood Knights. Metal is preferred but I would probably go for finecast at this point. Also if anyone bought the dragon kit for the Terrorgheist, I would be interested in the left over knight bits. I am also looking for as many of the Fenrisian wolves as I can get my hands on.
  13. After working with resin buildings from a a couple different companies, I do not think that resin is a good medium for buildings. It's too costly for what you end up with. I love it for scatter terrain. I will stick to the laser cut wood for buildings or hirst arts.
  14. Awesome! What is your deadline for requests?
  15. Is it only the red available or are the urban detailing sets still available?
  16. Is it too late to get in on the AW terrain?
  17. You know we have an Infinity forum right?
  18. I would prefer we stick to non beta stuff but it would not deter me.
  19. Are the rules settled for them yet? I haven't checked in awhile.
  20. Honestly Jim, I barely ever read the narrative. It was just window dressing on what was largely a social event for me. They made for great league play though.
  21. Jay

    wild west exodus

    Wow. I just peeked at their website (the werebear from the caricature Native Americans intrigued me). But those prices are ridiculous. That would kill any interest I may have gained. I still want the werebear. :)
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