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Everything posted by dashneeb

  1. True cynics were not swayed.
  2. I find avoiding tournaments, and having games with friends where you just have fun and avoid the whole "cutthroat" lists are the best way to continue to have fun with games.
  3. The third Nolan movie was not a mess because it was trying to be dark and gritty. It was poorly written, poorly executed, and Nolan even said his heart wasn't in it.
  4. I don't want an over the top Fisk at all, but I don't want one that looks like a deer in headlights like over half the time I've seen him. I'm currently through eight episodes, and I'm still liking it. However, I'm actually laughing because of the simple fact that so many Marvel fans jumped on DC when they said that they want a dark, gritty universe, and that there aren't really jokes. They kept through that with Arrow for the most part. Marvel fans leapt in and said "that's silly, that's why you don't make Avengers money" and bashed them for taking that stance. Then Marvel and Netflix release a dark, gritty, not comical hero series and Marvel fans praise it saying it's awesome. When it's not like the movies at all, it's dark and gritty, and not very humorous. All those things that they said were bad when DC did them. In fact, I find a very "Batman begins" feel to it. Just makes me giggle a bit.
  5. For the comments on the costume, I'd have kept it what it was. Cargo pants and under armor shirts with a black mask. It's simple, elegant, and worthy. His suit that he eventually wears from the stills I've seen looks better when zoomed out, but terrible from certain angles. Also, I'm not a fan of agents of shield. I lost all interest when they showed that they brought Colston back. I don't see how 'considering it's Marvel it's amazing'. That just means people aren't looking for anything other than a gee whiz, they made something else for me to consume excuse for watching.
  6. Hah, Daredevil has it's annoying characters, like, the secretary and Foggy is up and down. I really like Ulrich, and the nurse, but Rosario Dawson is a great actress. I think Matt was very well cast, but there's so much of what I'd just call TV people. The writing is OK, and to be honest, I think the Kingpin is very much not entirely like the comic, as he seems almost paralyzed by social situations. Of course, he's only been in for one episode right now, but he seems not like the Kingpin to me. However, I'm enjoying the show, but I just think that there's too many people who are along the lines of "It's Marvel and therefore it's beyond awesome." which I'd disagree with.
  7. I don't pull punches :) Seriously, for a "superhero" series, it's certainly on par with Arrow (Haven't watched Flash, so I can't comment on that). I'll be able to render more of a verdict but the outfit? Yikes. Should stick with the black, it's nice to see super heroes without tailors...
  8. Furious 7 - 6/10. I thought the end climax of 6 was ridiculous. However, 7 was just one over the top thing after another. Not sure I cared after a while, you almost become numb to the sequences. The send off was OK, and probably well deserved.
  9. I like Super Dungeon. Relic Knights I found very different as far as a skirmish game goes, and not sure I entirely like how it goes. It's very different, and almost requires a different level of thought. Super Dungeon is one of those things though, your heroes really need to work together and have a plan, otherwise the bosses are crazy tough. I'm interested in Ninja All-stars as well.
  10. I wouldn't say it's the best. I find that the writing is OK, the acting is also "OK" and it tries to take itself very seriously. I will also say that one of the things I do like (mostly because it isn't following DC's lead) is that it seems to be interwoven into the MCU. However, while I'm only a couple of episodes in, I find it on part with Arrow, and that's a good thing. But good lord, the stills I've seen of his actual suit... that frightens me. Because it's awful.
  11. HotS is a great game. I've been in since the Alpha as well, and I really enjoy it much more than LoL or DotA. Mostly because it's fast enough paced, and they don't focus on things which bring the elitist "skillz" out, like last hitting. However, if that's your deal, you can actually play characters who get abilities with it. The Stealth heroes are more annoyances than anything else for the serious players. Zeratul is actually much worse than Nova, because he has an escape. The Nova clone got better recently, but it's still always easy to spot the one running away. :) My biggest issue right now is that their match making still leaves a bit to be desired. I think that there's some weird memory issues, with momentary lag at times, and it comes and goes, so I don't know what all is going on there. I liked that they opened up more levels on characters, although I haven't played Tychus in so long that they changed some stuff on him (most notably a second health bar on his Odin ultimate) that I was actually taken by surprise. Raynor also used to be an absolute pimp and he got hit with the nerf bat hard. <sigh>
  12. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kotigames/battle-arena-show?ref=nav_search Looks interesting, slightly different than the Cool Mini take on the MOBA board game.
  13. Scotty was in engineering helping the Captain with a transporter issue.
  14. I saw Star Trek the Motion picture a long time ago. I'd give it a 1/5. Too slow. Too boring. Also, no one was officially retired I thought? Kirk had been promoted, and the rest were all there training after the refit of the ship?
  15. You can see more shots here: http://www.theverge.com/2015/3/31/8318101/japanese-star-wars-toys-darth-vader-boba-fett
  16. Well, I was probably too cryptic. GW likes to think that they own the whole humanoid rat concept, since they say Skaven are their one "created" part of Fantasy. Granted, these ones have real guns :)
  17. Hrmm... humanoid rats... that's dangerous territory to be wading into.
  18. So as it was explained to me, it goes a bit like this: Chaos is going to be able to appear basically anywhere through dimensional portals. They're shooting forward in time a bit, and they're combining races. However, was I was also told was that they're going more of a LotR style of game, hence the round bases. They also apparently don't mind making Fantasy veterans unhappy because there aren't enough to make mad. It completely makes sense from a "start over" standpoint that they'd have the world rebuilt. So no Dark Elves/High Elves, there's now just apparently "elves." Same thing with Tomb Kings/Vampire Counts, back to just being undead. And while I'd say I have this on decent authority, it's not to say I couldn't have been given a line of total BS, but from who I got it from, I'm saying that I have no reason to doubt.
  19. It meshes with what I heard about the new format. Not shocked at all.
  20. Since Princess Bride was mentioned, I remember seeing this yesterday. Not sure I entirely agree, but it's close. http://www.tor.com/blogs/2015/03/ranking-all-of-1980s-fantasy
  21. I really hope they're licensed...
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